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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo for Maker 박제창 (Dreamwalker) / GDG Golang Korea TinyGo를 위한 여정 Go to Songdo 2023

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Go to Songdo 2023 • 박제창 @Dreamwalker • Dreamus Company • GDG Golang Korea • Flutter Seoul • Github: JAICHANGPARK Speaker

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Go to Songdo 2023

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Go to Songdo 2023 Index ● MicroController ● Language & IDE ● Build, Compile, Flash ⚡ ● TinyGo ● TinyGo Led Blink ● TinyGo I2C

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Go to Songdo 2023 Are you maker?

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Go to Songdo 2023 Are you maker Programming 회로설계 PCB (Artwork) 등등 Hardware Software MCU 인두기 장비들 3D 프린터 각종 공구 등등 다재다능해야함.

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Go to Songdo 2023 Microcontroller AVR

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 도체: 전류가 잘 통하는 물질 ○ 금, 은 ○ 구리 ● 부도체: 전류가 통하지 않는 물질 ○ 고무 ○ 기름 ○ 유리 ○ 플라스틱 ● 반도체: 도체와 부도체 그 사이

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) Mass 9.10×10^−31 kg

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 옥텟 규칙(octet rule)을 기억하시나요?

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) 퀴즈 실리콘은 주로 무엇으로 만들어질까요?

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 도핑 (Doping) ○ N형 ■ 실리콘에 Donor를 Doping 하면 생성되는 반도체 ■ 최외각 전자가 5개인 원소를 주입 ○ P형 ■ 실리콘(규소)에 acceptor를 Doping하면 생성되는 반도체 ■ 최외각 전자가 3개인 원소를 주입

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● Diode

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● Diode (Light-emitting diode)

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 진공관

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● Transistor ● 증폭기 ● 스위치(칭)

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 논리회로 ● Half ● Full adder

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 논리회로 ● CMOS Based ● Full Adder

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● 54 시리즈 ● 74 시리즈 ● TTL ● 74LS ● 74HC ● 등등 ● 7408 (AND GATE) ● 7404 ● 7432 ● 등등

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ●

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) i/Zilog_Z80 1976 Transistors : 8,500 4마이크로공정

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) Apple M2 2022 : 20,000,000,000 (200억개) Z80 1970s 8,500개

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Go to Songdo 2023 9.1093837015(28)×10−31 k Micro-controller (MCU) ● FPGA ogrammable_gate_array ● VHDL ● Verilog

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU) Broadcom BCM2711, Quad core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.8GHz NXP i.MX 8M SoC (quad Cortex-A53, Cortex-M4F)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU) Cortex-M0+ processor with 264kB internal RAM and support for up to 16MB of off-chip flash

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU)

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU) 제가 최근 수년간 애용하는.. ESP32 시리즈 32bit Wi-Fi BLE, Bluetooth ZigBee

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Go to Songdo 2023 Micro-controller (MCU) 개발하려는 시스템 필요한 포트 수 (=핀 수) Peripherals 메모리 전원, 시스템 전류 소모 전력 동작 주파수 등등 Complex

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Go to Songdo 2023 Language & IDE

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Go to Songdo 2023 Language 주로 사용하는 언어 C/C++ assembly 익숙하신가요?

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Go to Songdo 2023 General? IDE arm-keil-mdk.html

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Go to Songdo 2023 General? IDE

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Go to Songdo 2023 General? IDE -tools/stm32cubeide.html

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Go to Songdo 2023 General? IDE

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Go to Songdo 2023 Arduino IDE

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Go to Songdo 2023 Arduino IDE

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Go to Songdo 2023 Arduino IDE

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Go to Songdo 2023 Build(Compile) Flash

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Go to Songdo 2023 Build, Compile 스케치는 프로그램 저장 공간 235905 바이트(17%)를 사용. 최대 1310720 바이트. 전역 변수는 동적 메모리 22056바이트(6%)를 사용, 305624바이트의 지역변수가 남음. 최대는 327680 바이트.

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Go to Songdo 2023 Flash 굽다

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo?

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo PlayGround

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo CLI Command build: compile packages and dependencies run: compile and run immediately test: test packages flash: compile and flash to the device gdb: run/flash and immediately enter GDB lldb: run/flash and immediately enter LLDB monitor: open communication port env: list environment variables used during build list: run go list using the TinyGo root clean: empty cache directory (C:\Users\HOME613\AppData\Local\tinygo) targets: list targets info: show info for specified target version: show version help: print this help text

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo Driver ● 보드에 다양한 센서를 연결하여 사용 ● 일반적으로 센서 제조자에서 드라이버를 제공하기도 함(C/C++코드만) ● 그외 제공되는 라이브러리(드라이버)는 오픈소스 형태 ● TinyGo도 대중적인 센서들을 드라이버가 존재해서 쉽게 사용이 가능

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo Go compatibility matrix

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo Install

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Go to Songdo 2023 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser irm | iex TinyGo Install Windows - Scoop

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Go to Songdo 2023 scoop install tinygo TinyGo Install Windows

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Go to Songdo 2023 scoop install binaryen TinyGo Install WebAssembly/WASI

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Go to Songdo 2023 LED BLINK

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect 약 4만원 대

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect Raspberry Pi® RP2040 Nina W102 uBlox module

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect ● Dual Cortex M0+ processor cores, up to 133MHz ● 264kB of embedded SRAM in 6 banks ● 30 multifunction GPIO ● 6 dedicated IO for SPI Flash (supporting XIP) ● Dedicated hardware for commonly used peripherals ● Programmable IO for extended peripheral support ● 4 channel ADC with internal temperature sensor, 500ksps, 12-bit conversion ● USB 1.1 Host/Device

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect TinyGo Support? crocontrollers/nano-rp2040/

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Go to Songdo 2023 #pragma once #include #include #ifndef __PINS_ARDUINO__ #define __PINS_ARDUINO__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" unsigned int PINCOUNT_fn(); #endif #define PIN_LED (13u) #define LED_BUILTIN PIN_LED TinyGo LED Blink

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Go to Songdo 2023 class NinaPin { public: NinaPin(int _pin) : pin(_pin) {}; int get() { return pin; }; int analogReadResolution() { return getAnalogReadResolution(); }; bool operator== (NinaPin const & other) const { return pin ==; } //operator int() = delete; __attribute__ ((error("Change me to a #define"))) operator int(); private: int pin; }; TinyGo LED Blink

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Go to Songdo 2023 // Arduino Example C/C++ based void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(1000); } TinyGo LED Blink

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Go to Songdo 2023 // TinyGo golang based led := machine.LED led.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput}) for { led.Low() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) led.High() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) } TinyGo LED Blink

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink led.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput}) Code Compile LLVM machine code Flash 0x40041000 0xd0000000

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink led.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput})

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink led.Low() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) led.High() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) power led LED BUILT IN

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo LED Blink N Mosfet

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Go to Songdo 2023 I2C Communication

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C ● What’s I2C?

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C ● What’s I2C?

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C 쓰기 읽기 ● What’s I2C?

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C ● What’s I2C?

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C MPU6050

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Go to Songdo 2023 i2c := machine.I2C0 err := i2c.Configure(machine.I2CConfig{ SCL: machine.I2C0_SCL_PIN, SDA: machine.I2C0_SDA_PIN, }) if err != nil { println("could not configure I2C:", err) return } TinyGo I2C

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C

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Go to Songdo 2023 w := []byte{0x75} //117 r := make([]byte, 1) err = i2c.Tx(0x68, w, r) if err != nil { println("could not interact with I2C device:", err) return } println("WHO_AM_I:", r[0]) TinyGo I2C

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Go to Songdo 2023 TinyGo I2C MPU6050

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Go to Songdo 2023 퀴즈 GopherCon Korea 2023 어디서 열릴까요??

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Go to Songdo 2023 Thank you