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Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto

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I hope to see Ruby help every programmer in the world to be productive, and to enjoy programming, and to be happy. at is the primary purpose of Ruby language.” “

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- Programmer happiness - Principle of least astonishment - Human readable - Beautiful syntax Principles

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- RubyGems, Bundler & Rake - Multiple implementations (MRI, JRuby, Rubinius, mruby, MacRuby, Topaz, …) - Solid Standard Library Ecosystem

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- MINASWAN - Self re ective - Open - Quirky Community

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The Language A Sales Pitch

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Object–oriented 1

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5.times { print "We love Ruby" }

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class Animal def eat(food) puts "Animal eating" end end my_animal = # => "Animal eating"

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class Dog < Animal def eat(food) puts "Dog eating" super end end

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module Stomach def digest(food) # ... end end

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class Dog < Animal include Stomach end my_dog = dog.digest

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-199.abs # => 199 "Foobar".split("").uniq.sort.join # => "abFor" nil.class # => "NilClass"

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Dynamically typed Duck–typing 2

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if dog.is_a? Animal end if dog.respond_to?(:eat)

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Monkey–patching (Duck–punching) 3

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… if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck, right? So if this duck is not giving you the noise that you want, you’ve got to just punch that duck until it returns what you expect.” “

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class String def yell "#{self.upcase}!" end end "hello".yell # => "HELLO!"

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Meta–programming 4

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class Greeter def method_missing(name, *args) name = name.to_s if name =~ /^hello_/ puts "Hello, #{name.gsub(/^hello_/, '')}!" else super end end end # => "Hello, john!"

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Blocks & Lambdas 5

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[1, 2, 3].map { |i| i ** 2 } # => [1, 4, 9]

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def greet(&block) # ... greeting = yield("John") # ... end greet do |name| "Hello, #{name}!" end

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A word on speed

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Ruby on Rails An (even shorter) sales pitch

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- Open Source Web Framework - MVC - Convention over Con guration - DRY - Opinionated Principles

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- Generators - ORM - Restful routing - Included webserver Features

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$ gem install rails $ rails new blog $ cd blog $ rails generate scaffold post title content:text $ rake db:migrate $ rails server

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author = Author.find_by :name => "John" author.posts.first.title

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Book.where(:title => 'Tale of Two Cities') .first_or_create

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class Account < ActiveRecord::Base # Returns all accounts with unread messages. def self.with_unread_messages joins(:messages).merge(Message.unread) end end

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