Service Operation Centered Development
2019/04/09 DevOpsDays Tokyo 2019
Mitsuyuki Shiiba (@bufferings)
EC Incubation Development Dept.
Rakuten, Inc.
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@bufferings #devops_b2
"It's their fault, not ours"
Photo by Alexander McFeron on Unsplash
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@bufferings #devops_b2
After all, does it make the service better?
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@bufferings #devops_b2
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Mitsuyuki Shiiba
Web Application Engineer
@Rakuten Osaka from 2010
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@bufferings #devops_b2
countries & regions
with local operational presence
70 +
1.3 B
global members
¥ 15.4 T
global gross transaction value
Figures are from accessed on April 3rd, 2019
@bufferings #devops_b2
Trouble shooting
Inquiry handling
Alert handling
Version upgrade
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Service Operation is
to keep the service stable
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Service Operation is to the service
Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash
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@bufferings #devops_b2
"It's a lot of fun!"
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@bufferings #devops_b2
doing both operation and development including the releases
The Team
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@bufferings #devops_b2
that's because
knowing != understanding
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Too many alerts
Non-automated tests
Long methods
Meaningless names
Manual deployment
Not updated documents
Big ball of mud
Dirty servers
What makes
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@bufferings #devops_b2
then I understood in 2011
understanding != doing
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash
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@bufferings #devops_b2
We should connect dev & ops in our heads
putting Service Operation at the center
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Good culture, feature flags, chatops, and more.
Rakuma team wants you! -> (Wantedly)
if current_time <= 7m
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@bufferings #devops_b2
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@bufferings #devops_b2
1. Reply to all the alerts immediately
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@bufferings #devops_b2
It's US who get woken up at midnight, not anyone else.
Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Is this really necessary?
• Can we check it next morning?
• Can we retry it?
• Can we develop automatic recovery?
What's actually happened?
• What's the impact on the users?
• What should we do for it?
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@bufferings #devops_b2
so that everyone can think about the impact & the solution
message("What's happened?")
.cause("What's the cause?")
.impact("What's the user impact?")
.solution("What do we have to do?")
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@bufferings #devops_b2
to know the actual impact on the users
(Learned) Handle them at the controller layer
Data Access
Application Service
Controller ← We can know the user impact
← We can't know the user impact
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@bufferings #devops_b2
2. Safe by Design
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Fool Proof
to use the tools at ease
Fail Safe
to keep consistency for
every single line
so that we can send a same
message multiple times
Eventual Consistency
for automatic recovery
Decoupled Architecture
to minimize the user impact
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@bufferings #devops_b2
3. Services over Projects
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Think the service narrative
including non-systematized area
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Service quality over project deadline
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Delivered value over estimation accuracy
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Reading time over writing time
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@bufferings #devops_b2
• having reason for every single line
• meaningful names
• small methods
• overview → detail
• keep them updated
• just enough quality & quantity
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Team's growth over resource efficiency
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@bufferings #devops_b2
• Pair Work, Mob Work
• Learning Sessions
• Daily Experiments
Learning Teams
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@bufferings #devops_b2
EC Start-up Group is mobbing everyday!
-> (Rakuten Careers)
if current_time <= 15m
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@bufferings #devops_b2
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@bufferings #devops_b2
1. Feel the forces
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@bufferings #devops_b2
"I don't know why they don't do this!"
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Feel the forces in the org. Respect & trust other people.
Doing the right thing in your place doesn't work
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@bufferings #devops_b2
We only can see what we know
Respect other people's expertise
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Trust everyone feels joy to make the service better.
Trust people, doubt Ba(場: environment)
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@bufferings #devops_b2
or change the forces together
Take advantage of the forces for the service
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@bufferings #devops_b2
2. See around the corner
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@bufferings #devops_b2
Photo by dan carlson on Unsplash
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@bufferings #devops_b2
See what would come next for the service, and prepare for them
• business
• technology
• design
• organization
Everything is changing rapidly
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@bufferings #devops_b2
1. Reply to all the alerts
2. Safe by Design
3. Services over Projects
1. Feel the forces
2. See around the corner
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@bufferings #devops_b2
After all, does it make the service better?
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@bufferings #devops_b2
10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr