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1 S K E T C H I N G D ATA S T R U C T U R E S Velocity London

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2 S K E T C H I N G D ATA S T R U C T U R E S Velocity London

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3 Kiran Bhattaram @kiranb

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4 Timeline W h e r e t o g o f r o m h e r e S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s M o t i v a t i o n S y s t e m s i n P r o d u c t i o n !

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4 Timeline W h e r e t o g o f r o m h e r e S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s M o t i v a t i o n S y s t e m s i n P r o d u c t i o n !

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4 Timeline W h e r e t o g o f r o m h e r e S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s M o t i v a t i o n S y s t e m s i n P r o d u c t i o n !

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4 Timeline W h e r e t o g o f r o m h e r e S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s M o t i v a t i o n S y s t e m s i n P r o d u c t i o n !

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4 Timeline W h e r e t o g o f r o m h e r e S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s M o t i v a t i o n S y s t e m s i n P r o d u c t i o n !

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5 Background 1 motivation, history, system models

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6 Algorithm Efficiency Axes time space

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6 Algorithm Efficiency Axes time space error probability

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6 Algorithm Efficiency Axes time space implementation complexity error probability

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7 Classic algorithms time space error probability = 0

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8 Probabilistic Algorithms time space error probability

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9 If you can tolerate error… 4 x 109 => 0.5 GiB to store IPv4 addresses how many IP addresses have we seen?

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9 If you can tolerate error… 4 x 109 => 0.5 GiB to store IPv4 addresses vs. 1.5kB with a 2% error how many IP addresses have we seen?

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9 If you can tolerate error… 4 x 109 => 0.5 GiB to store IPv4 addresses vs. 1.5kB with a 2% error how many IP addresses have we seen? x 358,000

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10 What are sketches?

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10 What are sketches? probabilistic algorithms

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10 What are sketches? probabilistic algorithms summarize stream of data

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10 What are sketches? probabilistic algorithms summarize stream of data streaming data/online queries

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11 how they work

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11 how they work [ ] stream of data . . .

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11 how they work P(n) hash! uniform distribution [ ] stream of data . . .

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11 how they work P(n) hash! uniform distribution [ ] stream of data . . . data structure

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11 how they work P(n) hash! uniform distribution estimator [ ] stream of data . . . data structure

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11 how they work P(n) hash! uniform distribution estimator guess +/- ε [ ] stream of data . . . data structure

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12 Estimators & Observables ✦ Order statistics: [10, 11, 10, 01] ex: smallest value seen so far ✦ Bit-pattern: ex: longest run of contiguous 0s 10001010 ✦ Presence: ex: is the bit set?

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13 But also! Horizontal Scalability! :( :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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14 A Case Study: Story Reader

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15 Editor: Features

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15 Editor: Features 1. Feed of short stories without duplicates

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15 Editor: Features 1. Feed of short stories without duplicates 2. Working vocabulary size (# of unique words)

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15 Editor: Features 1. Feed of short stories without duplicates 2. Working vocabulary size (# of unique words) 3. Word length statistics

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16 Editor: Analytics Requirements Fast: want real-time statistics Okay to be good ~enough Cheap to run: no data analytics team!

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17 Bloom Filters 2 set membership

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18 The Problem is this element in this set? [ ]

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18 The Problem Google Chrome: ”is this URL known to be malicious?" is this element in this set? [ ]

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18 The Problem Google Chrome: ”is this URL known to be malicious?" is this element in this set? [ ] Databases/LSM trees: “is this data on disk?”

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18 The Problem Google Chrome: ”is this URL known to be malicious?" is this element in this set? [ ] Databases/LSM trees: “is this data on disk?” Story Feed: “have I read this short story?”

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19 Hash Set hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ]

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20 Hash Functions

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20 Hash Functions 34248a9bfcbd589d 9b5fccb6a0ac6963 2fc01ec765ec0cb3 dcc559126de20b30 1. Deterministic

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20 Hash Functions 34248a9bfcbd589d 9b5fccb6a0ac6963 2fc01ec765ec0cb3 dcc559126de20b30 1. Deterministic 2. Uniform P(n)

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m hash ( ) mod m

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m hash ( ) mod m

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m hash ( ) mod m

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m hash ( ) mod m

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m hash ( ) mod m

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21 Hash Set — Insertion hash to a bitmap; test for presence [ ] array of size m hash ( ) mod m

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22 Hash Set — Testing hash to a bitmap; test for presence

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22 Hash Set — Testing hash to a bitmap; test for presence

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22 Hash Set — Testing hash to a bitmap; test for presence

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22 Hash Set — Testing hash to a bitmap; test for presence

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23 Hash Set — Collisions

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24 The system now

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24 The system now

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24 The system now

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24 The system now

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24 The system now

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25 Scaling the system x100

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25 Scaling the system x100

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25 Scaling the system x100

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26 Intuition 1: don’t store the entire object! false positives! m bits in the array P(bit = 0)

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26 Intuition 1: don’t store the entire object! false positives! ( )n m bits in the array P(bit = 0)

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26 Intuition 1: don’t store the entire object! false positives! ( )n number of elements inserted m bits in the array P(bit = 0)

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26 Intuition 1: don’t store the entire object! false positives! ( )n 1 - number of elements inserted m bits in the array P(bit = 0)

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27 Intuition 2 — Multiply Hashing! run through k independent hash functions Bloom, Burton H. (1970), "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors"

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27 Intuition 2 — Multiply Hashing! run through k independent hash functions Bloom, Burton H. (1970), "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors"

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27 Intuition 2 — Multiply Hashing! run through k independent hash functions h1(x) h2(x) h3(x) Bloom, Burton H. (1970), "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors"

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27 Intuition 2 — Multiply Hashing! run through k independent hash functions Bloom, Burton H. (1970), "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors"

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27 Intuition 2 — Multiply Hashing! run through k independent hash functions Bloom, Burton H. (1970), "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors"

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27 run through k independent hash functions Bloom, Burton H. (1970), "Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors" Bloom Filter!

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28 Bloom Filter — Testing! hash to a bitmap; test for presence

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29 Bloom Filter — Testing! false positives!

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30 Bloom Filter — Error Rates! false positives! oooh!

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30 Bloom Filter — Error Rates! false positives! oooh!

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30 Bloom Filter — Error Rates! false positives! oooh!

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30 Bloom Filter — Error Rates! false positives! oooh!

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31 Bloom Filter — Error Rates! false positives! number of hash functions (k) false positive possibility optimal k!

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32 Bloom Filters: a summary No false negatives Smaller memory footprint
 (store 4-8 bits vs. entire obj) Small (and tunable!) false positive rate Can’t retrieve or delete items

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33 how they work: Bloom Filters [ ] stream of data . . .

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33 how they work: Bloom Filters [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution

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33 how they work: Bloom Filters [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution data structure: bitmap

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33 how they work: Bloom Filters [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution data structure: bitmap estimator: presence

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33 how they work: Bloom Filters [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution data structure: bitmap estimator: presence guess +/- ε

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34 Story Feed: feed architecture

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34 Story Feed: feed architecture

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34 Story Feed: feed architecture

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34 Story Feed: feed architecture

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35 Merging Bloom Filters Bitwise OR =

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36 An extension: Counting Bloom Filters allows for deletions Fan, Li et al. (2000), "Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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36 An extension: Counting Bloom Filters allows for deletions 1 1 1 Fan, Li et al. (2000), "Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol" 0 0 0 0 0 0

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36 An extension: Counting Bloom Filters allows for deletions 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fan, Li et al. (2000), "Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol" 0 0 0

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36 An extension: Counting Bloom Filters allows for deletions 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Fan, Li et al. (2000), "Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol" 0 0

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36 An extension: Counting Bloom Filters allows for deletions 2 1 1 1 Fan, Li et al. (2000), "Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol" 1 0 0 0 0

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2 1 2 1 37 An extension: Count-Min Sketch keep a count of the frequency of items seen min() estimator 2 3 1 2 4 h1 h2 h3 Cormode, Graham (2009). "Count-min sketch"

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2 1 2 1 37 An extension: Count-Min Sketch keep a count of the frequency of items seen min() estimator 2 3 1 2 4 h1 h2 h3 Cormode, Graham (2009). "Count-min sketch"

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38 Bloom Filters: A Summary

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38 Bloom Filters: A Summary • Hash Sets —> Bloom Filters

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38 Bloom Filters: A Summary • Hash Sets —> Bloom Filters • bits & multiple hashing!

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38 Bloom Filters: A Summary • Hash Sets —> Bloom Filters • bits & multiple hashing! • Extensions: Counting

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38 Bloom Filters: A Summary • Hash Sets —> Bloom Filters • bits & multiple hashing! • Extensions: Counting • Extensions: Count-min sketch

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39 Hyper Log Log 3 counting uniques

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40 Editor: Text Analytics denote read stories (Bloom filters!) count unique words used/unique users

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41 The Problem: Cardinality number of unique values in a collection [ ]

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41 The Problem: Cardinality number of unique values in a collection [ ] advertising: number of “uniques”

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41 The Problem: Cardinality traffic modeling: # of unique IP addresses number of unique values in a collection [ ] advertising: number of “uniques”

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41 The Problem: Cardinality traffic modeling: # of unique IP addresses number of unique values in a collection [ ] advertising: number of “uniques” natural language processing: number of unique words

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42 Measuring Cardinality size = N (number of unique values)

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42 Measuring Cardinality size = N (number of unique values) (ex) IPv4: 232 bits

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42 Measuring Cardinality size = N (number of unique values) (ex) IPv4: 232 bits 0.5 GiB

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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43 The system now

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44 The Paper Flajolet, Fusy, et al. 2007

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45 Flipping coins!

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46 Flipping coins! seeing a rare combination => I’ve seen a lot of trials!

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47 Bit patterns! 0101 1010 0010 0001 1100 1011 0101 1011 1010 run of 3 0s => likely seen 8 numbers!

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48 Making a uniform distribution Hashing! (ex: murmurhash) 01 10 11

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49 But the cardinality estimate could be so wrong! Techniques for increasing accuracy ~8 friends ~4 friends ~4 friends = ~5.33 friends x 3 trials

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50 The Algorithm 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 a register of m=8 bytes

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50 The Algorithm 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 a register of m=8 bytes 010 00010

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50 The Algorithm Bucket the first log2 8 bits 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 a register of m=8 bytes 010 00010

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50 The Algorithm Bucket the first log2 8 bits 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 count leading 0s a register of m=8 bytes 010 00010

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50 The Algorithm Bucket the first log2 8 bits 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 count leading 0s a register of m=8 bytes 010 00010

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50 The Algorithm 3 Bucket the first log2 8 bits 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 count leading 0s a register of m=8 bytes 010 00010

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51 The Algorithm 110 01111 111 00100 111 00111 110 01010 011 00000 100 00100 101 00011 101 01010 010 00011 000 01001 001 00111 001 01111 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 … …

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52 The Algorithm 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 take the harmonic mean of all of these!

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52 The Algorithm 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 take the harmonic mean of all of these! = 8 * 3.93 = 31.5

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52 The Algorithm 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 take the harmonic mean of all of these! = 8 * 3.93 = 31.5 (I used 28 values)

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52 The Algorithm 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 take the harmonic mean of all of these! = 8 * 3.93 = 31.5 (I used 28 values) Plus corrections for small and large values!

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53 Merging Hyper Log Logs 1 2 3 5 2 1 4 8 max() for each register 2 2 4 8 =

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54 Hyper Log Log — Error Rates! over and under estimating Cardinality Space required (m) Error 109 1.5kB ~2% (vs. 0.5GiB!)

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55 how they work: Hyper Log Logs [ ] stream of data . . .

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55 how they work: Hyper Log Logs [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution

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55 how they work: Hyper Log Logs [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution data structure 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

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55 how they work: Hyper Log Logs [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution estimator (run of 0s) data structure 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

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55 how they work: Hyper Log Logs [ ] stream of data . . . P(n) hash! uniform distribution estimator (run of 0s) guess +/- ε data structure 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

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56 Estimating your working vocabulary

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56 Estimating your working vocabulary

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56 Estimating your working vocabulary

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56 Estimating your working vocabulary

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56 Estimating your working vocabulary

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57 HyperLogLog: A Summary

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57 HyperLogLog: A Summary • uniform distributions!

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57 HyperLogLog: A Summary • uniform distributions! • log! log! space!

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57 HyperLogLog: A Summary • uniform distributions! • log! log! space! • commutativity!

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58 t-digests 4 estimating quantiles

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59 Editor: Text Analytics denote read stories (Bloom filters!) count unique words used estimate percentiles for word length

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60 The Algorithm - CDFs! Value Frequency

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60 The Algorithm - CDFs! Value Frequency Value Probability

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60 The Algorithm - CDFs! Value Frequency Value Probability 0.5

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60 The Algorithm - CDFs! Value Frequency Value Probability 0.5 0.95

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60 The Algorithm - CDFs! Value Frequency Value Probability 0.5 0.95 0.99

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61 The Algorithm - compression q-digests

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61 The Algorithm - compression q-digests Value Probability

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61 The Algorithm - compression q-digests Value Probability 0.5

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61 The Algorithm - compression q-digests Value Probability 0.5 0.95

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61 The Algorithm - compression q-digests Value Probability 0.5 0.95 0.99

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62 t digest — Error Rates! non-constant error rates

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63 how they work - t digests

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63 how they work - t digests [ ] stream of data . . .

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63 how they work - t digests [ ] stream of data . . . data structure

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63 how they work - t digests [ ] stream of data . . . estimator data structure

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63 how they work - t digests [ ] stream of data . . . estimator guess +/- ε data structure

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64 Estimating your word length quantiles

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64 Estimating your word length quantiles

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64 Estimating your word length quantiles

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65 in production 5 Veneur, Summingbird, Sawzall

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66 Veneur

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67 Analytics Overall API Latency (p90, p95, p99)

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68 previously, on Stripe monitoring => no global statistics!

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69 previously, on Stripe monitoring => UDP packet drops :( :(

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70 previously, on Stripe monitoring aggregation! :)

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71 Sketches! HyperLogLogs (sets) t-digests (quantiles/histograms)

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72 Algebird

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73 Sketches HyperLogLogs (sets) Bloom Filters Count-min sketch MinHasher and more!

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74 Google Sawzall

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75 Sketches! HyperLogLogs (sets) Munro & Peterson quantile estimation (quantiles)

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76 Where to go from here 6 evaluating sketches, further resources

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77 Evaluating Sketches • performance • error rate • distortion • tuning

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78 A brief list of other sketches • Skip Lists • frequency: count-min sketch, heavy hitters, etc • membership: Bloom filters, Cuckoo hashing • cardinality: hyperloglog • geometric data: coresets, locality-sensitive hashing

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79 tl;dr — error is a tradeoff in algorithms approximations are often Good Enough and a hell of a lot cheaper

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80 Thanks! @ k i r a n b

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81 Appendix!

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82 Database Semi-Joins city author 1 Kiran 2 or peer-to-peer networks!

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82 Database Semi-Joins city author 1 Kiran 2 or peer-to-peer networks!

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82 Database Semi-Joins city author 1 Kiran 2 or peer-to-peer networks!

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83 Small Value Corrections 1 3 2

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83 Small Value Corrections 1 3 2 Estimate = m*log(m/# of un-init registers) = ~ 3.75 values

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84 Large Value Corrections

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84 Large Value Corrections as the number of unique values approaches 2^(2^m), you start seeing hash collisions!

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84 Large Value Corrections as the number of unique values approaches 2^(2^m), you start seeing hash collisions! => use a 64 bit hash & more bits in the registers!

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85 History query cost estimation

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86 Sphere: dealing with fraudsters :(

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87 Sphere: building a fraud shield :)