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LEMİ ORHAN ERGİN Managing Partner & Master Software Craftsman, ACM thinking about motivation of developers GUIDE TO THE GALAXY HAPPY DEVELOPER’S

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the talk will be about developers who really love their profession caution

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is a common problem for everyone Motivation z z z z z z

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for me too

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improve I cannot myself Nothing excited Monotonous Hard to focus No innovation Nothing to learn

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Feel alone work for long hours Cannot get help Blame rules No teamwork work I cannot with people

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No trust Arguing via emails No care for feelings I am an headcount Monitored closely controlled I am like a kid

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I FEEL unmotivated exhausted tired hopeless sad angry lazy depressed stressed alone

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I want to succeed feel valuable trust be trusted be in decisions feel improved focused be efficient learn feel proud

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only passionate, disciplined and motivated people can continuously deliver well-crafted software and value passionate disciplined motivated

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passionate disciplined motivated

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motivation All you have your own preference for

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motivation Acceptance Curiosity Power Honor Social Contact / Relatedness Idealism Status Independence / Autonomy Order Competence instrinct

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motivation extrinct “We zombify people by using wrong practices” Niels Pflaeging Management Exorcist from his talk at Agile Turkey Summit 2014

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managers are not responsible for our motivation

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managers are not responsible for our motivation ??????

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managers have to build an environment that improves motivation and happiness

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human we have to build and use centric practices and processes

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Lean focus on the human side of our work life to build better products Agility Craftsmanship

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Lean Craftsmanship Agility Trust Honesty Teamwork Self-Organization Empowered Teams Continuous Improvement Retrospecting Regularly Sustainable Pace Proxy to InterRuptions Face to face Communication Collaboration Efficiency Removing Waste Pairing courage Professionalism No Blame Rule Limiting multi-tasking Mentorship Fast Feedback Loops Community of Professionals Code of Ethics Collective Ownership Practicing to Master Five Whys Slack Time

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mindset makes the difference, not the tools

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mindset practices and characteristics of the improving motivation and culture

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be aware of god complexity Trial and error might be the best way most of the time Your “that’s just simple” solutions might not be realistic in real complex world

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leave your ego you have to be ready for being motivated “Mix of youth and a bit of experience can easily lead to arrogance” Sandro Mancuso Author of “The Software Craftsman”

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abandon learnt despairs never work on a place where you have no hope

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innovation is about culture continuously doing the same thing does not mean doing it in the same way provide safe environment for trial and errors do experiments, do it a lot

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stop producing mess learn how to build high quality software

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learn your profession software development might be something different that you think

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tools & rituals are not what concepts are all about

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stop micro managing checking social media improves productivity

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trust by default no matter how senior or experienced your team is

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set goals to be proud of creativity directly bounds to purpose and constraints you have

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watch conference videos spend 2 hours every week for watching conference videos

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define mastery goals stop pushing performance goals for difficult problems Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson From the book “Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals”

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be communicator & fighters spend time to remove impediments, communicate to learn the complexity Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

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foster collaboration organize brown bag sessions, work with foremen pair programming code reviews mob programming lunch and learn sessions proof of concept projects enlightement talks technical backlog items community of professionals

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invest in yourself it’s your profession, own it!

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give back to communities what you get is what you give WYG WYG these communities do not have to be public ones

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manage your brand define target audience write blog posts use social media effectively give back to the community attend conferences contribute to open source . .

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don’t be the guy in the corner

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deliver positive feedback give special importance to thank people

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ask responsiblity of what you create don’t act as if you do, ask for re design architecture code testing deployment monitoring

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pay for a better place stop cutting costs of the essentials of our profession confotable chairs at least 1 monitor large enough desk fresh air silent area day light licenses for your tools

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document for the next developer Commit messages Branch names Commit graph Production code Test code Flow diagrams API documentation Release notes Code review comments

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define definition of fun define nerdy rituals, feed your sense of humor, enjoy your job

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never work for bad behave unethical treat people as resources treat you as a dummy wheel insensible to your feelings ill intensioned you lost your hope

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Blizzard developers John Lagrave, Ion Hazzikostas, David Kim, and Kaeo Milker are signing autographs at the Blizzard booth at Developer Signing Sessions! gamescon2012

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work with correct people

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ENJOY remember whatever you do do not forget to Joe O'Brien and Jim Weirich while doing ruby code review

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Icons made by FlatIcon CC BY 3.0 CC Zero Images made by, Ryan McGuire

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Lemİ orhan ergİn agile software craftsman /lemiorhan @lemiorhan /lemiorhan Official site having personal information