Slide 26
Slide 26 text
CoreMediaIO DAL Plug-In
PlugIn *plugIn = [PlugIn SharedPlugIn];
plugIn.objectId = objectID;
Device *device = [[Device alloc] init];
CMIOObjectID deviceId;
error = CMIOObjectCreate(PlugInRef(), kCMIOObjectSystemObject, kCMIODeviceClassID, &deviceId);
Stream *stream = [[Stream alloc] init];
CMIOObjectID streamId;
error = CMIOObjectCreate(PlugInRef(), deviceId, kCMIOStreamClassID, &streamId);
stream.objectId = streamId;
[[ObjectStore SharedObjectStore] setObject:stream forObjectId:streamId];
device.streamId = streamId;
// Tell the system about the Device
error = CMIOObjectsPublishedAndDied(PlugInRef(), kCMIOObjectSystemObject, 1, &deviceId, 0, 0);
// Tell the system about the Stream
error = CMIOObjectsPublishedAndDied(PlugInRef(), deviceId, 1, &streamId, 0, 0);