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Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services 1 Tony Wu OpenShift Product Management

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In addition to enhanced YAML UX, a new and richer GUI UX to help reduce friction when deploying operator backed services with: 1. basic data validation 2. field description as help text 3. highlights required fields 4. user-friendly display name 5. customizable help text 6. custom UI widgets to assist inputs 7. tailored form field ordering 8. mark advanced fields 9. exclude non-user facing fields 10. markdown support for richer info Console Provides Richer GUI UX: for Operator-backed services Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services

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In addition to enhanced YAML UX, a new and richer GUI UX to help reduce friction when deploying operator backed services with: 1. basic data type validation 2. field description as help text 3. highlights required fields 4. user-friendly display name 5. customizable help text 6. custom UI widgets to assist input 7. tailored form field ordering 8. mark advanced fields 9. exclude non-user facing fields 10. markdown support for richer info UI Building Blocks + Automated Process: Creation Form for Operator Managed Services Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services CRD structural schema CSV OLM descriptors CSV markdown See more in later slides

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1. OpenShift console automates the creation form generation for Operator managed services: ○ Auto-generates a basic "Creation Form" using Operand's structural schema in CRD’s YAML file. ○ Schema properties are mapped to appropriate UI components based on their types: i. type: string ii. type: string, with enum iii. type: integer iv. type: boolean v. type: object New in 4.5 vi. type: array, with items New in 4.5 ○ Check out Operator SDK for how to provide a “structural schema” for your CRD with API markers. 2. Operator authors can further enhance the UI with OLM add-on to set them apart from the crowd: ○ The console overwrites the basic form fields with enhanced widgets associated to the added OLM descriptors in Operator’s CSV YAML file. i. Check out the reference guide for details and examples of how to use OLM descriptors. ○ Highlighted changes in 4.6 (see examples in the links): i. New: “hidden” - Exclude “non user facing” properties. ii. Improved: “advanced” - Advanced section “within schema object properties/group”. iii. Deprecated: “fieldGroup” and “arrayFieldGroup” → Now auto-generated per schema ○ Check out Operator SDK for how to generate OLM Descriptors using API markers when working on the CRD. 4 Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services Declarative UI with OpenShift Console CRD structural schema CSV OLM descriptors

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Enhanced “Create Operand Form”: for Operator-backed services Now default to the “Form View”, but you can always switch back to the YAML editor like a Pro. ● Reduces friction when deploying operator backed services. ● All data is stored when switching between the “Form” and “YAML” view. Auto-generated form now supports “nested schema properties”. ● CRD's nested “type: object/array” schema properties are mapped to appropriate form field UI components. ● Exclude “non user facing” schema properties from the auto generated form with a new “hidden” OLM descriptor. Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services

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6 Enhanced “Create Operand Form” = CRD schema + OLM Descriptors ● StorageCluster by Portworx Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services

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7 In CustomResourceDefinition manifest OCP Console maps spec properties under schema stanza to form fields: ■ type: string ■ type: integer ■ type: boolean ■ type: string, with enum ■ type: object New in 4.5 ■ type: array, with items New in 4.5 ■ renders property description as help text for each field New in 4.6

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OCP Console maps spec properties under schema stanza to form fields: ■ type: string ■ type: integer ■ type: boolean ■ type: string, with enum ■ type: object New in 4.5 ■ type: array, with items New in 4.5 ■ renders property description as help text for each field New in 4.6 Auto-generated Form - based on CRD schema (no OLM Descriptors involved)

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● Complex fields need more than OpenAPI validation info: ○ Needs a k8s object (e.g. Secret for pulling image) as a prerequisite. ○ Deeply nested fields, such as ResourceRequirements, UpdateStrategy, nodeAffinity, etc. ○ Exclude “non user facing” properties from the auto generated form with “hidden” x-descriptor. Customized Creation Form with OLM Descriptors - Richer UI Widgets

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Customized Creation Form with OLM Descriptors - Ordering of Form Fields ● The ordering of form fields depends on whether a field: 1. has a specDescriptor (sorted based on specDescriptors array order), 2. is "required" (a ‘required:’ property in the schema), 3. "optional", 4. or "advanced" (assigned with an advanced x-descriptor). ● In general, “fields with specDescriptors” will be sorted higher than those without, and “required fields” will be sorted higher than optional fields. ○ See full set of sorting rules.

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● OCP Console now provides markdown support for owned CRD’s description ○ In Operator CSV file’s spec.customresourcedefi nitions.owned[].descrip tion field. See in Portworx’s CSV file. ○ Provides instructions, prerequisites, or tutorials with external links to guide users how to create and manage an Operand instance. ○ CRD markdown will be shown in both “Admin” and “Dev” perspective in OCP Console. Customized Creation Form - CRD description markdown in CSV

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● Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator managed services ● Customized Creation Form with specDescriptors ○ x-descriptors reference ● ○ Operator SDK ■ Provide a “structural schema” for your CRD with API markers. ■ Generate OLM Descriptors using API markers when working on the CRD. ○ Operator Lifecycle Manager 12 Auto-generated Creation Form for Operator Managed Services Useful Links

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Slide 13 text 13 Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you