A presentation by @stuherbert
for @GanbaroDigital
Automate, Automate,
An Introduction For Developers
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Industry veteran: architect, engineer,
leader, manager, mentor
F/OSS contributor since 1994
Talking and writing about PHP
since 2004
Chief Software Archaeologist
Building Quality @GanbaroDigital
About Stuart
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Follow me
I do tweet a lot about
non-tech stuff though :)
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What automation
do you use today?
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Why do you use
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Story #1: Cannot Compile
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Why We Automate
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Automation is often
introduced to help with ...
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Desktops, laptops,
cloud workspaces / VDM
above & on CI services
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Desktops, laptops,
cloud workspaces / VDM
above & on CI services
same as above
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Desktops, laptops,
cloud workspaces / VDM
above & on CI services
same as above
same as above
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When you introduce automation,
make sure that it doesn't
reduce flexibility.
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Always remember
that you'll still need
to make emergency releases too!
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There are no specific tools
in this talk.
Tools come and go.
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What automation
can we use
to write code faster?
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1. Code completion
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2. Refactoring tools
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3. Code formatting
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IDE Tools For Automation
1. Code completion
2. Refactoring help
3. Code formatting
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What about
code generation?
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Many frameworks
will provide
template / skeleton generators.
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Some frameworks
will rewrite your code
to help you upgrade.
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What is integration?
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is how you deliver
into your team's collective work.
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“Integration is adding
your changes to everyone else's
and proving
you haven't broken anything.
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How can automation
help us deliver quicker?
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A CI server (or service)
can automate
checking a merge request.
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If we have a CI server,
what kinds of checks
can we automate?
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1. Reproducible builds
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2. Unit tests pass
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3. Gather code metrics
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4. Static code analysis
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How many of these
automated tasks
help us deliver quicker?
Do all the test approaches
help us all the time?
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Right Tool For Each Job
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Unit tests help us
develop libraries faster.
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Functional tests
help us develop
the app or API faster.
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Acceptance tests
help us invoice faster.
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Story #2
The Best Metrics
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The testing
failed to catch
errors from the design phase.
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The Testing Fell Short
1. Over-reliance on unit tests w/ mocks
2. Manual functional testing
3. No representative environment to test within
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How can automating deployment
help us iterate faster?
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We need somewhere
to run and test our code.
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Can you spin up
a representative environment?
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Can you spin one up
on your dev box?
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Two Layers of Deployment
1. Representative environment
2. Deploying code into that environment
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Don't merge them
into a single activity.
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How do you automate
your deployment today?