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Introduction to JavaFX Dialogs HASUNUMA Kenji @khasunuma

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JavaFX Dialogs (8u40) • Alert - returns any ButtonType • TextInputDialog - returns input text • ChoiceDialog - returns choosen item • Dialog - superclass of all dialogs

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Alert - ERROR

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Alert - NONE

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Dialog on code • Works instead of Stage. • Often, exists into a controller as a part of event procedures. • showAndWait() - show and wait, then returns a value as Optional. • show() - show and wait, then returns no value.

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Layout DialogPane ButtonTypes Graphic HeaderText ContentText Dialog

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// Create a dialog Alert alert = new Alert(INFORMATION); ! // Setting properties alert.setTitle("Title (INFORMATION)"); alert.setHeaderText("Header Text"); alert.setContentText("Content Text"); ! // Show and obtain the result Optional result = alert.showAndWait(); ! // Another way if the result is needless //;

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Result types Dialog Result type Alert ButtonType ! OK, CANCEL, CLOSE, APPLY, FINISH, YES, NO, NEXT, PREVIOUS TextInputDialog String ChoiceDialog Type of choosen item

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I want such a dialog... How?

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I want such a dialog... How? // Add following code alert.setHeaderText(null);

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/** * Tips #2: the way to resize a dialog. */ public class SomeController { @FXML public void onClick(ActionEvent event) { . . . Alert alert = new Alert(INFORMATION); // Using following methods to resize; // setPrefWidth, setPrefHeight and setPrefSize alert.getDialogPane().setPrefSize(400.0, 300.0); Optional result = dialog.showAndWait(); /* Handle the result */ } }

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/** * Tips #3: Simple dialog-based application. */ public class DialogApp extends Application { @Overrides public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception { TextInputDialog dialog = new TextInputDialog(); /* setting the dialog */ Optional result = dialog.showAndWait(); /* handle the result */ } public static void main(String...args) { launch(args); } }

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• The representation of JavaFX dialogs are Dialog and their subclasses. • JavaFX Dialog looks like Stage, but is not Stage. • At first create and configure a dialog, and call showAndWait method.

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Introduction to JavaFX Dialogs HASUNUMA Kenji @khasunuma