Alistair Duggin
Accessibility = no barriers
The inclusive practice of removing barriers
that prevent interaction with, or access to
websites and services, by people with
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Alistair Duggin
Accessibility is about people
Accessibility means
designing for the range
of abilities your
audience has
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Alistair Duggin
Accessibility is dependant on
• content
• design
• code
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Alistair Duggin
Accessibility means ensuring that
people can successfully use a
service - regardless of impairment
or technology
Alistair Duggin
This is for everyone
We build our digital service for all our
citizens. Everyone needs to be able to use
them - regardless of ability and technology
used to access them.
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Alistair Duggin
1 in 5 people
have a disability
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Visual impairments
2 million people in the UK have significant
sight loss
360,000 people are blind or partially sighted
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Auditory impairments
12 million people in the UK with some kind of
hearing loss
900,000 people are severely or profoundly deaf
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Cognitive impairments
6.4 million in the UK have dyslexia
700,000 are on the autistic spectrum
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Alistair Duggin
“1 in 6 adults struggle to read”
The Reading Agency
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Mobility impairments
577,000 people receive benefits as a result
of having problems with mobility
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The prevalence of disability rises with age
6% of children are disabled
16% of working age adults
45% of adults over State Pension age
1 in 2 people will be disabled at some point
in their lifetime
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Ageing population
12 million people of state pension age
The number of people aged 60 or over is
projected to rise by over 50 percent in the
next 25 years