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Rails Performance Issues
 Solutions Akira Matsuda

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Akira Matsuda

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From Japan !

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amatsuda on GH

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A Rails Committer &
 A Ruby Committer

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Rails Commits This Month

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Mostly Micro-Optimizations + Keyword Arguments Fixes

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The Keyword Arguments Fixes

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The Ruby Team Is Going to Introduce Some Keyword Arguments Incompatibilities in Ruby 3 And I'm investigating the new specification on the Rails codebase

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I'm Not Going to Talk About The Details About This Topic

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But Anyway I Work on Such Things Between Ruby and Rails

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A Gem Author

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kaminari, active_decorator, action_args, heavens_door, erd, i18n_generators, etc

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But I'm Not Going to Talk About These Gems Today

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A Conference Organizer

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The Organizer of RubyKaigi https:/ /

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But I'm Not Going to Talk About That Conference Today

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Today I'm Going to Talk About the Rails Performance

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Chapter 1

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Let's Start with a Benchmark!

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ruby -v ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [x86_64- darwin18]

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rails -v Rails 6.0.0

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rails new $ rails new rubyconfid --skip- spring --skip-bootsnap

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# Gemfile @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ group :development, :test do end group :development do - # Access an interactive console on exception pages or by calling 'console' anywhere in the code. - gem 'web-console', '>= 3.3.0' gem 'listen', '>= 3.0.5', '< 3.2' end @@ -43,6 +41,3 @@ group :test do # Easy installation and use of web drivers to run system tests with browsers gem 'webdrivers' end - -# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem -gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]

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scaffold $ rails g scaffold post title

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Prepare 50 "Hello" Records $ rails r "50.times { Post.create! title: 'hello' }"

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Starting Up the Rails Server in `production` Mode $ rails assets:precompile $ cp db/development.sqlite3 db/production.sqlite3 $ env RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1 rails s -e production

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How Can We Measure the Application Performance?

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Maybe We Can Use time Command? $ time curl http:/ /localhost:3000/posts/ > /dev/null

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Maybe We Can Use Something Like ab or gatling? $ ab -n 100 -c 10 -l http:/ /

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These Approaches Have Certain HTTP Overhead

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So, Instead,

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How About Benchmarking from Inside the Application Using Ruby?

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The Default Benchmarking Library in Ruby The stdlib benchmark.rb

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benchmark.rb Usage Benchmark.realtime do ... end

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Which Part of the App Would We Measure? Maybe the controllers' `process_action` method?

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A Very Rough Monkey-patch for Benchmarking `process_action` # config/initializers/perf.rb ActionController::Base.prepend( { def process_action(*) result = nil p Benchmark.realtime { result = super } result end } )

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config/initializers/*.rb I usually draft this sort of quick monkey-patches in `config/ initializers/` No need to explicitly `require` No need to give a name Maybe nobody else does this, but works for me...

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Now the App Prints Each Request Processing Time But `ab`ing with `-n 100` prints 100 lines What we want is a summary of 100 runs

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How About Iterating Inside the Request Rather than making hundreds of requests?

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Other Benchmarking Libraries for Doing This in Ruby benchmark-ips benchmark_driver

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A Benchmarking Script that Iterates the `process_action` # config/initializers/perf.rb ActionController::Base.prepend( { def process_action(*) Benchmark.ips do |x|'process_action') { super } end super end } )

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Usage Start up the server and request from outside just once

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Like This $ curl http:/ /localhost:3000/posts/

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This Would Return Pure Execution Time of the Rails Land Alone

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Result Warming up -------------------------------------- process_action 218.000 i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- process_action 2.321k (± 7.5%) i/s - 11.554k in 5.009905s

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Or We Could Include the Rack Middleware Stack and `before_action` and Such # config/initializers/perf.rb Rails::Engine.prepend( { def call(*) Benchmark.ips do |x|'call') { super } end super end } )

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Result Warming up -------------------------------------- call 22.000 i/100ms Calculating ------------------------------------- call 240.911 (± 7.1%) i/s - 1.210k in 5.048689s

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This Means That the Action Runs 240 Times per Second Seems like quite an accurate number than the time command one

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Now We've Got the Basic Benchmarking Tool

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This Approach Is Quite Flexible We can `Benchmark.ips` any part of the application for measuring its speed So we can
 "devide and conquer"

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Benchmarking only the "M" in the Whole MVC Stack Benchmark.ips do |x| Model.find(...) end

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Benchmarking only the "V" in the Whole MVC Stack Benchmark.ips do |x| render(...) end

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How Can We Measure the "C"?

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In Fact, We Can Create a Simple Action That Does Not find nor render

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Route to /posts/ok # config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do - resources :posts + resources :posts do + collection do + get :ok + end + end # For details on the DSL available within this file, see end

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The Controller Action # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb class PostsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_post, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] + def ok + head :ok + end + # GET /posts # GET /posts.json def index

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These Results Tell Us That... Finding a record is slow Rendering it is also slow Request handling is slow as well

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There's No Single Bottle Neck in This Simple App

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Rails Is Slow Because Everything Is Slow!

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Chapter 1 End

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Chapter 2

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Let's Make Everything Faster!

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Why Rails Is Slow, and How Can We Make Rails Faster?

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There Are Some "Numbers" That We Can Get from the Ruby Process Time elapsed Memory usage Method invocations System calls etc...

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The Number of Object Allocations Today, we're going to focus on the number of Object allocations

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Why Does the Number of Allocations Matters? Allocating Objects in Ruby is a very heavy process Plus, it causes GC pressure The number would not be affected by the environment

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Actually, Rails 6 Shows This in the Log Completed 200 OK in 58ms (Views: 9.0ms | ActiveRecord: 2.6ms | Allocations: 7601)

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How Can We Measure Object Allocations? $ ruby -e "c = GC.stat(:total_allocated_objects); 100.times { _ = 'hello' }; p GC.stat(:total_allocated_objects) - c" 100

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Quite Simple, Right?

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Number of Objects Allocated During a Rails Request # config/initializers/perf.rb Rails::Engine.prepend( { def call(*) c = GC.stat(:total_allocated_objects) result = super p GC.stat(:total_allocated_objects) - c result end } )

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Result $ curl http:/ /localhost:3000/posts/ok #=> 691

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Or If You'd Like a Little Bit More Detailed Report

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Gems for Profiling Object Allocations & Memory Usage memory_profiler allocation_stats allocation_tracer etc.

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bundle memory_profiler # Gemfile gem 'byebug', platforms: [:mri, :mingw, :x64_mingw] end gem 'benchmark-ips' +gem 'memory_profiler'

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An Utility Method That Prints the Memory Usage module Prof def self.mem result = nil { result = yield }.pretty_print(retained_strings: 0, allocated_strings: 100, normalize_paths: true) result end end

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Then Profile Rails::Engine.prepend( { def call(*) Prof.mem { super } end } )

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curl the ok Action $ curl http:/ /localhost:3000/posts/ok (abandoning the first trial)

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Result Total allocated: 63830 bytes (599 objects) Total retained: 21391 bytes (134 objects) allocated memory by gem ----------------------------------- 27104 actionpack-6.0.0/lib 22574 activesupport-6.0.0/lib 5718 rack-2.0.7/lib 1976 actionview-6.0.0/lib 1944 logger 1520 ipaddr 1157 railties-6.0.0/lib 677 securerandom 504 concurrent-ruby-1.1.5/lib 320 activerecord-6.0.0/lib 176 monitor 80 turbolinks-5.2.1 40 i18n-1.6.0/lib 40 uri allocated memory by file ----------------------------------- 7128 actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_controller/renderer.rb 3702 rack-2.0.7/lib/rack/utils.rb 3624 actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/http/response.rb ...

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It Turned Out That, a simple action that just returns a "200 OK" header creates 599 objects and consumes 63830 bytes of memory.

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Isn't That Too Much?

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Let's Try Reducing This As Much As Possible

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The memory_profiler Result Indicates That, actionpack allocates the most Especially, ActionController::Renderer

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But Who Creates the Renderer?

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We Actually Aren't Rendering Anything! We're just returning the "200 OK" header

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Let's See Who Is Instantiating AC::Renderer # actionpack/lib/action_controller/renderer.rb @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ module ActionController # It will be merged with the default Rack environment defined by # +ActionController::Renderer::DEFAULTS+. def initialize(controller, env, defaults) + puts caller @controller = controller @defaults = defaults @env = normalize_keys defaults.merge(env)

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Result .../actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_controller/renderer.rb:54:in `new' .../actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_controller/renderer.rb:54:in `new' .../actiontext-6.0.0/lib/action_text/engine.rb:50:in `block (3 levels) in ' .../activesupport-6.0.0/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:429:in `instance_exec'

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action_text/ engine.rb?? We aren't using action_text in this action!

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An Initializer in ActionText::Engine # actiontext-6.0.0/lib/action_text/engine.rb initializer "action_text.renderer" do |app| app.executor.to_run { ActionText::Content.renderer = ApplicationController.renderer } app.executor.to_complete { ActionText::Content.renderer = ApplicationController.renderer } ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_text_content) do self.renderer = ApplicationController.renderer end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller_base) do before_action { ActionText::Content.renderer = } end end

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Action Text 6.0.0 Includes This Bug

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When Action Text Is Bundled and Required, It Instantiates An AC::Renderer Before Each Action In Every Controller

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The Solution

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Skip Requiring actiontext/ railtie (unless you use it) # config/application.rb require_relative 'boot' -require 'rails/all' +%w( + active_record/railtie + active_storage/engine + action_controller/railtie + action_view/railtie + action_mailer/railtie + active_job/railtie + action_cable/engine + action_mailbox/engine + rails/test_unit/railtie + sprockets/railtie +).each do |railtie| + begin + require railtie + rescue LoadError + end +end

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Then Let's Measure the Memory Usage Again

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Result Total allocated: 63830 bytes (599 objects) ! Total allocated: 55560 bytes (574 objects)

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The Memory Usage Improves 8000+ Bytes

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I Filed This Issue https:/ / rails/issues/36963

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So, This Would Be Fixed in 6.0.1, Hopefully

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What If We Skip Requiring Some More Other Components That We Don't Use Here? # config/application.rb @@ -2,13 +2,10 @@ require_relative 'boot' %w( active_record/railtie - active_storage/engine action_controller/railtie action_view/railtie action_mailer/railtie active_job/railtie - action_cable/engine - action_mailbox/engine

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Result Total allocated: 55560 bytes (574 objects) ↓ Total allocated: 55560 bytes (574 objects)

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Nothing Changed!

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Benchmark Result for Each Action (Allocation) ok: 55560 bytes (574 objects) show: 127210 bytes (1301 objects) new 173108 bytes (1657 objects) index: 597728 bytes (6333 objects)

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Now We Got the Numbers We need such numbers to see how we're optimizing things

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So, Let's Start Optimizing Rails

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Now We Have a List of Files that Consume Memory allocated memory by file ----------------------------------- 3702 rack-2.0.7/lib/rack/utils.rb 3624 actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/http/response.rb 2944 activesupport-6.0.0/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb 2728 activesupport-6.0.0/lib/active_support/ hash_with_indifferent_access.rb 2720 actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb 2144 activesupport-6.0.0/lib/active_support/messages/rotator.rb 1944 ruby/lib/logger.rb 1856 activesupport-6.0.0/lib/active_support/parameter_filter.rb 1680 activesupport-6.0.0/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb 1520 ruby/lib/ipaddr.rb 1480 actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb 1280 actionpack-6.0.0/lib/action_controller/metal/ instrumentation.rb

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rack, actionpack, activesupport, ruby...

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These Things Are Part of Your Application

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You Can Make Your Applications Fast by Making Rails Fast

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Rails Is Just a Ruby Program That You Can Patch

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First, Set Up gem-src

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Then Re-install rails

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gem-src Will Turn These Gems Into Git Repos

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And Now You're Ready to Commit Your Patches $ cd (bundle show actionpack) % cd `bundle show actionpack` (zsh)

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Just Read These Files in the Memory Usage List

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And Try to Reduce Object Creations as Much as Possible

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For Example,

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Regexp#=~ vs Regexp#match?

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Regexp#=~ $ ruby -rmemory_profiler -e "s = 'ABC'; { s =~ / A/ }.pretty_print" Total allocated: 208 bytes (2 objects) allocated memory by location ----------------------------------- 208 -e:1 allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 168 MatchData 40 String allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 1 MatchData 1 String

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Regexp#match? $ ruby -rmemory_profiler -e "s = 'ABC'; { s.match?(/A/) }.pretty_print" Total allocated: 0 bytes (0 objects) Total retained: 0 bytes (0 objects) allocated memory by gem ----------------------------------- NO DATA

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match? Is Way More Efficient Where We Don't Need the MatchData Instance

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The Patch

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Hash#merge vs Hash#[]=

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Hash#merge $ ruby -rmemory_profiler -e "h1, h2, h3 = {a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}; { h1.merge(h2.merge(h3)) }.pretty_print" Total allocated: 336 bytes (2 objects) allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 336 Hash allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 2 Hash

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Hash#[]= $ ruby -rmemory_profiler -e "h1, h2 = {a: 1}, {a: 2}; { h = h1.merge(h2); h[:a] = 3; h }.pretty_print" Total allocated: 168 bytes (1 objects) allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 168 Hash allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 1 Hash

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We'd Better Avoid Unnecessary Hash#merge

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The Patch

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Hash#fetch vs (Hash#[] || default)

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Hash#fetch Taking Two Arguments $ ruby -rmemory_profiler -e "h = {x: 1}; { h.fetch(:x, 'hello') }.pretty_print" Total allocated: 40 bytes (1 objects) allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 40 String allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 1 String

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Hash#[] || default $ ruby -rmemory_profiler -e "h = {x: 1}; { h[:x] || 'hello' }.pretty_print" Total allocated: 0 bytes (0 objects) allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- NO DATA

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The Patch

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I Pushed About 60 Micro- Optimization Patches Like These to Rails Since the 6.0.0 Release Since I decided to talk about Rails performance in this conference And I think I could reduce
 5ʙ10% memory consumption

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I Tried to cherry-pick These Commits to 6.0.0 to Show You the Result

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But I Gave Up We had too many conflicts

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So Instead, Let's Bundle Edge Rails and See How Things Are Improved in the Current master # Gemfile -gem 'rails', '~> 6.0.0' +gem 'rails', path: 'PATH/TO/RAILS'

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Result (posts/ok) 55560 bytes (574 objects) ↓ 54995 bytes (555 objects)

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No content

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The Improvement Was Indeed Only 1% Since 6.0.0 1% of the memory usage 3% of the number of the allocated objects

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Maybe Because We've Been Adding Other Heavy Stuffs to master?

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What About Other Actions?

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Result: posts/show 127931 bytes (1305 objects) ↓ 124773 bytes (1271 objects)

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BTW Why Does posts/show Consume 70K More Bytes Than posts/ok?

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Because It Uses Whole M + V + C Stack Where posts/ok uses only "C"

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posts/show = posts/ok + find + render

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In Order to Divide the Problem,

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It'd Be Better to Measure M and V Separately

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Measuring Active Record Finder Alone # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_post - @post = Post.find(params[:id]) + Prof.mem do + @post = Post.find(params[:id]) + end end

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Measuring Action View Renderer Alone # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb def show + Prof.mem { default_render } end

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Action Controller's default_render Method A method that is called when no explicit render was called

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So Easy, Right?

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Result: default_render 40968 bytes (452 objects) out of 124773 bytes (1271 objects)

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Approx. 1/3

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But Why Does Action View Consume 40KB Memory for Composing An 1.5KB HTML?

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According to the Profiling Results

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Things That Consume Memory in Action View Strings and String-ish Objects Template engines Template lookup I18n UrlHelper

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What Are the String-ish Objects? SafeBuffer object Multibyte::Chars object

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ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer A variety of String class that can distinguish "safe" string and "unsafe" string Inherits String class to hold a flag as an ivar inside

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Can't We Use the taint Flag for This? I tried, but it didn't work well Because we cannot create "tainted by default" Strings

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BTW Who Here Knows What "the taint" Flag Is? Who actually have ever used it?

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It's a Flag That Every Ruby Object Has But Nobody Uses

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So, the Ruby Core Team Just Decided to Remove the Flag Around Ruby 3.0

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ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer We may be able to reduce so much garbage in the views if we can improve this Maybe we can create some kind of extension (that reuses the flag bit in String?) in the future

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Template Engines Template Engines tend to create so many garbage Strings while composing an HTML body String

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Why Don't We Try "The Fastest Template Engine in the World" Here?

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You Know What?

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It's Called "string_template" https:/ / amatsuda/string_template

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Its Mark Up Syntax Is Ruby's String Interpolation That Everybody Knows It's simple

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It Doesn't Internally Create the Heavy SafeBuffer Objects And fast

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But Has the Tradeoff It has no auto HTML safety guard We need to manually call `h()` just like we used to do before Rails 3

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Stringification -

<%= notice %>


#{h notice }

Title: - <%= @post.title %> + #{h @post.title }

-<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(@post) %> | -<%= link_to 'Back', posts_path %> +#{ link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(@post) } | +#{ link_to 'Back', posts_path }

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Result: After Stringifying the Templates 40968 bytes (452 objects) ↓ 40467 bytes (454 objects)

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Memory Usage Decreased, But Allocated Objects Increased...! Because string_template
 could create some extra String / SafeBuffer objects when concatenating strings with explicit `h()` call

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string_template Maybe efficient in some particular cases Inside heavy loops With lots of string interpolations That needs no HTML escaping But Action View is not generally optimized for this template engine

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Now, Let's Take a Look at the "new" Action

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Result: posts/new 165836 bytes (1613 objects)

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Who Consumes That Much Memory? allocated memory by file ----------------------------------- 8088 i18n-1.6.0/lib/i18n/interpolate/ruby.rb 7272 i18n-1.6.0/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb 6396 actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb 5088 actionview/lib/action_view/lookup_context.rb 5060 rack-2.0.7/lib/rack/utils.rb 4944 activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb 4552 actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb

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Another Newcomer "I18n" Is the Top Memory Consumer Here!

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I18n.t(:hello) => "͜Μʹͪ͸" A very simple function that looks up the dictionary with a key, and returns a String

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Why Is I18n.t Heavy? Is it doing something more than just a Hash lookup?

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Let's See What's Happening $ env RAILS_ENV=production rails r 'I18n.t(:hello); Prof.mem { I18n.t :hello }'

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Result Total allocated: 1336 bytes (9 objects) allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 928 Hash 368 Array 40 String allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 4 Array 4 Hash 1 String

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It Turned Out That,

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I18n Creates Some Hash and Array Objects Per Each I18n.t Invocation Especially for manipulating given keys and options

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How Can We Reduce These Object Creations?

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The Solution Wrap I18n.t and cache

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Like This? module I18nCache def self.extended(obj) obj.instance_variable_set :@i18n_cache, {} end def translate(*args, **options) cache = @i18n_cache[I18n.locale] ||= {} cache_key = args << options cache[cache_key] || begin result = super cache[cache_key] = result if result result ennd alias t translate end I18n.extend I18nCache

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This Monkey-Patch May Not Be Production-Ready Yet I'm aware that we at least need to handle `:count` option There may be some more corner cases If this approach is too aggressive, maybe we could monkey-patch `Backend#lookup`

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Anyway, Now I18n.t Became Much Cheaper $ env RAILS_ENV=production rails r 'I18n.t(:hello); Prof.mem { I18n.t :hello }' Total allocated: 272 bytes (2 objects) allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 232 Hash 40 Array allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 1 Array 1 Hash

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Result: I18n.t(:hello) Total allocated: 1336 bytes (9 objects) ↓ Total allocated: 272 bytes (2 objects)

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Applying This Monkey- Patch to the Rails App

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Result: posts/new Memory Usage 165836 bytes (1613 objects) ↓ 143306 bytes (1476 objects)

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Next, Let's Investigate the index Action Which usually becomes the main hotspot in the app

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Result: 50 "Hello" Records Total allocated: 580397 bytes (6170 objects)

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It Consumes This Much Memory for Fetching and Showing
 "Hello" 50 Times

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Allocated Objects by Class allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 3235 String 1300 Array 1019 Hash 162 ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer 100 ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase 50 ActiveModel::AttributeSet 50 ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash 50 Post

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ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatab ase, ActiveModel::AttributeSet, ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash These are created through the Attributes API

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So Here's a Super Monkey-Patch That Could Reduce These Objects https:/ / amatsuda/ lightweight_attributes

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lightweight_attributes' Approach AR model has too many features But in most cases, what we need is "data transfer object" instances that are "read only" Such objects can be made more lightweight by dropping some heavy features e.g. dirty tracking, type casting

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How to Use lightweight_attributes Bundle the gem. Done.

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Allocated Objects by Class: with lightweight_attributes allocated objects by class ----------------------------------- 3187 String 1293 Array 996 Hash 162 ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer 52 Class 50 LightweightAttributes::AttributeSet 50 Post

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Allocated Objects by Class: Before => After 3235 String 1300 Array 1019 Hash 162 ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer 100 ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase 50 ActiveModel::AttributeSet 50 ActiveModel::LazyAttributeHash 50 Post ! 3187 String 1293 Array 996 Hash 162 ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer 52 Class 50 LightweightAttributes::AttributeSet 50 Post

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Yay! We Could Reduce So Many Objects!!

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Result: Total Allocated with lightweight_attributes Total allocated: 580397 bytes (6170 objects) ↓ Total allocated: 586565 bytes (5981 objects)

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Allocated Objects Decreased, But Memory Usage Increased...!

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Probably Because We're Not Accessing All Fields in This Example The default implementation lazily type casts The lightweight_attributes version immediately type casts

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What Consumes Memory in the index Action? allocated memory by location ----------------------------------- 35032 actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/url_for.rb:42 35032 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:199 35032 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:231 27200 rubyconfid/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:19 26000 lightweight_attributes/lib/lightweight_attributes/attribute_set.rb:17 25587 activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:175 25368 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/journey/visitors.rb:49 23432 actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb:683 18920 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/journey/visitors.rb:38

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Mostly from UrlHelper

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Improving UrlHelper Would Greatly Improve the index Action Performance We need your ideas!

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Another Thing That Is Allocated Per Each Action and Can Be Cached

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ActiveSupport Inflector post => posts post => Post etc.

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But We Cannot Just Cache Every Inflector Calls That'll cause a memory bloat vulnerability

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What If We Cache Only What's Included in the DB Schema?

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The Monkey-Patches for Inflector def camelize(term, uppercase_first_letter = true) return super unless uppercase_first_letter if (cached = InflectorCache.camelize_cache[term]) cached.dup else super ennd def underscore(camel_cased_word) if (cached = InflectorCache.underscore_cache[camel_cased_word]) cached.dup else super ennd

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And Another Monkey-Patch That Creates the Cache from Table Name module SchemaStatementsExtension def columns(table_name) result = super unless InflectorCache.camelize_cache[table_name] InflectorCache.camelize_cache[table_name] = table_name.camelize end unless InflectorCache.underscore_cache[table_name] InflectorCache.underscore_cache[table_name] = table_name.underscor end result ennd ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter.prepend SchemaStatementsExtension

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Result: posts/ok with Inflector Cache 50569 bytes (533 objects) => 49235 bytes (520 objects)

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Yet Another Thing That Can Be Cached

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Action View Template Lookup

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There Are Three Kinds of Template Lookup Layout Main tamplate Partial

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Caching Layout Resolution `:layout` per action is almost always non dynamic So it can be cached

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The Monkey-Patch Can Be Something Like This module CachedLayout private def _layout(lookup_context, formats) cache = self.class.instance_variable_get :@_layout_cache implied_layout_name = self.class.send(:_implied_layout_name) prefixes = /\blayouts/.match?(implied_layout_name) ? [] : ["layouts"] cache[[implied_layout_name, prefixes, formats]] ||= super ennd

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Only if Given `:layout` Is `nil` or String def _write_layout_method # :nodoc: super if _layout.nil? || (String === _layout) @_layout_cache = {} prepend CachedLayout ennd

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Result: Layout Cache 116586 bytes (1227 objects) ↓ 113323 bytes (1189 objects)

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Before Layout Cache allocated memory by file ----------------------------------- 4916 rack-2.0.7/lib/rack/utils.rb 3839 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb 3821 ruby/lib/logger.rb 3800 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/response.rb 3760 actionview/lib/action_view/lookup_context.rb

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After Layout Cache allocated memory by file ----------------------------------- 4884 rack-2.0.7/lib/rack/utils.rb 3839 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb 3821 ruby/lib/logger.rb 3800 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/response.rb 3688 activesupport/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb 3552 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb 3504 activesupport/lib/active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb 3465 activesupport/lib/active_support/json/encoding.rb 3458 actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/tag_helper.rb 3311 activesupport/lib/active_support/message_encryptor.rb 2851 activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb 2384 activesupport/lib/active_support/messages/rotator.rb 2344 activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/keys.rb 2299 rubyconfid/app/views/layouts/application.html.string 2198 activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/object/json.rb 2080 actionview/lib/action_view/lookup_context.rb

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For Caching Partials Here's an experimental repository https:/ / amatsuda/turbo_partial

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turbo_partial `render_partial` takes many parameters So it can't simply be cached turbo_partial adds `render_relative` and `render_absolute` features to `render_partial`

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Rendering with turbo_partial - render 'form', post: @post + render './form', post: @post

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I'm Skipping the Result Because It Wasn't That Much Efficient in This Case...

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Who Are Allocating Objects Now? (post/ok) allocated memory by location ----------------------------------- 3451 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:95 1347 ruby/lib/logger.rb:597 1288 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/response.rb:437 1160 activesupport/lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:67 1152 activesupport/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:405

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Logging Creates so many String objects that are usually much longer than the response body

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 Instrumentation Creates large payload Hash objects and `dup`s them

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ActiveSupport::Callbacks Creates many Procs and things

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And What Is This Binding Thing? allocated memory by class ----------------------------------- 14440 Hash 9987 String 9688 Array 2520 MatchData 1728 ActionDispatch::Request 1608 Thread::Backtrace 1160 ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess 1040 Proc 944 Rack::Utils::HeaderHash 912 Class 512 Regexp 352 Binding

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It's Created Through `binding.local_variable_get`

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binding.local_variable_ get A magical idiom to get a local variable that has a name that conflicts with reserved words

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This Doesn't Usually Happen, But Keyword Arguments Can Create This def do_something(if: nil, unless: nil) if if ... end if unless ... ennd

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Which Causes SyntaxError

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I Found This When I Was Trying to Introduce Keyword Arguments in Rails

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I Asked @ko1 How to Avoid This SyntaxError

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Then He Introduced This New Magic

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binding.local_variable_ get def do_something(if: nil, unless: nil) if binding.local_variable_get(:if) ... end if binding.local_variable_get(:unless) ... end end

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Rails Started Using This in ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferen tAccess Since 6.0

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But It Turned Out That It Allocates a Binding Object I hope we can fix this in Ruby 2.7

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HashWithIndifferentAc cess A variety of Hash that treats Symbol keys and String keys as the same things Converts all Symbol keys to String internally Abused too much in the Rails internal

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Maybe We Can Reduce HashWithIndifferentAccess By defaulting this to be Symbol based Thanks to Symbol GC from @nari3 Or by implementing this in C

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Maybe We Can Reduce HashWithIndifferentAccess By introducing more keyword arguments

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Another Thing That Is Making This Benchmark Slow Thread synchronization

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Current Rails Codebase Synchronizes Threads Too Defensively Because not all supported Ruby implementations has GIL (GVL)

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Monitor#synchronize posts/show calls this 25 times per each request We could skip some of these in MRI

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Ruby 2.6.4 or Current Master `Monitor#synchronize` creates some extra Hash objects

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Today's Benchmark Result Becomes Like This allocated memory by file ----------------------------------- 7472 ruby/lib/monitor.rb 4908 rack-2.0.7/lib/rack/utils.rb 3839 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb 3821 ruby/lib/logger.rb 3800 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/response.rb 3688 activesupport/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb 3552 actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb

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We Need to Fix This in Ruby 2.7

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posts/ok 55560 bytes (574 objects) ↓ 50299 bytes (531 objects) (-9.5%)

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show 127210 bytes (1301 objects) ↓ 113047 bytes (1192 objects) (-11.1%)

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new 173108 bytes (1657 objects) ↓ 139605 bytes (1435 objects) (-19.4%)

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index 597728 bytes (6333 objects) ↓ 569575 bytes (6092 objects) (-4.7%)

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Future Works More patches on Cookies, Instrumentation, UrlHelper, etc. Publish these monkey-patches as a gem

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Actually I Baked Some of These Silly Monkey-Patches into a Gem https:/ / amatsuda/speed_king

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Wrap Up Rails is a huge software that has no obvious bottleneck But we can somehow improve it by micro- optimizations I already pushed so many patches in Rails master, so Rails 6.1 has to be faster than 6.0 After such micro-optimizations, today's benchmark highlighted some performance hotspots

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Wrap Up (2) Try speed_king gem (not released yet) But don't in production...

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Wrap up (3) Rails is such a fun thing to play with! Performance tuning is like a game aiming for a high-score Everybody can play with it for free! Since it's open sourced! I'm waiting for you to join this game!

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