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Agile Planning and Project Management Mike Cohn Agile 2013 August 5, 2013 1

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® • Founding member of Agile Alliance & Scrum Alliance • Founder of Mountain Goat Software • Doing Scrum since 1995 • Started my career as a programmer • VP Engineering in 4 companies Mike Cohn 2

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Agenda • Iterative and incremental • User stories • Estimating • Planning 3

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® ® • Iterative and incremental • User stories • Estimating • Planning Agenda 4

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Iterative • Revisit previously worked-on pieces © Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® 5

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Incremental • Develop one piece at a time © Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® 6

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Iterative & incremental • Do some of one part then some of the next © Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® 7

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Daily Iteration Release Product Portfolio Strategy Team focuses here Team focuses here Team focuses here Six levels of planning 8

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Iteration 2 Iteration 1 Iteration 3 Iterations 4–7 Code the … 8 Test the … 12 Design a … 8 Code the … 6 Iteration Plan Iteration Plan Code the … 6 Decide … 4 Test the … 6 Automate … 8 A release (or “long-term”) plan 9

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Agenda • Iterative and incremental • User stories • Estimating • Planning 10

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® As a frequent flyer, I want to rebook a past trip As a user, I want to reserve a hotel room. As a vacation traveler, I want to see photos of the hotels. As a user, I can cancel a reservation. so that I save time booking trips I take often. 11

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® A template As a , I some goal, [so that ]. 12

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Where are the details? As a user, I can cancel a reservation. • Does the user get a full or partial refund? • Is the refund to her credit card or is it site credit? • How far ahead must the reservation be cancelled? • Is that the same for all hotels? • For all site visitors? Can frequent travelers cancel later? • Is a confirmation provided to the user? How? 13

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Add details as sub-stories As a user, I can cancel a reservation. As a premium site member, I can cancel up to the last minute. As a non-premium member, I need to cancel at least 24 hours in advance. As a member, I am emailed a confirmation when I cancel. 14

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® … or as Conditions of Satisfaction Verify that a premium member can cancel the same day without a fee. Verify that a non-premium member is charged 10% for a same-day cancellation. Verify that an email confirmation is sent. • Conditions of Satisfaction are essentially tests • Should come from the product owner As a user, I can cancel a reservation. 15

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Time Legend Smaller Larger Size Detail Less More Epic Theme 16

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® As a VP Marketing, I can review the performance of historical ad campaigns so that I can identify and repeat profitable ones. As a VP Marketing, I can select the timeframe to use when reviewing the performance of past campaigns, so that … As a VP Marketing, I can select which type of campaigns (direct mail, TV, email, radio, etc.) to include when reviewing … An epic Epics? 17

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® As a VP Marketing, I want to see information on direct mailings when reviewing historical campaigns. As a VP Marketing, I want to see information on TV ads when reviewing historical campaigns. As a VP Marketing, I want to see information on TV ads when reviewing historical campaigns. As a VP Marketing, I want to see information on email ads when reviewing historical campaigns. 18

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Agenda • Iterative and incremental • User stories • Estimating • Planning 19

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® ® • Iterative and incremental • User stories • Estimating • Planning Agenda 20

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How long to… • Drive to Seattle • Read a…ahem… good book 21

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Estimate size; derive duration 300 kilograms Size Calculation Duration Velocity= 20 300÷20= 15 iterations ➞ ➞ 22

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Two Units For ESTIMATING 1 2 Ideal Time Story Points 23

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© Copyright Mountain Goat Software ® Ideal time • How long a thing will take if: • it’s all you work on • no one interrupts you • everything you need is available 24