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Lightning Fast Deployment of
 Your Rails-Backed Javascript App Luke Melia, Yapp Labs RailsConf Chicago April 22nd, 2014 1

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About this Rubyist 2

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Based in New York & Seattle 3 Yapp Labs ! Ember.js Consulting & Training

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4 Deploying my app was driving me nuts!

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5 Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page Our app consisted of:

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6 Our app consisted of: Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page

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7 Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page Got changes?
 Build and deploy everything!

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Q: How long
 does it take
 to deploy a Rails app? 8

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Install dependencies. Boot app. A: It takes at least a few minutes
 to deploy a Rails app. 9 Transfer lots of files.

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10 Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page I went days without deploying anything but Javascript changes.

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11 Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page And waiting 5 minutes each time
 I deployed static JS changes!

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12 Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page I wasn’t just annoying myself. Our users had “hiccups” each deploy.

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13 Javascript App JSON API T&Cs page Home page I wasn’t just annoying myself. Our users had “hiccups? each deploy.

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Downtime and other hiccups
 during deploys If your Rails app takes several seconds to boot,
 no requests are getting served during that time. Under high load and most architectures, those waiting requests are queuing up, one behind the other. End result: users can experience your site as non- responsive / down while you are deploying and
 a few seconds after. 15

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Downtime and other hiccups
 during deploys Heroku has an experimental solution: heroku labs:enable preboot Starts up new servers (dynos) and then switches traffic over after 3 minutes 16

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Downtime and other hiccups
 during deploys Puma and Unicorn have facilities to restart one worker at a time via signals sent to the master process. HAProxy is another tool that can be useful. Out of scope: zero-downtime migrations (find me later) 17

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Downtime and other hiccups
 during deploys Issues with static assets and achieving zero-downtime deploys are not often discussed. So let’s discuss them. 18

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19 Initial request Request: /index.html Response: text/html

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20 Initial request Request: /index.html Response: text/html Asset files are typically “fingerprinted” and served with fingerprint-based filenames and far future expires headers.
 So this HTML response might contain:

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21 Page is parsed, and then a short time later… Request: /assets/app-abc123.js Response: text/javascript

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22 But during deployments, this can break down index.html /assets/app-abc123.js index.html /assets/app-def456.js Request: /index.html Response: text/html HTML response contains:

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23 …when traffic starts routing to the new app index.html /assets/app-abc123.js index.html /assets/app-def456.js Request: /assets/app-abc123.js Response: 404 Not Found

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Hiccup-free: thinking about keeping static assets working during deploys Both old and new versions of assets need to be available for at least a few minutes during a deploy. 25

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Hiccup-free: thinking about keeping static assets working during deploys We could figure out how to do this on our app servers, or move assets elsewhere… 26

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Hiccup-free: thinking about keeping static assets working during deploys If our static assets aren’t served off of our app servers, we don’t need to deploy asset-only changes there, right? 27

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28 Sketching out the idea Static assets server Rails server Deploy Rails
 app code Dev or CI Deploy
 JS, CSS, images What about the
 HTML page?

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Deployment & serving strategy:
 factors to consider about HTML page Points to fingerprinted JS/CSS but is not fingerprinted itself Contains JS URLs and code to boot JS app and load CSS in the right order Good place to provide environment-specific configuration to Javascript 29

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Deployment & serving strategy:
 factors to consider about HTML page When on the same domain as API, avoids CORS complexity Caching should be minimal to none in order to allow for updates that take effect quickly 30

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Conclusion about deploying and serving HTML page HTML Page should be managed and deployed as part of static asset deployment process HTML Page should be served by Rails, but updates should not require re-deploying the Rails app or restarting the Rails server 31

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32 Sketching out the idea, II Static assets server Rails server Deploy Rails
 app code Dev or CI Deploy
 JS, CSS, images API requests dynamic Rails pages HTML for JS App JS for JS App CSS, Images for JS App Deploy HTML?

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33 Sketching out the idea, II Rails servers Dev or CI Deploy HTML Deploy HTML to filesystem of each server? No, because disk is ephemeral in many deployment environments.

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34 Sketching out the idea, II Rails servers Dev or CI Deploy HTML Deploy HTML to S3 and read from Rails servers? Better, but S3 reads can be slow and we want this page fast. Read

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35 Sketching out the idea, II Rails servers Dev or CI Deploy HTML Deploy HTML to Redis and read from Rails servers? Persistent, fast, and already in my environment. Yes! Read

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Deploy into redis. Serve out of redis via Rails controller. 36

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Deploy into redis. Serve out of redis via Rails controller. 37

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38 Refining the approach Static assets server Rails server Deploy Rails
 app code Dev or CI Deploy
 JS, CSS, images API requests dynamic Rails pages HTML for JS App JS for JS App CSS, Images for JS App Deploy HTML

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39 Refining the approach Static assets server (AWS S3) Rails server Dev or CI Deploy
 JS, CSS, images (additive) API requests dynamic Rails pages HTML for JS App JS for JS App CSS, Images for JS App Deploy HTML AWS Cloudfront Deploy Rails
 app code

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Differential, additive deploy to S3 S3 can be slow for getting a list of files Instead, generate a manifest file of current assets. Compare them against the remote manifest and upload only what is missing. Then update the remote manifest with the difference. (Leave purging as TODO.) embarista/s3sync.rb 40

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Repository management This architecture paves the way to manage your Javascript app in one SCM repository, and your Rails app in the other. Each can be deployed and versioned independently. Thinking of your Javascript app as a independent client of your API works well! 41

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Build tools for your Javascript app With separate repositories and deployment paths, you are free to choose best of breed build tooling for your Javascript app. Javascript build tools are seeing the most attention and innovation right now. 42

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43 Refining the approach Static assets server (AWS S3) Rails server Dev or CI Deploy
 JS, CSS, images (additive) API requests dynamic Rails pages HTML for JS App JS for JS App CSS, Images for JS App Deploy HTML AWS Cloudfront Deploy Rails
 app code

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44 How fast is this in the real world? Xfer HTML 2.38s Xfer Assets 1.01s Build 6.55s 9.94 seconds (real-world example project; your results will be vary mostly on build time)

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Possibilities Emerge 45

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46 Preview

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➜ cd yapp-prefs; rake dist Build complete. To deploy, run rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] ➜ rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-530b21e2.js yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-ab0d7f5e.css yapp-assets -> prefs-manifest-latest.yml yapp-assets -> b35b97f3.yml YAPP_ENV=qa|prod rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] ➜ YAPP_ENV=qa rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] redis.set('prefs:index:b35b97f3', '

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➜ cd yapp-prefs; rake dist Build complete. To deploy, run rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] ➜ rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-530b21e2.js yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-ab0d7f5e.css yapp-assets -> prefs-manifest-latest.yml yapp-assets -> b35b97f3.yml YAPP_ENV=qa|prod rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] ➜ YAPP_ENV=qa rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] redis.set('prefs:index:b35b97f3', '

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➜ cd yapp-prefs; rake dist Build complete. To deploy, run rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] ➜ rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-530b21e2.js yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-ab0d7f5e.css yapp-assets -> prefs-manifest-latest.yml yapp-assets -> b35b97f3.yml YAPP_ENV=qa|prod rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] ➜ YAPP_ENV=qa rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] redis.set('prefs:index:b35b97f3', '

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➜ cd yapp-prefs; rake dist Build complete. To deploy, run rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] ➜ rake deploy:assets[b35b97f3] yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-530b21e2.js yapp-assets -> prefs/yapp-prefs.min-ab0d7f5e.css yapp-assets -> prefs-manifest-latest.yml yapp-assets -> b35b97f3.yml YAPP_ENV=qa|prod rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] ➜ YAPP_ENV=qa rake deploy:generate_index[b35b97f3] redis.set('prefs:index:b35b97f3', '

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Preview: HTML goes into key based on manifest. “current” key points to that key. 51

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Preview: HTML goes into key based on manifest. “current” key points to that key. 52

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53 Dynamic
 HTML Rewriting

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Dynamic HTML Rewriting As the HTML content passes through the controller, we have the opportunity to make adjustments. 54

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55 Dynamic HTML Rewriting: Controller Example

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Dynamic HTML Rewriting:
 Other Use Cases Adding CSRF tokens Including dynamic analytics params Embedding dynamic configuration
 (e.g. feature flags) 56

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57 A/B Testing

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A/B Testing I’ve experimented with two types of
 A/B testing Setting global flags based on A/B bucket Serving up wholly different HTML based on A/B bucket 58

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59 A/B Testing: Controller Example 1

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60 A/B Testing: Controller Example 2

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Possibilities Emerge 61

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Thanks to my @YappLabs colleagues who helped create this approach:
 Kris Selden Stefan Penner Ray Cohen 62 We got ideas about this from rumors we heard about Square using a similar approach. So thank you, nameless Square engineers.

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Q&A Some examples appear courtesy of my company.
 Yapp Labs offers Ember.js consulting and training. Creative Commons photo credits:, 63 Follow me @lukemelia