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Alice and the Mad Hatter: Predict or not to predict

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Marianna Diachuk • Data Scientist at Restream • Women Who Code Kyiv Data Science Lead • Speaker, writer

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Roksolana Diachuk • Big Data Developer at Captify • Diversity & Inclusion ambassador at Captify • Women Who Code Kyiv Data Engineering Lead • Speaker

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In previous episodes talks…

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Functional forest

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magic-db- cluster-0

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2 years later

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magic-db- cluster-0 Long time no see! !

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NAME READY STATUS AGE launcher-crd 1/1 Running 33s magic-db- cluster-0

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3 months passed

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{ “predictions”: [ [ “B-natural phenomenon”, “O”, “B-geographical entity”, “B-time indicator”, ] ] }

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{ “instances”: [Pods and higher- order functions are in danger]} Test

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5 Days passed

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Alice! Alice!

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“Long time no see!” “Happy to see you too, Alice!”

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“Sorry, Alice! We don’t have enough time for stories”

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“I was just waiting for you!” “What for?”

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“Oh, don’t be rude, Alice!
 I will only entertain you a bit with my riddle” “Like it explains anything”

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“Soon it will all make sense” “I hope so”

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What was lost can be found only in the anomalies of this world

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“Any ideas?” “Oh yes,I have a pretty clear understanding of this riddle”

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“Anomalies?” “We need to fi nd anomalies in the data”

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“Anomaly is some kind of deviation from the standard”

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Cat Not a cat Supervised learning Unsupervised learning

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“Wait! You’re talking about ML models” “Exactly!”

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Data ingestion Data analysis Data transformation Model evaluation and validation Serving ML model building

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ML model Source data Anomalies detected

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“How are we going to solve it together?”

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Data ingestion Data analysis Data transformation Model evaluation and validation Serving ML model building

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“Let’s solve it in Scala!”

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def loadData(rawData: RDD[String]) : RDD[Vector] = { val dataAndLabel = { line = > val buffer = ArrayBuffer[String]( ) val label = buffer.remove(buffer.length-1 ) val vector = Vectors.dense( (vector, label ) … }

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def loadData(rawData: RDD[String]) : RDD[Vector] = { … val data = ) normalization(data ) }

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“We also need to normalise the data” “What’s data normalisation?”

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def normalization(dataArray: Array[Double]): RDD[Vector] = { val sums = dataArray.reduce((a, b) => => t._1 + t._2) ) val sumSquares = dataArray.fold(new Array[Double](numCols)) ( (a,b) => => t._1 + t._2 * t._2))
 val stdevs = { cas e (sumSq, sum) => math.sqrt(n * sumSq - sum * sum) / count } va l val means = / dataArray.count() ) … }

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“Let’s work on the pipeline” “First part is done. What’s next?”

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object AnomalyDetection { def main(args: Array[String]) { val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkCon fi g() ) val normalizedData = loadData(sc ) val model = trainModel(normalizedData ) val centroid = model.clusterCenters(0).toStrin g … }

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object AnomalyDetection { def main(args: Array[String]) { … val distances = => distToCentroid(d, model) ) val threshold = t }

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“Now we need to actually train a model”

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def trainModel(normalizedData: RDD[Vector]): KMeansModel = { val kmeans = new KMeans( ) kmeans.setK(1)
 val model = ) mode l }

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“Let’s dive deeper into distToCentroid function”

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def distToCentroid(data: Vector, model: KMeansModel): Double = { val centroid = model.clusterCenters(model.predict(data) ) Vectors.sqdist(data, centroid ) }

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“Ok, how are we going to run this job?” “We’ll use Kubernetes”

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“Kubernetes is always a good idea”

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apiserver scheduler Client Spark-submit Spark driver Executor 1 Executor 2 Executor 3

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./spark-submit \ --master k8s://https://host:port \ --deploy-mode cluster \ --name anomaly-detection \ --class anomaly.AnomalyDetection \ --conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark \ --conf spark.kubernetes.container.image=spark:latest \ local:///spark/jars/anomaly-detection-3.0.1.jar

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01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110011 …

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“Oh, they are not random at all” “Those are just some random numbers”

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“I’ll give you just a small hint. Those numbers are binary” “We can see that”

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“I think I know how to…”

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The past is the key to the future

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To be continued…

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Contact info dead_flowers22 roksolanad dark_matter_88 marianna-d