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Cooking gRPC

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Who knows what is gRPC?

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What «g» in «gRPC» stands for?

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Slide 8 text What «g» in «gRPC» stands for?

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Slide 9 text 2.good What «g» in «gRPC» stands for?

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Slide 10 text 2.good 3.generous What «g» in «gRPC» stands for?

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Slide 11 text 2.good 3.generous 4.gRPC What «g» in «gRPC» stands for?

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Slide 12 text 2.good 3.generous 4.gRPC What «g» in «gRPC» stands for?

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Slide 13 text Each version of gRPC gets a new description of what the 'g' stands for, since we've never really been able to figure it out. Below is a list of already-used definitions (that should not be repeated in the future), and the corresponding version numbers that used them: • 1.0 'g' stands for ‘gRPC’ • 1.1 'g' stands for ‘good' • 1.2 'g' stands for ‘green' • 1.3 'g' stands for ‘gentle' • 1.4 'g' stands for ‘gregarious' • 1.6 'g' stands for ‘garcia' • 1.7 'g' stands for ‘gambit' • 1.8 'g' stands for ‘generous' • 1.9 'g' stands for 'glossy'

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So, what is gRPC?

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So, what is gRPC? • gRPC is the specification

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So, what is gRPC? • gRPC is the specification • gRPC is the framework

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So, what is gRPC? • gRPC is the specification • gRPC is the framework • gRPC is the community

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Specification gRPC over HTTP/2

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Why HTTP/2?

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Why HTTP/2? • Works with existing HTTP/2 infrastructure (encryption, compression, load balancing, authentication, etc.)

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Why HTTP/2? • Works with existing HTTP/2 infrastructure (encryption, compression, load balancing, authentication, etc.) • Many concurrent bidirectional logical binary streams (channels) inside a single TCP/IP connection

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Why HTTP/2? • Works with existing HTTP/2 infrastructure (encryption, compression, load balancing, authentication, etc.) • Many concurrent bidirectional logical binary streams (channels) inside a single TCP/IP connection • Advanced framing features: prioritization, flow control, server push, etc.

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Why not HTTP 1.1?

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Why not HTTP 1.1? • No concurrent streams over a single connection

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Why not HTTP 1.1? • No concurrent streams over a single connection • No bidirectional streaming (without hacks like Bayeux or BOSH, or HTTP Upgrade mechanism)

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Why not HTTP 1.1? • No concurrent streams over a single connection • No bidirectional streaming (without hacks like Bayeux or BOSH, or HTTP Upgrade mechanism) • Headers can’t be compressed

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Request example HEADERS (flags = END_HEADERS) :method = POST :scheme = http :path = /PublisherService/CreateTopic :authority = grpc-timeout = 1S content-type = application/grpc+proto grpc-encoding = gzip authorization = Bearer y235.wef DATA (flags = END_STREAM)

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Response example HEADERS (flags = END_HEADERS) :status = 200 grpc-encoding = gzip content-type = application/grpc+proto DATA HEADERS (flags = END_STREAM, END_HEADERS) grpc-status = 0 # OK trace-proto-bin = jher831yy13JHy3hc

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What’s inside?

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What’s inside? • protobuf as a default message serialization format

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What’s inside? • protobuf as a default message serialization format • Server and client code generation

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What’s inside? • protobuf as a default message serialization format • Server and client code generation • Delicacy: context propagation with timeouts and metadata, HTTP/2 PINGs, GOAWAY, etc.

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What’s inside? • protobuf as a default message serialization format • Server and client code generation • Delicacy: context propagation with timeouts and metadata, HTTP/2 PINGs, GOAWAY, etc. • A lot of (auto-) tuning possibilities: HTTP/2 WINDOW_UPDATE, etc.

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Why protobuf?

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Why protobuf? • RPC, not only messages

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Why protobuf? • RPC, not only messages • Strongly typed, useful zero values, backward- and forward-compatibility, canonical mapping to JSON

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Why protobuf? • RPC, not only messages • Strongly typed, useful zero values, backward- and forward-compatibility, canonical mapping to JSON • Code generation

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Why protobuf? • RPC, not only messages • Strongly typed, useful zero values, backward- and forward-compatibility, canonical mapping to JSON • Code generation • Effective*

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Why protobuf? • RPC, not only messages • Strongly typed, useful zero values, backward- and forward-compatibility, canonical mapping to JSON • Code generation • Effective* • … but specification is agnostic to message serialization format

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Why protobuf? • RPC, not only messages • Strongly typed, useful zero values, backward- and forward-compatibility, canonical mapping to JSON • Code generation • Effective* • … but specification is agnostic to message serialization format • … but please use protobuf v3 by default

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How it looks message HelloRequest { string greeting = 1; } message HelloResponse { string reply = 1; } service HelloService { rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse); }

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How it looks for streaming message HelloRequest { string greeting = 1; } message HelloResponse { string reply = 1; } service HelloService { rpc SayHello (stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse); }

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Metadata • Key-value pairs for each request and response

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Metadata • Key-value pairs for each request and response • Once per RPC call, not per message

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Metadata • Key-value pairs for each request and response • Once per RPC call, not per message • Can be sent even before request message is received

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Metadata • Key-value pairs for each request and response • Once per RPC call, not per message • Can be sent even before request message is received • Standard (timeouts, authentication, etc.) and custom

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Metadata • Key-value pairs for each request and response • Once per RPC call, not per message • Can be sent even before request message is received • Standard (timeouts, authentication, etc.) and custom • Available via context.Context

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Error handling

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Error handling • 17 standard response codes

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Error handling • 17 standard response codes • Some can be generated by the framework, some are not

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Error handling • 17 standard response codes • Some can be generated by the framework, some are not • Custom codes can* be used

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Error handling • 17 standard response codes • Some can be generated by the framework, some are not • Custom codes can* be used • Always available, even if underlying transport is broken

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Error handling • 17 standard response codes • Some can be generated by the framework, some are not • Custom codes can* be used • Always available, even if underlying transport is broken • google/rpc/status.proto can be used (embedded or not) for extended statuses

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Embedded error message Status { int32 code = 1; string message = 2; repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 3; } message MyResponse { Status status = 1; … }

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More framework features

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More framework features • Retries and back-off strategies

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More framework features • Retries and back-off strategies • Server reflection

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More framework features • Retries and back-off strategies • Server reflection • Service configuration

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Use cases

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Use cases • Backend to backend (microservices)

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Use cases • Backend to backend (microservices) • Mobile apps

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Use cases • Backend to backend (microservices) • Mobile apps • Browsers (both moderns and old)

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Use cases • Backend to backend (microservices) • Mobile apps • Browsers (both moderns and old) • Ad-hoc scripts (curl and duct tape)

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Middlewares • Cascading interceptors

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Middlewares • Cascading interceptors • Authentication, validators, panic recovery, logging, metrics, tracing, etc.

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Alternative transports

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Alternative transports • gRPC Web (over HTTP/2 for browsers)

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Alternative transports • gRPC Web (over HTTP/2 for browsers) • gRPC Websocket Proxy (over HTTP/1.1)

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Alternative transports • gRPC Web (over HTTP/2 for browsers) • gRPC Websocket Proxy (over HTTP/1.1) • gRPC REST Gateway (both yummy and bitter)

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Alternative transports • gRPC Web (over HTTP/2 for browsers) • gRPC Websocket Proxy (over HTTP/1.1) • gRPC REST Gateway (both yummy and bitter) • gRPC JSON-RPC Gateway*

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Alternative transports • gRPC Web (over HTTP/2 for browsers) • gRPC Websocket Proxy (over HTTP/1.1) • gRPC REST Gateway (both yummy and bitter) • gRPC JSON-RPC Gateway* *does not exist

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Learn more

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Learn more •

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Learn more • •

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Learn more • • • Documentation

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Learn more • • • Documentation •

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Even more!

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Even more! •

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Even more! • •

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