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Not a highly technical talk

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My own experience ~10 years building UIs

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So, what should I learn?

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• Travel abroad • Spend money and get proper training (take it seriously) • Should be your number one priority English

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Find a mentor

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Computer Science

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• You don’t have to master all of Computer Science • It’ll help you find solutions to your problems • It’ll smooth out the transition between languages and paradigms • Abstractions: somebody probably already have solved it for you • Can help you in programming interviews Computer Science

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• Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Paradigms

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• Object Oriented Programming (OOP) • Functional Programming (FP) Paradigms

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Best Practices

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• Modularization Best Practices

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• Modularization • Refactoring Best Practices

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• Modularization • Refactoring • Code Smells Best Practices

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• Modularization • Refactoring • Code Smells • DRY Best Practices

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• Modularization • Refactoring • Code Smells • DRY • Duplication is better than the wrong abstraction Best Practices

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Regular Expressions

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Command Line

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But, why?

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• Reading and writing to files and folders Command Line

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• Reading and writing to files and folders • Navigating through the file system Command Line

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• Reading and writing to files and folders • Navigating through the file system • Standard streams Command Line

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• Reading and writing to files and folders • Navigating through the file system • Standard streams • Shell Script Command Line

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But, why?

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• The syntax JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (XMLHttpRequest) JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (XMLHttpRequest) • ES2015 JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (XMLHttpRequest) • ES2015 • Async JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (XMLHttpRequest) • ES2015 • Async • Module Formats (CommonJS, ES Modules) JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (XMLHttpRequest) • ES2015 • Async • Module Formats (CommonJS, ES Modules) • npm JavaScript

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• The syntax • Context and scopes (how "this" works) (call, apply, bind) • Prototypes • Hoisting • AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (XMLHttpRequest) • ES2015 • Async • Module Formats (CommonJS, ES Modules) • npm • Node.js JavaScript

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Don’t fear the frameworks!

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• Understand why React is an interesting choice • Great component API • Virtual DOM • Functional Programming • React Native React

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Testing UIs is hard

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• Unit Tests Testing

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• Unit Tests • Integration Tests Testing

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• Unit Tests • Integration Tests • QA Testing

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• Unit Tests • Integration Tests • QA • Snapshot testing using Jest Testing

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• The DOM (Document Object Model) HTML

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• The DOM (Document Object Model) • Semantics HTML

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• The DOM (Document Object Model) • Semantics • Accessibility HTML

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• The box model CSS

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• The box model • The cascade CSS

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• The box model • The cascade • Functional CSS CSS

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• The box model • The cascade • Functional CSS • Flexbox CSS

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• The box model • The cascade • Functional CSS • Flexbox • Grid layout CSS

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“This page is too slow, how do I fix it?”

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• From request to page render HTTP

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• From request to page render HTTP

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• From request to page render • REST • Cookies HTTP

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• From request to page render • REST • Cookies • HTTP/2 HTTP

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• Image compression Optimization

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• Image compression • Bundle minification Optimization

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• Image compression • Bundle minification • Lazy load Optimization

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• Image compression • Bundle minification • Lazy load • The RAIL Model Optimization

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Don’t overthink JavaScript optimizations

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• Sketch Design

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• Sketch • Diagrams Design

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• Sketch • Diagrams • Grid systems Design

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• Sketch • Diagrams • Grid systems • Typography Design

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• Sketch • Diagrams • Grid systems • Typography • Color theory Design

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• Sketch • Diagrams • Grid systems • Typography • Color theory • Responsive Design Design

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• Sketch • Diagrams • Grid systems • Typography • Color theory • Responsive Design • Progressive Enhancement Design

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Git and GitHub

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Everything you do should always be under version control

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• Branching Git and GitHub

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• Branching • Merging and Rebasing Git and GitHub

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• Branching • Merging and Rebasing • Cherry Picking Git and GitHub

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• Branching • Merging and Rebasing • Cherry Picking • Tagging for releases Git and GitHub

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• Branching • Merging and Rebasing • Cherry Picking • Tagging for releases • Diffing changes Git and GitHub

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• Branching • Merging and Rebasing • Cherry Picking • Tagging for releases • Diffing changes • Pull Requests Git and GitHub

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• Branching • Merging and Rebasing • Cherry Picking • Tagging for releases • Diffing changes • Pull Requests • Code Reviews Git and GitHub

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Find an editor that feels comfortable and stick to it

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• Text editor or IDE that feels comfortable Tools

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• Text editor or IDE that feels comfortable • Linting (ESLint) Tools

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• Text editor or IDE that feels comfortable • Linting (ESLint) • Formatting (Prettier) Tools

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• Text editor or IDE that feels comfortable • Linting (ESLint) • Formatting (Prettier) • REPL Tools

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• Text editor or IDE that feels comfortable • Linting (ESLint) • Formatting (Prettier) • REPL • Documentation lookup Tools

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• Text editor or IDE that feels comfortable • Linting (ESLint) • Formatting (Prettier) • REPL • Documentation lookup • Debugging Tools

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Writing code is just part of what we do

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• Exercise empathy Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen • Review the code, not the person Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen • Review the code, not the person • Communication via text is super hard Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen • Review the code, not the person • Communication via text is super hard • Pair Programming Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen • Review the code, not the person • Communication via text is super hard • Pair Programming • Agile Ceremonies Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen • Review the code, not the person • Communication via text is super hard • Pair Programming • Agile Ceremonies • Ask for feedback (not the good, but the ugly) Communication

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• Exercise empathy • Listen • Review the code, not the person • Communication via text is super hard • Pair Programming • Agile Ceremonies • Ask for feedback (not the good, but the ugly) • Documentation Communication

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Wrap up

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Reinvent the wheel!

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Never stop learning

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Don’t get too comfortable

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Learn by doing

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Contribute to an open source project

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Attend to meet ups and conferences

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Don’t worry about job titles or roles

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Critical Thinking: Know how to evaluate options for yourself

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Don’t be cheap

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Associate with people who are likely to improve you. “ – Seneca

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Learn how to spend your time wisely

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Learn how to manage your money wisely

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Thank you