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@stevekinney Demystifying Performance in React Steve Kinney NationJS React: December, 2018

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@stevekinney Hi, I’m Steve. (@stevekinney)

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@stevekinney We’re going to think about performance.

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@stevekinney Chapter One What is performance and why does it matter?

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@stevekinney Why does performance matter?

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@stevekinney Allow me to use some slides with too many words and then read them too you. #thoughtleadership101

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@stevekinney Actually, I’m not…

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“ @stevekinney 0.1 second is about the limit for having the user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously, meaning that no special feedback is necessary except to display the result. —Jakob Nielsen

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“ @stevekinney 1.0 second is about the limit for the user's flow of thought to stay uninterrupted, even though the user will notice the delay. Normally, no special feedback is necessary during delays of more than 0.1 but less than 1.0 second, but the user does lose the feeling of operating directly on the data. —Jakob Nielsen

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“ @stevekinney 10 seconds is about the limit for keeping the user's attention focused on the dialogue. For longer delays, users will want to perform other tasks while waiting for the computer to finish, so they should be given feedback indicating when the computer expects to be done. Feedback during the delay is especially important if the response time is likely to be highly variable, since users will then not know what to expect. —Jakob Nielsen

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@stevekinney Now I’ll show you some statistics to make myself sound smart.

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@stevekinney Aberdeen Group found that a 1 second slow down resulted 11% fewer page views, 7% less conversion. Source.

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@stevekinney Akamai found that two-second delay in web page load time increase bounce rates by 103 percent. Source.

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@stevekinney A 400 millisecond improvement in performance resulted in a 9% increase in traffic at Yahoo. Source.

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@stevekinney Google found that a 2% slower page resulted in 2% fewer searches, which means 2% fewer ads shown. Source.

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@stevekinney 100 millisecond improvement in performance results in 1% increase in overall revenue at Amazon. Source.

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@stevekinney One more thing…

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@stevekinney According to “research” , if you want user to feel like your site is faster than your competitors, you need to be 20% faster.

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@stevekinney Thinking About Performance

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@stevekinney There are different kinds of performance.

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“ @stevekinney Measure. Don’t tune for speed until you’ve measured, and even then don’t unless one part of the code overwhelms the rest. —Rob Pike

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@stevekinney What matters to you? • The New York Times might care about time to first headline. • Twitter might care about time to first tweet. • Chrome might care about time to inspect element. • What does your product or project care about?

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@stevekinney Don’t get carried away with measuring, either.

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@stevekinney Thinking deeply about the architecture of your application is a better use of your time than micro-benchmarks.

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@stevekinney Three Tiers of Advice • Definitely do this. • Maybe do this, but measure before and after. • Only do this if you find a performance problem that needs solving.

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@stevekinney What are you sacrificing? Readability? Reliability?

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@stevekinney Some Disclaimers • React is decently fast out of the box. • Being all crazy about performance at the expense of creating value for your users is not awesome. • We’re going to look at some contrived examples because most larger code bases are: private, hard to grok during at talk, and hard to fake.

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@stevekinney And now: Steve’s Golden Rule of Performance

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@stevekinney Doing Less Stuff Takes Less Time.

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@stevekinney We’ll cover some of these concepts today. • Don’t reconcile the virtual DOM if you don’t have do. • Keep your state flat and primitive. • Don’t add functions to the call stack if you don’t need to. • Share things that don’t change instead of reinventing the wheel.

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@stevekinney Chapter Two Who Hurt You?

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@stevekinney React 16 lets your measure components’ lifecycles using the User Timing API.

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@stevekinney Three Main Requirements • React 16+ in development mode. • Source maps. • Chrome developer tools.

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@stevekinney ?react_perf

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@stevekinney Chapter Three Optimizing React Performance

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@stevekinney Free tip: Make sure you’re running in Production Mode.

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@stevekinney What is production mode? • PropTypes? Nah. • “Helpful” warnings? No, thanks. • Performance metrics? Nope. • Not having this stuff relieves React of a bunch of work and allows it to run fast.

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@stevekinney new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production') }), new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()

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@stevekinney Question: What makes React fast?

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@stevekinney Answer: The virtual DOM™. • Making changes to the real DOM is slow. • Making lots of little changes to the DOM can add up. • The virtual DOM let’s us change an object in memory—which is way faster. • Then it figures out of to do the most efficient change all at once.

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@stevekinney React’s reconciliation process compares the previous output from the render() method with the new one.

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@stevekinney Corollary: Not checking the component tree is faster than checking it.

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@stevekinney shouldComponentUpdate()

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@stevekinney class MyComponent extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return true; } }

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@stevekinney class MyComponent extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } }

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@stevekinney class UserAvatar extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return nextProps.user.avatar === this.props.user.avatar; } }

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@stevekinney Pure Components

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@stevekinney class MyComponent extends React.Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return ( shallowCompare(this.props, nextProps) && shallowCompare(this.state, nextState); ); } }

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@stevekinney const FunctionalPureComponent = React.memo((props) => { /* only rerenders if props change */ });

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@stevekinney A Word of Warning

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@stevekinney Moving Stuff Around (Or, “Not Being Lazy with Keys”)

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@stevekinney That annoying warning about omitting a key when iterating over a collection is actually pretty important…

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@stevekinney It helps React figure out whether this is something new or just an existing thing that’s moved.

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@stevekinney const Posts = (posts) => ( {, index) => ) } ); const Posts = (posts) => ( { => ) } );

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@stevekinney Action Items • Use a unique identifier as the key. • Don’t use the index of the item in the array. • FFS, don’t use Math.random(). You are better than that.

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@stevekinney Chapter Four State Management

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@stevekinney How you manage state in your application can have some important implications on the performance of your application.

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@stevekinney Prefer Primitives

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@stevekinney Primitives (strings, numbers, booleans) are passed by value.

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@stevekinney Objects—including arrays and functions—are passed by reference.

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@stevekinney 1 === 1; 'a' === 'a'; true === true; { a: 1 } !== { a: 1 } [1, 2, 3] !== [1, 2, 3] (a, b) => a + b !== (a, b) => a + b;

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@stevekinney Keep Your Data Flat

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@stevekinney const posts = { first: { title: 'The Good News About React Hooks', description: 'They exist, but not yet.', }, second: { title: 'Classes Are Dead! Long Live Classes!', description: "Or, maybe not. I don't really know.", }, }; posts.second = { ...posts.second, description: 'Definitely not soon.' };

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@stevekinney posts === posts;

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@stevekinney const posts = { first: { title: 'The Good News About React Hooks', description: 'They exist, but not yet.', comments: { 123: { author: 'Steve Kinney', bio: { twitter: '@stevekinney', company: 'SendGrid', }, body: 'First!', responses: { 456: { author: 'Ksenia Coulter', body: 'You never sent me your fun fact!', // What if I want to update this? } }, }, }, }, // … };

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@stevekinney this.setState({ posts: { ...this.state.posts, first: { ...this.state.posts.first, comments: { ...this.state.posts.first.comments, responses: { ...this.state.posts.first.comments.responses, firstResponse: { ...this.state.posts.first.comments.firstResponse, body: 'What is your spirit animal?' } } } } } });

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@stevekinney const state = { posts: { firstPostId: { title: 'The Good News About React Hooks', description: 'They exist, but not yet.', author: 'firstAuthorId', comments: ['firstCommentId', 'secondCommentId'], }, // … }, authors: { firstAuthorId: { name: 'Robbie Holmes', twitter: ‘@robbiethegeek', }, }, comments: { firstCommentId: { body: 'Commenting on my own post!', author: 'firstAuthorId', }, // … }, };

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@stevekinney paularmstrong/normalizr

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@stevekinney { "id": "123", "author": { "id": "1", "name": "Paul" }, "title": "My awesome blog post", "comments": [ { "id": "324", "commenter": { "id": "2", "name": "Nicole" } } ] }

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@stevekinney import { normalize, schema } from 'normalizr'; const user = new schema.Entity('users'); const comment = new schema.Entity('comments', { commenter: user }); const article = new schema.Entity('articles', { author: user, comments: [comment] }); const normalizedData = normalize(originalData, article);

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@stevekinney { result: "123", entities: { "articles": { "123": { id: "123", author: "1", title: "My awesome blog post", comments: [ "324" ] } }, "users": { "1": { "id": "1", "name": "Paul" }, "2": { "id": "2", "name": "Nicole" } }, "comments": { "324": { id: "324", "commenter": "2" } } } }

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@stevekinney You wouldn’t be wrong to think of your application state as an in- memory, NoSQL database.

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@stevekinney Pro Tip: Break up your containers.

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@stevekinney Me, like a year or two ago… const PostsList = posts => ( { => ( ))} ); const PostsListContainer = connect(posts => posts);

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@stevekinney Me, today… const PostsList = (ids) => ( { => ( ))} );

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@stevekinney Memoize Your Containers

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@stevekinney Reselect

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@stevekinney Fun Fact About Selectors • Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the minimal possible state. • Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments changes. • Selectors are composable. They can be used as input to other selectors. • (This list is from the official documentation.)

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@stevekinney Chapter Five Ship Less Code

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@stevekinney Parsing and compiling can take up the lion’s share of your application’s load time.

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@stevekinney Corollary: If you ship less code, then you’ll have less to parse and compile.

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@stevekinney Lazy-loading and pre-loading with React and webpack

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@stevekinney And now: A review of Steve’s golden rules for performance.

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@stevekinney Not doing stuff is faster than doing stuff.

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@stevekinney Doing stuff later is a way to not do stuff now. So, it’s faster.

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@stevekinney import React, {lazy, Suspense} from 'react'; const OtherComponent = lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent')); const MyComponent = () => { return ( Loading ... }> ); }

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@stevekinney import Loadable from 'react-loadable'; const OtherComponent = Loadable({ loader: () => import('./OtherComponent'), loading:
Loading ...
, }); const MyComponent = () => { return (
); }

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@stevekinney react-lazyload import React from 'react'; import LazyLoad from 'react-lazyload'; import MyComponent from './MyComponent'; const App = () => { return (
); };

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@stevekinney Takeaways • Some libraries have code you don’t need. See if you can get that out of your build. • Get the code you need now now. • Get the code you need later later. • Your tools can help you do this.

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@stevekinney Chapter Six Using Build Tools to Do Hard Work

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@stevekinney And now: Steve’s Silver Rule of Performance

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@stevekinney Let your build tools do boring stuff for you.

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@stevekinney Let’s file these under “maybe use.”

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@stevekinney npm install @babel/plugin- transform-react-remove-prop-types

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; class Announcement extends React.Component { render() { return (

Important Announcement


) } } Announcement.propTypes = { content: PropTypes.string, } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; class Announcement extends React.Component { render() { return

Important Announcement


; } } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney { "plugins": [ "syntax-jsx", [ "transform-react-remove-prop-types", { "removeImport": true } ] ] }

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; class Announcement extends React.Component { render() { return

Important Announcement


; } } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney { "plugins": [ "syntax-jsx", [ "transform-react-remove-prop-types", { "mode": "wrap" } ] ] }

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@stevekinney Announcement.propTypes = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? { content: PropTypes.string } : {};

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@stevekinney npm install babel-plugin- transform-react-pure-class-to- function

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; class Announcement extends React.Component { render() { return (

Important Announcement


) } } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; function Announcement(props) { return

Important Announcement


; } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney What if the component has state?

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@stevekinney class Counter extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = 0; } render() { return


; } }

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@stevekinney class Counter extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = 0; } render() { return


; } }

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@stevekinney Why is this cool?

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@stevekinney npm install @babel/plugin- transform-react-constant-elements

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; class Article extends React.Component { render() { return (

Important Announcement


—The Management ) } } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney import React from 'react'; var _ref =

Important Announcement

; var _ref2 = —The Management ; class Announcement extends React.Component { render() { return {_ref}


{_ref2} ; } } export default Announcement;

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@stevekinney for (let x = 0; x < 10; x ++) { console.log(x); }

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@stevekinney console.log(0); console.log(1); console.log(2); console.log(3); console.log(4); console.log(5); console.log(6); console.log(7); console.log(8); console.log(9);

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@stevekinney (function () { function fibonacci(x) { return x <= 1 ? x : fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2); } global.x = fibonacci(10); })();

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@stevekinney Appendix A Conclusion of Sorts

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@stevekinney Some things to think about… • Are we testing performance on fancy MacBook Pros or consumer-grade hardware? • Are we simulating less-than-perfect network conditions. • What is our performance budget?

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@stevekinney In Review • Build for production. • Profile first! • Don’t check components for updates if you can help it. • Prefer primitives. • Keep your state lean and mean.

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@stevekinney Thank You! @stevekinney