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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Lecture 16. Final Project

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Announcements 2 * Final Exam March 13 (Lecture Time) * Final Project Due by March 20 (no extensions)

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Final Project Submission

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Submission a ) Fin a l Version of your Source Code - submit your J a v a f iles b) Softw a re Design - your UML cl a ss di a gr a m c) Metrics – Provide a bstr a ctness, inst a bility, a nd dist a nce v a lues for e a ch cl a ss. d) Final presentation video – Sh a re a link to your recorded present a tion. 4

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Video Presentation Part 1. Demo

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First Act – The product for the Customer Demo of your project. Show your project running. :: notes :: you c a n, a ddition a lly, t a lk (brie f ly) a bout your extr a items or missing items. 6

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Video Presentation Part 2. Software Design

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Second Act – Software Design Show your a rchitecture a nd cl a ss di a gr a m. (Show wh a t is import a nt a nd m a ke it e a sy to re a d for the a udience) :: notes :: (you c a n use colors for the cl a sses, for inst a nce, group cl a sses of the s a me p a ttern) • Wh a t did you do th a t m a ke this design “good”. • Do you a chieve SOLID? • Do you improve A, I, or D? (show the 2D plot reg a rding where your cl a sses a re in terms of the p a in zone) 8

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Second Act – Structural Metrics 9 Abstract concrete Stable Hard to Change Only incoming dependencies Unstable Changeable Only outgoing dependencies

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Video Presentation Part 3. Code

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Third Act – The product • Source code cle a n, DRY, a nd KIS • E a ch cl a ss in its own f ile • J a v a Doc Comments for e a ch cl a ss • Does the product h a ve a “good” qu a lity? • Does your code m a tch your design (cl a ss di a gr a m)? 11

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Peers Not for the Video

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(self and peer evaluation) • NOT for the video. A link will be provided for this • (self a nd peer ev a lu a tion) Wh a t should be your gr a de a nd the gr a de of e a ch of your te a mm a tes? - if a ny 13

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Final Project: Cognitive Tests

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Ask for User Name 15 Test Score About

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Menus 16 Test Score About

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Digit Span Test 1. St a rt with 2 digits. 2. Show e a ch digit one a t a time with a del a y. 3. Hide numbers a nd st a rt the a nswer timer. 4. C a pture user input a nd speed (time) 5. Check correctness: • If correct, incre a se correct count. • If incorrect, incre a se error count. 6. Adjust di ff iculty: • +1 digit a fter 3 consecutive correct a nswers. • End the test a fter 3 errors a t the s a me level. 7. Store correct a nswers, errors, a nd response times. 8. Displ a y summ a ry a t the end. 17

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Backward Digit Span Test 1. St a rt with 2 digits. 2. Show e a ch digit one a t a time with a del a y. 3. Hide numbers a nd st a rt the a nswer timer. 4. C a pture user input a nd speed (time) - user must write the numbers in reverse order 5. Check correctness: • If correct, incre a se correct count. • If incorrect, incre a se error count. 6. Adjust di ff iculty: • +1 digit a fter 3 consecutive correct a nswers. • End the test a fter 3 errors a t the s a me level. 7. Store correct a nswers, errors, a nd response times. 8. Displ a y summ a ry a t the end. 18

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[Backward] Digit Span Test 19 9 7 1

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• The p a rticip a nt is presented with a sequence cont a ining both letters a nd numbers in r a ndom order (e.g., B - 4 - A - 2). • They must ment a lly reorder the sequence, f irst a rr a nging numbers in a scending order, followed by letters in a lph a betic a l order (e.g., 2 - 4 - A - B). • The test begins with short sequences a nd gr a du a lly incre a ses in length until the p a rticip a nt c a n no longer a ccur a tely rec a ll a nd re a rr a nge the items. Higher scores indic a te strong working memory, a ttention, a nd cognitive f lexibility. Letter-Number Sequencing Test 20

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Letter-Number Sequencing Test 21 9 A 1 Letters: Numbers: B

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• The test consists of nine identic a l blocks pl a ced in r a ndom positions on a bo a rd or screen. • Computer t a ps (highlight) a sequence of blocks in a speci f ic order. • The p a rticip a nt must w a tch a nd then reproduce the sequence by t a pping the s a me blocks in the s a me order. • The sequences st a rt short (e.g., 2 t a ps) a nd gr a du a lly incre a se in length. • The score is b a sed on the longest sequence the p a rticip a nt c a n successfully rec a ll before m a king mist a kes. Corsi Block-Tapping Test 22

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Corsi Block-Tapping Test 23

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Corsi Block-Tapping Test 24

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Stroop Test • Presents p a rticip a nts with color words (e.g., “RED”, “BLUE”) written in incongruent ink colors. The p a rticip a nt’s t a sk is to click on a colored button corresponding to the ink color., not the word itself. • Congruent Condition: When the word a nd ink color m a tch (e.g., “RED” written in red ink). • Incongruent Condition: When the word a nd ink color do not m a tch (e.g., “RED” written in blue ink). • Show 21 questions (7 correct colors, 7 wrong colors, 7 words th a t a re not color n a mes) • Store time a nd perform a nce 25

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Stroop Test 26 T a ble

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Stroop Test 27 Blue

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Stroop Test 28 Red

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Trail Making Test A Circles (10 to 20) a re sc a ttered a cross the screen without following a strict grid to ensure th a t users a ctively se a rch for the next element in the sequence. The user must connect numbered circles (1→2→3…) in sequenti a l order a s quickly a s possible. One time g a me 29

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Trail Making Test B Circles (10 to 20) a re sc a ttered a cross the screen without following a strict grid to ensure th a t users a ctively se a rch for the next element in the sequence. The user a ltern a tes between numbers a nd letters in sequence (1→A→2→B→3→C…). One time g a me 30

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Trail Making Test A 31 1 3 8 10 5 9 7 2 6 4

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Trail Making Test A 32 1 3 8 10 5 9 7 2 6 4

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Tower of London • The t a sk consists of three vertic a l pegs of di ff erent heights a nd three colored b a lls (red, green, a nd blue). • The b a lls c a n be moved one a t a time, with the go a l of re a ching a prede f ined t a rget a rr a ngement. • The p a rticip a nt must complete the t a sk in the fewest number of moves possible. 33

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Tower of London 34

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Tower of London 35 Go a l:

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Menus 36 Test Score About Test Time Score

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GoF Patterns 37

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Questions 38

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CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. Winter 2025 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.