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Plumbin' Pipelines with Gulp.js

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@Dynatrace @Ruxit

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HTML CSS JavaScript

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Sass CoffeeScript LESS P o s t C S S H A M L J a d e U g l i f y E S 6 R e a c t J S B r o w s e r i f y A n g u l a r J S E m b e r C S S M i n J S L i n t ESHint ImageOptim Mocha Jasmine TypeScript

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1530 lines of code original Ant tasks used: concat — copy — delete — mkdir

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Let's talk a short bit about the JS build tool revolution

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Grunt started a boom

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Gruntfiles get long

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Grunt tasks get slow

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lots of reads and writes

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And then came Gulp

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I (occasionally) contribute to Gulp

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I'm writing a book on Gulp 39% off with 39baumgar
 coupon code!

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I don't know Java anymore Java is to JavaScript what
 Alf is to Gandalf

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Let's go!

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The ecosystem

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Runtime environment JavaScript

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Package System for Node Host of all things Gulp plugins

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CLI Gulpfile PluginA PluginA

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CLI Gulpfile PluginA PluginA starts

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CLI Gulpfile PluginA PluginA loads starts

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CLI Gulpfile PluginA PluginA loads starts uses

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npm install -g gulp-cli npm init npm install --save-dev gulp touch gulpfile.js

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npm install -g gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0 npm init npm install --save-dev gulpjs/gulp#4.0 touch gulpfile.js

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The basics: Streams

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gulp.src(…) gulp.dest(…) Reads files Writes files

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gulp.src(…) gulp.dest(…)

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gulp.src(…) .pipe(uglify()) gulp.dest(…)

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gulp.src(…) .pipe(uglify()) gulp.dest(…) .pipe(concat())

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to the command line!

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Gulp API • gulp.task creates a new task • It requires to return either a Stream, a Promise or an Observable • gulp.src “globs” files and returns a stream of virtual file objects • each file can be piped through a process (jshint, uglify, less, etc.) • gulp.dest saves the file back to the file system

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gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(prefix()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); });

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gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(prefix()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); defines a new task

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gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(prefix()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); with a defined name

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gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(prefix()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); we load a certain file (or files) Starting here, we have virtual files in-memory instead of real files we

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gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(prefix()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); and pipe it through a series of operations

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gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/main.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(minifyCSS()) .pipe(prefix()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/styles')); }); before we save it again on the "real" file system

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scripts styles lint

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scripts styles lint gulp.parallel

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scripts styles lint gulp.parallel gulp.series

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to the command line!

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Gulp API • The second parameter of gulp.task is always a function. • gulp.series is a task function that runs tasks in sequential order. • gulp.parallel is a task function that starts every task concurrently • Both task functions accept task names and other functions as parameters. • They can be combined infinitly

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gulp.task('default', gulp.series('clean', gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts'), ‘server' ) );

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gulp.task('default', gulp.series('clean', gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts'), ‘server' ) ); runs in series

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gulp.task('default', gulp.series('clean', gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts'), ‘server' ) ); runs in parallel

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A development environment

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Bowser-Sync! r

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to the command line!

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Gulp API • creates a file watcher and listens to changes • changes include ‘change’, ‘add’, ‘unlink’ and others • BrowserSync is a development tool that can be fully integrated in Gulp. • Watchers trigger a browserSync.reload call

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function watcher(done) {'styles/**/*.less', gulp.parallel(‘styles’)); done(); }

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function watcher(done) {'styles/**/*.less', gulp.parallel(‘styles’)); done(); } watches this Glob pattern

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function watcher(done) {'styles/**/*.less', gulp.parallel(‘styles’)); done(); } starts this task on change, unlink, add

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gulp.task('server', function(done) { bSync({ server: { baseDir: ['dist', 'app'] } }) done(); });

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gulp.task('server', function(done) { bSync({ server: { baseDir: ['dist', 'app'] } }) done(); }); BrowserSync set up to start a dev server, serving dist and app statically

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Incremental builds

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Some tasks take long gulp.src(‘scripts/*.js’) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) .pipe(concat())

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Some tasks take long gulp.src(‘scripts/*.js’) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) .pipe(concat())

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Some tasks take long gulp.src(‘scripts/*.js’) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) .pipe(concat()) Too much is going on! Each change: Uglify all the files?

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Some tasks take long gulp.src(‘scripts/*.js’) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) .pipe(concat())

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filter files that have changed

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filter files that have changed do performance heavy operations

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filter files that have changed do performance heavy operations remember the old files

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filter files that have changed do performance heavy operations remember the old files and continue with the other ops

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to the command line!

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Gulp Plugins • gulp-cached and gulp-remember can be used to create file caches • The plugin filters non-changed files and ads them back to the stream once we are done with performance-heavy tasks • Additionally to that, we can use gulp.lastRun in Gulp 4 to filter files during globbing • gulp-newer allows us to do incremental copies/builds on a per-file basis

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gulp.task('scripts', function () { return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.js') .pipe(cached('ugly')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(remember('ugly')) .pipe(concat('main.min.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/scripts')); });

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gulp.task('scripts', function () { return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.js') .pipe(cached('ugly')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(remember('ugly')) .pipe(concat('main.min.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/scripts')); }); we use the cache to check if files have changed

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gulp.task('scripts', function () { return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.js') .pipe(cached('ugly')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(remember('ugly')) .pipe(concat('main.min.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/scripts')); }); once we are done, we remember all the other files we stored in the cache

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Part II

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A short source map interlude

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Browserify (for Babel/React)

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so similar … yet so different? Gulp Streams Browserify 

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Why not both??

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var b = browserify({ entries: ['_js/main.js'] }); var bundle = function() { return b.bundle() .pipe(source(‘main.js’)) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('js')); }

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var b = browserify({ entries: ['_js/main.js'] }); var bundle = function() { return b.bundle() .pipe(source(‘main.js’)) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('js')); } b.bundle emits a stream. But no vinyl file objects

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var b = browserify({ entries: ['_js/main.js'] }); var bundle = function() { return b.bundle() .pipe(source(‘main.js’)) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('js')); } vinyl-source-stream wraps the original stream into a vinyl file object

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var b = browserify({ entries: ['_js/main.js'] }); var bundle = function() { return b.bundle() .pipe(source(‘main.js’)) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('js')); } vinyl-buffer converts the stream contents to a buffer for plugins who need such

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Stream arrays and merge Streams

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A static site generator

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What does it do? • Generates static HTML sites • From a templating engine • Can parse Markdown • Can parse HTML • Can create permalinks • For different types (posts, pages)

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The stack • We use kramdown to convert Markdown to HTML • We use nujucks for our templating engine • We rename posts to feature blog permalink • We rename pages to resemble pretty URLs

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In pipes gulp.src(‘posts/*.md') .pipe(kramdown()) .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest())

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In pipes gulp.src(‘posts/*.md') .pipe(kramdown()) .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) gulp.src(‘posts/*.html') .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest())

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In pipes gulp.src(‘posts/*.md') .pipe(kramdown()) .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) gulp.src(‘posts/*.html') .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) the same!

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In pipes gulp.src(‘pages/*.md') .pipe(kramdown()) .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) gulp.src(‘pages/*.html') .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest())

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In pipes gulp.src(‘pages/*.md') .pipe(kramdown()) .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) gulp.src(‘pages/*.html') .pipe(wrap()) .pipe(nunjucks()) .pipe(rename()) .pipe(gulp.dest()) the same!

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What if we could reuse parts of the stream?

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to the command line!

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to the command line!

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gulp.task('default', function(cb) { var streams = { return merge( gulp.src(el.dir + '/**.md').pipe(markdown()), gulp.src(el.dir + '/**.html') ).pipe(rename(el.renamefn)); }); return merge(streams).pipe(data(options)) .pipe(wrap(layoutStr)) .pipe(swig()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build')); });

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gulp.task('default', function(cb) { var streams = { return merge( gulp.src(el.dir + '/**.md').pipe(markdown()), gulp.src(el.dir + '/**.html') ).pipe(rename(el.renamefn)); }); return merge(streams).pipe(data(options)) .pipe(wrap(layoutStr)) .pipe(swig()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build')); }); we combine multiple sources to one stream

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gulp.task('default', function(cb) { var streams = { return merge( gulp.src(el.dir + '/**.md').pipe(markdown()), gulp.src(el.dir + '/**.html') ).pipe(rename(el.renamefn)); }); return merge(streams).pipe(data(options)) .pipe(wrap(layoutStr)) .pipe(swig()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build')); }); with and merge we can create stream arrays

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Workshop files

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Reading Material 39% off with 39baumgar
 coupon code!

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No content

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