Slide 29
Slide 29 text
Mobility Technologies Co., Ltd.
n Face Detector : RetinaFace
n Unet Architecture
n Tuned by LB
n RAdam + ReduceLROnPlateau & Tune Learning Rate
n Use different frames of each video every epoch
n Hard Augmentations & Large Model(efficientnet-b5) (0.3 -> 0.27 boost)
n shift, scale, rotate, rgbshift, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, value, noise and blur
n JpegCompression and Downscale
n Increase Face Margin (0.27 -> 0.214 boost)
n 7 efficientnet-b4 and 3 efficientnet-b5 with different seeds and did simple average by 30 frames
Public 2nd Place Solution
Face Marginを⼤きく取るというところの差分が⼤きい
Augmentation後の情報も上⼿く学習させるにはMarginが必要なのかも(ScaleやRotate, Shift)