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The Latest in PHP June 2017 Edition

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Presented by Chris Gmyr @cmgmyr

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PHP Releases 7.1.6, 7.0.20, 7.2.0-alpha1 4 Bug Fixes 4 4

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PHP RFCs Accepted: Object typehint ( object-typehint) function acceptsObject(object $obj) { // }

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PHP RFCs Implemented (7.2): Allow abstract function override ( override) abstract class A { abstract function bar(stdClass $x); } abstract class B extends A { abstract function bar($x): stdClass; } class C extends B { function bar($x): stdClass{} } // Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function A::bar() // (previously declared abstract in B)

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PHP RFCs Under Discussion: UUID ( “Provide a UUID implementation as part of the PHP standard module…” (implement into core)

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PHPUnit 6.2.0 4 Bug fixes 4 Better support for counting non-Iterator Traversable objects 4 Add support for disabling the conversion of E_DEPRECATED to exceptions 4 Add --no-logging option to disable logging Announcement-for-PHPUnit-6.2.0

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Framework: Laravel 5.4.[23-27] 4 Added ability to eager load counts via $withCount property 4 Added Router::apiResource() method (no create or edit routes) 4 Added TestResponse::assertViewIs() method 4 Added Model::refresh() shorthand 4 Added Request::routeIs() & Route Route::isName() 4 Added Macroable trait to FactoryBuilder

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Laravel 5.5 in July !

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Framework: Symfony 4 2.7.[28-29] 4 2.8.[21-22] 4 3.2.9 4 3.3.[0-2] new-features

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CMS: Drupal 4 8.3.3 4 7.55

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CMS: Wordpress 4.8 “Evans” 4 Widget Updates: Image, Video, Audio, Rich Text 4 Multi-site updates 4 JS API updates: Text Editor, Media Widgets

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CMS: Magento 2.0.14 4 Support for MasterCard BIN number expansion 4 Resolution of multiple high priority and critical security issues 2.1.7 4 Resolution of multiple high priority and critical security issues 4 Reversion of the changes to image resizing that we introduced in 2.1.6

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IDE: PHPStorm 2017.2 EAP 4 New Composer actions 4 traits improvements 4 New UML actions 4 remove Composer dependency action 4 PHP extensions detection 4 improved UI for PHP settings page

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IDE: VSCode 1.13 4 Set multiple cursors with Ctrl/Cmd + Click 4 Improved Git merge 4 Emmet abbreviations display 4 Enhanced snippets 4 Docker and MERN debugging recipes

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PHP Conferences - June Dutch PHP Conference June 29–July 1, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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PHP Conferences - July Laracon July 25-26, NYC

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Nomad PHP - June 22 US Pieces of Auth By Chris Cornutt Europe Transforming PHP By Christopher Pitt

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Upcoming regional events Oct 7-8 - NCDevCon - Oct 23-24 - All Things Open -

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Notable News & Articles 4 How to Go From Development to Deployment with Docker 4 Controllers and Domain Exceptions 4 What is PSR-7 and How to Use It 4 Web Developer Security Checklist 4 PHP Versions Stats - 2017.1 Edition 4 Generate a JSON Feed with Laravel 4 Laravel 5.5 Gets Improvements with the Default Error Views 4 What Is WP-CLI? A Beginner’s Guide 4 15 years of Xdebug

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Next Month @ TrianglePHP TBD Presented By - You?!? Thursday, July 20 6pm Atlantic BT

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Have a Job/Need a Job Who's hiring? Who's looking? What are you looking for?

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Tonight @ TrianglePHP Microlithic Applications in PHP Presented By - Michael Kelly Thank you to Atlantic BT for hosting and refreshments!