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whoami • Brazilian PHP / Web Developer living in Amsterdam • Works with independent projects • Contacts • Twitter: @erikaheidi • Blog: 2

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define:fun fun [/fʌn/] noun. enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure. Synonyms: entertainment, amusement, excitement, gratification [...] 3

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Fun and the Learning Process (...) when we scrub joy and comfort from the classroom, we distance our students from effective information processing and long-term memory storage. Instead of taking pleasure from learning, students become bored, anxious, and a n y t h i n g b u t e n g a g e d. Judy Willis, The Neuroscience of Joyful Education “ 5

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The Fun Theory 6

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Fun promotes engagement

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Fun makes learning easier

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Programming for Fun • No pressure, no boss • You can experiment • Best way for learning new tools • Its YOUR idea 11

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Lucky you, programmer! • You have all the tools you need • Not a designer? Try ThemesForest • Not a programmer? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 12

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A few thoughts on creativity • programming is a very creative activity, if you didn't notice yet • human beings are creative by nature • creative thinking first, evaluation later • most of the ideas we have are based on something else and that's ok. do it different! 14

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From the Concept to the Project • Ideas have a timing • When you have a clearer idea of what you want, start project design • Take it seriously! • Stay open to new technologies - best opportunity to learn • Think about monetizing possibilities - it might change your model 15

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Open Source Fun

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Fabgit • a fabulous and open source git output wrapper • a phar package using whatthejeff/fab • when I received my first pull request ever =) 19

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Placephant • an open source placeholder featuring elephpants • Using Silex and Flint • got spread quickly before I even tweet about it • all the cool geeks are using! =P 22

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Twitter Fun

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Great Zoltar • Open source twitter bot application (a fortune-teller) • Using Cilex, the cli framework by @mvriel • A reason: plain and simple funny fun (and I loved BIG, the movie) 26

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TweetAuditor • A free monitoring service for Twitter • Something I built for myself • Amazing repercussion • No resources to keep it running the way it was built • Refactoring is planned, but the service model must change 29

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Image Fun

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FotoMontagens • Easy photo editing / photo montage tools • Using GD and Imagemagick • For the brazilian masses! • Successfully monetized with Google Adsense • Refactoring is ongoing 32

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When to use Quick and Dirty The problem with quick and dirty is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten. - Steve C McConnell 34

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Plan ahead for reuse • think in reusable components • progressive development • open sourcing the components is good 35

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Advertisement • yes, it works! • but you need to focus on bigger audiences • and you need to keep engaging the public and working hard! 36

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Programmers who don’t code in their spare time for fun will never become as good as those that do. 20 controversial programming opinions “ 39

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Thanks! ;) 41