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Subscribe { RxJava vs LiveData }

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@brunoaybarg @bruno.aybar Bruno125 Bruno Aybar Android Lead @ Fandango Latam

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• Trending entre Android devs • Nos permiten observar cambios sobre algún tipo de información, y operar sobre ellos • Proponen un paradigma distinto al convencional • ¿Hacen lo mismo? RxJava y LiveData

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OBSERVER pattern

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OBSERVER pattern Es un patrón de diseño de software que define una dependencia entre objetos (…), de manera que cuando uno de los objetos cambia su estado, notifica este cambio a todos los dependientes

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OBSERVER RxJava LiveData pattern

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RxJava An API for asynchronous programming
 with observable streams Is a combination of the best ideas from
 the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming ReactiveX RxJava RxSwift RxJS Rx.NET RxPY RxPHP …

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Stream of Data flujo de información estados eventos data data data data

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Fuente: Imagen tomada de

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Flowable RxJava 2:

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package org.reactivestreams; public interface Subscriber {
 public void onNext(T t);
 public void onError(Throwable t);
 public void onComplete();

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Flowable.just(1) Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3) Flowable.just(1)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3) Flowable.just(1)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.just(1) Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.just(1) Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.just(1) Aquí termina el flujo Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 s.onComplete() s.onNext(4)
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.just(1) No es emitido Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3)

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Flowable.create({ s ->
 s.onError(Throwable(“Error!")) s.onNext(4)
 }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.just(1) No es emitido Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3)

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Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3) Flowable.create({ s ->
 // heavy transaction... // async operation... }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER) Flowable.just(1) no es la mejor idea…

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No content

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Subscripción a los eventos

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 { value -> log("onNext: $value") },
 { error -> log("onError: $error")},
 { log("onComplete!") }
 ) Kotlin ❤ (o Retrolambda, en su defecto)

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Flowable.just(1).subscribe(new Consumer() {
 public void accept(Integer integer) throws Exception {
 log("onNext: " + integer);
 }, new Consumer() {
 public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
 log("onError" + throwable);
 }, new Action() {
 public void run() throws Exception {
 }); Java

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 { value -> log("onNext: $value") },
 { error -> log("onError: $error")},
 { log("onComplete!") }

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val subscription = Flowable.just(1).subscribe(
 { value -> log("onNext: $value") },
 { error -> log("onError: $error")},
 { log("onComplete!") }
 ) subscription.dispose()

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Manejo de hilos

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Controller UI DataSource

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Controller Presenter ViewModel DataSource UI

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Controller DataSource UI

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Controller DataSource UI Background

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Controller DataSource UI UI Thread

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 { value -> log("onNext: $value") },
 { error -> log("onError: $error")},
 { log("onComplete!") }

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 .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .subscribe(
 { value -> log("onNext: $value") },
 { error -> log("onError: $error")},
 { log("onComplete!") }
 ) Hilo (Thread) en el que se realizará la operación

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 .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(
 { value -> log("onNext: $value") },
 { error -> log("onError: $error")},
 { log("onComplete!") }
 ) Hilo (Thread) en el que se escuchará el resultado

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 .filter { it % 2 == 0 }

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 .filter { it % 2 == 0 }
 .map { it + 10 } Flowable.just(User(“1”, “Bruno”))
 .map { }

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Combine CombineLatest And/Then/When Zip Switch Join ... Filtering Filter Distinct First Last Take ... Transform Map FlatMap Scan GroupBy Buffer ... More: http:/ / operators.html

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Curva de aprendizaje

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LiveData Room Lifecycle ViewModel ARCHITECTURE COMPONENTS

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LiveData Lifecycle +

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Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3) 1 2 3 LiveData

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Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3) 1 2 3 MutableLiveData data = 
 new MutableLiveData<>();
 data.setValue(1); //UI thread
 data.setValue(2); //UI thread
 data.postValue(3); //Background thread

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Flowable.fromArray(1,2,3) 1 2 3 MutableLiveData data = 
 new MutableLiveData<>();
 data.setValue(1); //UI thread
 data.setValue(2); //UI thread
 data.postValue(3); //Background thread

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Subscripción a los eventos

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data.observe(lifecycleOwner, new Observer() {
 public void onChanged(@Nullable Integer value) {
 log("onChanged: $value”)

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data.observe(lifecycleOwner, Observer { value -> log("onChanged: $value”) })

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data.observe(lifecycleOwner, Observer { value -> log("onChanged: $value”) })

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data.observe(lifecycleOwner, Observer { value -> log("onChanged: $value”) })

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LifecycleOwner es una clase que contiene información sobre el ciclo de vida de un componente, y permite a otros objetos observar su estado

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LifecycleOwner es una clase que contiene información sobre el ciclo de vida de un componente, y permite a otros objetos observar su estado Destroyed Created Started Resumed Initialized

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LifecycleObserver te permite observar el estado actual de un LifecycleOwner

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LifecycleObserver public class MyObserver implements LifecycleObserver { 
 public void connectListener() {
 public void disconnectListener() {

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 Activity 1 2 3 se suscribe data.subscribe { value -> textView.setText("Text " + value) }

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 Activity se suscribe data.subscribe { value -> textView.setText("Text " + value) } destroyed 4 5 6

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 Activity se suscribe data.observe(lifecycleOwner, { value -> textView.setText("Text " + value) }) destroyed X

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 Activity se suscribe data.observe(lifecycleOwner, { value -> textView.setText("Text " + value) }) STARTED | RESUMED

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Manejo de hilos

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MutableLiveData data = 
 new MutableLiveData<>();
 data.setValue(1); //UI thread
 data.postValue(2); //Background thread

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MutableLiveData data = 
 new MutableLiveData<>();
 data.setValue(1); //UI thread
 data.postValue(2); //Background thread data.observe(lifecycleOwner, { value -> // executes in UI thread })

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val userLiveData: LiveData = … 
 val userNameLiveData = userLiveData, { }) Map SwitchMap Custom Transformations

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RxJava vs LiveData Simple y sencilla Operadores poderosos Manejo de hilos Código legible Curva de aprendizaje ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ Enfocada a Android ✔ Integración con AC ✔ Operadores no tan 
 poderosos ✘ Compatibilidad con 
 librerías ✔ Over-engineered? ✘ Conocimiento portable ✔

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ RxJava vs LiveData

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Controller Presenter ViewModel Data Sources UI

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Controller Presenter ViewModel Data Sources UI LiveData

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Controller Presenter ViewModel Data Sources UI RxJava

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ RxJava vs LiveData

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Material adicional Intro to RxJava (Christina Lee) https:/ / Learning Rx (for Android) by Example https:/ / Common RxJava Mistakes https:/ / RxJava in Baby Steps https:/ / RxMarbles http:/ /

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Live Data docs https:/ / LiveData & Lifecycle https:/ / ViewModels, LiveData and Lifecycles, oh my! https:/ / Android lifecycle-aware components codelab https:/ / Material adicional

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@brunoaybarg @bruno.aybar Bruno125 Bruno Aybar Android Lead @ Fandango Latam Gracias!