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1/63 Contactless detection of cardiopulmonary activity for a person in different scenarios Détection sans contact de l’activité cardio-pulmonaire d’une personne dans différents scénarios Présentée par Sarah Samad Spécialité : Electronique et Télécommunications

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2/63 Plan 1. Objective 2. Heartbeat extraction of a person using filtering method at different radiated powers 3. Heartbeat extraction at different sides of the person and several operating frequencies using wavelets 4. Heartbeat results based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios 5. Conclusion and future works

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3/63 Contact-less measurement for cardio-pulmonary activity • Why? Fixed electrodes are perturbing for newly born, burn victims, long duration monitoring… • How? Microwave Doppler Radar Movement → phase modulated by the time-varying chest position 1. Objective Objective Δ

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4/63 Radar Types 1. Objective CW FMCW UWB Distance measurement - + + Through wall penetration + ++ Low cost +++ ++ + Low power consumer + + - sensitivity +++ ++ + Low hardware complexity ++ + - Processing techniques simplicity +++ ++ + Previous works Our work CW PR = cte and FTX = cte, FMCW, UWB CW using VNA system Comparative study PR and FTX

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5/63 Processing techniques and scenarios Processing techniques used: FFT, STFT, wavelets, Classical filters,… Our work: Comparative studies of ˂˃ processing techniques Scenarios: - Four positions - Moving forward - Behind wall - 1 Ant vs. 2 Ant

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6/63 Measurement system 1. Objective MATLAB

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7/63 Respiration and heartbeat displacement Case Rate (breathes or beats/min) Frequency (Hz) Adult Respiration 12 to 20 0.2 to 0.34 Adult Heartbeat 60 to 120 1 to 2 1. Objective Peak to peak chest motion (mm) Respiration 4 - 12 Heartbeat 0.2 – 0.5

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8/63 Plan 1. Objective 2. Heartbeat extraction of a person using filtering method at different radiated powers 3. Heartbeat extraction at different sides of the person and several operating frequencies using wavelets 4. Heartbeat results based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios 5. Conclusion and future works

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9/63 Measurement parameters 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers Parameter Value Respiration N/Y PR (dBm) 3, -2, -7, -12 and -17 FTX (GHz) 20 Distancesys-per (m) 1

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10/63 Measured signals ECG Without respiration With respiration 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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11/63 Signal processing techniques of a holding breath person = 60(−1) + +⋯+ − = ∗ 1 Hz ⩽ ⩽ 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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12/63 Signal processing techniques of a breathing person 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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13/63 FFT of a holding breath person 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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14/63 FFT of a breathing person FFT before HP Butterworth filter FFT after HP Butterworth filter N = 4 Fc1 = 0.9 Hz 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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15/63 HR extraction of an ECG 28 peaks are obtained in 21.93 sec HR = 60×28 21.93 = 74 bpm = 60(−1) + +⋯+ − 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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16/63 Obtained results in frequency domain Radiated Power Respiration (Y/N) Respiration Rate (Bpm) ECG HR (bpm) VNA HR (bpm) Relative Error (%) 3 N 0 74 80 8.1 -2 N 0 78 83 6.4 -7 N 0 72 77 6.9 -12 N 0 76 80 5.2 -17 N 0 75 77 2.6 3 Y 15.5 81 88 8.6 -2 Y 13 81 88 8.6 -7 Y 13 84 90 7 -12 Y 13 81 88 8.6 -17 Y 13 81 88 9 (%) = 100 × | − | 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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17/63 Peak detection of smoothed signals for a holding breath person Type of smoothing = Sliding average n = 199 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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18/63 Peak detection of filtered signals for a breathing person Butterworth BP filter N = 4 Fc1 = 0.9 Hz and Fc2 = 2 Hz Butterworth HP filter N = 4 Fc = 0.9 Hz + Smoothing n = 199 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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19/63 Obtained results in time domain Radiated Power (dBm) ECG HR (bpm) VNA HR (bpm) RE (%) 3 74 79 6.7 -2 78 84 7.7 -7 72 77 6.9 -12 76 81 6.6 -17 75 80 6.6 Radiated Power (dBm) Relative Error (%) ECG HR (bpm) BP Butterworth N=4, fc1=0.9 Hz, fc2=2 Hz HP Butterworth N=4, fc1=0.9 Hz then smoothing n=199 VNA HR (bpm) RE (%) VNA HR (bpm) RE (%) 3 81 81 0 83 2.4 -2 77 70 9 81 5.1 -7 84 84 0 85 1.2 -12 81 85 4.9 79 2.5 -17 81 83 2.5 82 1.2 Results for holding breath person Results for breathing person 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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20/63 Radiated Power Relative Error (%) FD Relative Error (%) TD 3 8.6 2.4 -2 8.6 5.1 -7 7 1.2 -12 8.6 2.5 -17 9 1.2 Comparison between time and frequency domains using HP filters - RE FD > RE TD - Accurate even at -17 dBm or . mW. 2. HB extraction using filtering method at different radiated powers

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21/63 Plan 1. Objective 2. Heartbeat extraction of a person using filtering method at different radiated powers 3. Heartbeat extraction at different sides of the person and several operating frequencies using wavelets 4. Heartbeat results based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios 5. Conclusion and future works

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22/63 Measurement sides for a breathing person 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets Previous works Contribution Heart-beat rate extraction at 4 sides of the person at 24 GHz [1]. Comparative study of the heart-beat rate extraction at 4 sides of the person at 2.4, 5.8 and 10 GHz. . Left Front Back Right [1] C. Li, Y. Xiao, J. Lin “experiment and spectral analysis of a low-power ka- band heartbeat detector measuring from 4 sides of a human body”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

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23/63 Measurement parameters Parameter Value Respiration Y PR (dBm) 0 FTX (GHz) 2.4, 5.8 and 10 Distancesys-per (m) 1 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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24/63 S21 Phase variation of the cardio-pulmonary activity At 5.8 GHz At 2.4 GHz At 10 GHz 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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25/63 Wavelet decomposition and reconstruction concept Distortion An = [0, fs 2+1 ] Dn = [ fs 2+1 , fs 2 ] = An + Dn + ⋯ + D1 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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26/63 Wavelet decomposition 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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27/63 Suitable wavelet Wavelet type Mean RMSE Bior 2.4 Rbio 1.3 Sym 5 Coif 3 Db 5 Dmey Wavelet types: Daubechies, Symlet, Bior, … RMSE = σ=1 | − ො ()|2 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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28/63 Heartbeat rate extraction using wavelet decomposition 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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29/63 Relative Error (%) Side Frequency (Hz) Bior2.4 Rbio1.3 Sym5 Db5 Coif3 Dmey Front 2.4 12 2 8 13 7 3 5.8 9 5 7 8 16 19 10 9 4 6 6 11 10 Back 2.4 4 2 4 4 2 1 5.8 1 3 9 6 3 16 10 1 2 6 1 3 6 Left 2.4 2 2 1 4 1 6 5.8 5 6 4 0 2 10 10 2 5 13 3 7 7 Right 2.4 7 4 9 2 10 11 5.8 11 7 17 17 16 13 10 10 14 13 12 10 13 Best choices: Bior 2.4, Back side, frequency 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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30/63 Relative error comparison filters vs. wavelet decomposition Butterworth HP filter (N = 4, fc = 0.9 Hz) Bior 2.4 decomposition Relative Error (%) 3. HB extraction at 4 sides and several frequencies using wavelets

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31/63 Plan 1. Objective 2. Heartbeat extraction of a person using filtering method at different radiated powers 3. Heartbeat extraction at different sides of the person and several operating frequencies using wavelets 4. Heartbeat results based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios 5. Conclusion and future works

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32/63 Scenarios 1. Measurements with presence and absence of wall at 2.4 and 5.8 GHz. 2. Measurements using single- antenna and two-antenna VNA system for a holding breath person. 3. Model and signal processing of a moving forward person

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33/63 Measurements behind a wall 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios Previous works Contribution - UWB radar for heartbeat rate measurement behind a wall [1]. - CW radar for respiratory signal measurement behind wall at 24 GHz and at distances below 2 m [2]. CW radar for heartbeat measurement at 5.8 and 10 GHz and at 1 m. [1] S. Shirodkar, P. Barua, D Anuradha, “Heart-beat detection and ranging through a wall using ultra wide band radar”, ICCSP. [2] A. Üncü, “A 24- GHz Doppler sensor system for cardiorespiratory monitoring”, IECON.

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34/63 Measurement parameters Parameter Value Respiration Y PR (dBm) 0 FTX (GHz) 5.8 and 10 Distancesys-wall (m) 0.5 Distancewall-per (m) 0.5 Thickness (cm) 10 Type Concrete 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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35/63 Measured signals 0 10 20 30 -50 0 50 100 Face at fe=5.8 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 0 10 20 30 -20 -10 0 10 Wall at fe=5.8 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 0 10 20 30 -50 0 50 100 Face at fe=10 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 0 10 20 30 -50 0 50 Wall at fe=10 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) Without wall With wall 0 10 20 30 -50 0 50 100 Face at fe=5.8 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 0 10 20 30 -20 -10 0 10 Wall at fe=5.8 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 0 10 20 30 -50 0 50 100 Face at fe=10 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 0 10 20 30 -50 0 50 Wall at fe=10 GHz Time (sec) PV of S 21 (degrees) 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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36/63 Obtained results Case Frequency (GHz) HRVNA (bpm) HRECG (bpm) Relative Error (%) Direct 5.8 93 85 9.4 Direct 10 77 85 9.4 Behind wall 5.8 77 90 14.4 Behind wall 10 80 92 13 - Without wall: RE acceptable with error 9%. - With wall: RE increases up to 13-14 %. - Increase of FTX : - Increase in phase variation. - Hard penetration through wall. 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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37/63 Single-antenna microwave system Previous works Contribution - A study of a single antenna VNA system is done for a person who was holding his breath at 16 GHz [1]. - A study at 2.4 GHz is done using single-antenna system for a person who breathes normally without ECG [2]. - Comparative study between one-antenna VNA system and two-antenna VNA system for heartbeat rate detection. - Heartbeat rate extraction for a breathing person using a reference. 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios [1] M.A.Othman, N. Baharuddin, H.A.Sulaiman, M.M.Ismail, M.H.Misran, R.A.Ramlee M.A.Meor Said, M.M.M.Aminuddin, I.Mustaffa, R.A.Rahim, M.N.S.Zainudin, S.A.Anas, “An analysis of vital sign using microwave doppler technique”, ISTEMET 2014. [2] D. Obeid, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “ECG vs. single-antenna system for heartbeat activity detection”, ISABEL 4.

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38/63 Measurement parameters Parameter Value Respiration Y/N PR (dBm) -2, -7, -12, -17 FTX (GHz) 20 Distancesys-per (m) 1 Antennas number one/two 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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39/63 Signals obtained for a holding breath person S11 of the single-antenna VNA system S21 of the two-antenna VNA system 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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40/63 Radiated power (dBm) HRVNA-SA (bpm) HRECG (bpm) Relative Error (%) -2 80 75 6.6 -7 78 72 8.3 -12 74 79 6.3 -17 79 73 8.2 Radiated power (dBm) HRVNA-TA (bpm) HRECG (bpm) Relative Error (%) -2 84 78 7.1 -7 77 72 6.9 -12 81 76 6.6 -17 80 75 6.6 Results when using single-antenna VNA system Results when using two-antenna VNA system Obtained results for a holding breath person 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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41/63 Radiated power (dBm) HRVNA-TA (bpm) HRECG (bpm) Relative Error (%) -2 81 80 1.2 -7 90 77 16.9 -12 82 80 2.5 -17 86 83 3.6 Obtained results of a breathing person at 20 GHz and 0 dBm - Relative Error < 3.6% - One antenna microwave system is able to extract heart rate successfully like two-antenna microwave system. 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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42/63 Previous works Contribution - Multiple transceivers [1]. - Emitting two frequency radar [2]. - Measurement and modeling of 1D body motion using CW radar at 5.8 GHz for respiration [3]. - Modeling of 1D body motion using CW radar using VNA system at 20 GHz for heartbeat. Signal modeling for 1-D body motion 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios [1] K.-M. Chen, Y. Huang, J. Zhang, and A. Norman, “Microwave life-detection systems for searching human subjects under earthquake rubble or behind barrier”, IEEE Transaction in Biomedical Engineering, [2] D. T. Petkie, C. Benton, E. Bryan, “Millimeter wave radar for remote measurement of vital signs”, IEEE Radar Conference, [3] J. Tu, T. Hwang, Member, J. Lin, Fellow, “Respiration rate measurement under 1-D body motion using single continuous-wave Doppler radar vital sign detection system”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,

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43/63 ∆θ= 4πx(t) λ + () = 4π λ [- vt + xh (t) + xr (t)] + n(t) Signal type Peak to peak chest motion (mm) Frequency (Hz) Heartbeat 0.5 1.18 Respiration 12 0.2 heartbeat signal respiratory signal Moving forward signal noise Value v (m/s) 0.25 Initial distance (m) 3 Final distance (m) 1 Time (s) 8 FTX (GHz) 20 Moving person’s signal modeling 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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44/63 Noise extraction and Variance Calculation Smoothing n = 199 Original signal – Smoothed signal Original signal Noise σ2 = 1 ෍ =0 −1 (ℎ ())2 σ2 = f (Pe) FTX = 20 GHz d = 1 m 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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45/63 Phase noise variance vs. signal power at VNA input at d = 1m Signal power at VNA input vs. distance at Pe = -19 dBm PS (dBm) = Pe (dBm) + Ge (dB) + Gr (dB) – A1 (dB) – A2 (dB) – Refl (dB) Noise extraction and Variance Calculation (2) 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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46/63 Signal processing based on wavelet for heartbeat rate extraction - Adding all modeled signals - Applying wavelet decomposition using Bior 2.4 Relative error = 4% 4. HB rate based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios

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47/63 Plan 1. Objective 2. Heartbeat extraction of a person using filtering method at different radiated powers 3. Heartbeat extraction at different sides of the person and several operating frequencies using wavelets 4. Heartbeat results based on measurements and modeling for several scenarios 5. Conclusion and future works

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48/63 Conclusion 5. Conclusion and future works Processing techniques results: - Time domain > Frequency domain. - Best wavelet type: Bior 2.4 Wavelets. - Bior 2.4 Wavelets > 4th Butterworth filter. Powers and frequencies results: - Good results even at -17 dBm. - Results less than 5% using 20 GHz by applying Butterworth. - Results less than 10 % at 2.4, 5.8 and 10 GHz by applying wavelets. - Accuracy slightly increases with the increase of FTX at 2.4, 5.8 and 10 GHz. - Choice of the frequency depends on the demand of the client. Scenarios Results: - Better side results are from the back and worst side results are from the right. - Results increases from 9 % to 13% when the wall exists. - Using modeling, heartbeat signal is extracted using one system for a moving forward person. - Results using one and two antennas are comparative.

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49/63 - Measurements performed on realistic environment which clutters are present. - Measurements performed on advanced scenarios like random body movement and several other actions. - Measurement at several distances. - Processing techniques for extracting other respiratory and heartbeat parameters for diseases diagnosis. - New applications could take advantages of radar, such as detection of plaques in the coronary artery or the evaluation of morphology and concentration of cells in biological liquids. - integration of the corresponding algorithm is envisaged on a DSPIC with a retrieval of the desired information in real time Future Works 5. Conclusion and future works

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50/63 Reaserch publications 5. Conclusion and future works International Journals - S. El-Samad, D. Obeid, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “Remote Heartbeat Detection Using Microwave System from Four Positions of a Normally Breathing Patient”, International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP 2016). - D. Obeid, S. El- Samad, G. Zaharia, S.Sadek, G. El Zein, “Advanced signal processing techniques for microwave cardiopulmonary signals separation”, International Journal on Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 10, ISSN: 1998- 4510, November 2016, Rome. - S. El- Samad, D. Obeid, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “Heartbeat Rate Measurements Using Microwave Systems: Single-antenna, Two-antennas, and Modeling Moving Person", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 96, Issue 27, May 2018. Book Chapter - D. Obeid, S. El-Samad, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “Position-free vital sign monitoring: Measurements and processing”, Chapter 2 in book “Advanced Biosignal Processing and Diagnostic Methods”, InTech, pp. 31-53, July 2016, ISBN 978-953-51-2520-4, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2519-8. International Conferences - S. El-Samad, D. Obeid, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “Contact-Less measurement system or cardiopulmonary activity”, Proc. of 2014 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), 2014, December 2014, Marrakech. - S. El-Samad, D. Obeid, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “Measurements of cardiac and cardiopulmonary activities using contactless Doppler radar “, Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME), 2015, September 2015, Beirut. - S. El-Samad, D. Obeid, G. Zaharia, S. Sadek, G. El Zein, “Feasibility of heartbeat detection behind a wall using CW Doppler radar”, Antennas and Propagation (MECAP), 2016, September 2016, Beirut.

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51/63 Contactless detection of cardiopulmonary activity for a person in different scenarios Détection sans contact de l’activité cardio-pulmonaire d’une personne dans différents scénarios Présentée par Sarah Samad Spécialité : Electronique et Télécommunications