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JSConf Argentina 2014

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Agenda History Basics Main features Using it today ES6Rocks

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The Basics

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// String.contains(txt, start) let msg = "JS Conf Argentina!"; console.log(msg.includes("!")); // true console.log(msg.includes("JS")); // true console.log(msg.includes("X")); // false console.log(msg.includes("JS", 8)); // false String.includes(txt, start)

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// String.startsWith(txt, start) let msg = "JS Conf Argentina!"; console.log(msg.startsWith("JS")); // true console.log(msg.startsWith("js")); // false console.log(msg.startsWith("C")); // false console.log(msg.startsWith("C", 3)); // true

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// String.endsWith(txt, end) let msg = "JS Conf Argentina!"; console.log(msg.endsWith("!")); // true console.log(msg.endsWith("Argentina!")); // true console.log(msg.endsWith("na!", 8)); // false console.log(msg.endsWith("Conf", 7)); // true

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// String.repeat(number) console.log("x".repeat(3)); // "xxx" console.log("hello".repeat(2)); // "hellohello" console.log("abc".repeat(4)); // "abcabcabcabc"

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// Template strings // Basic literal string creation console.log(`In JavaScript '\n' is a line-feed.`); // Multiline strings console.log(`In JavaScript this is not legal.`); // Construct a DOM query var name = "Bob", time = "today"; console.log(`Hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?`);

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// Template strings // Basic literal string creation console.log(`In JavaScript '\n' is a line-feed.`); // Multiline strings console.log(`In JavaScript this is not legal.`); // Construct a DOM query var name = "Bob", time = "today"; console.log(`Hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?`);

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// Template strings // Basic literal string creation console.log(`In JavaScript '\n' is a line-feed.`); // Multiline strings console.log(`In JavaScript this is not legal.`); // Construct a DOM query var name = "Bob", time = "today"; console.log(`Hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?`);

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// Tagged template strings let upper = function(strings, ...values) { let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < strings.length - 1; i += 1) { result += strings[i].toUpperCase() + values[i].toUpperCase(); } return result; } let name = 'Jaydson'; let conf = 'JSConf'; let result = upper `Hello ${name}, welcome to ${conf}`; console.log(result); HELLO JAYDSON, WELCOME TO JSCONF

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// simple i18n implementation let currentLang = 'en'; let strs = { 'en': { 'Hello ': 'Hello ', ', welcome to': ', welcome to ' }, 'es-ar': { 'Hello ': 'Hola ', ', welcome to': ', bienvenido a ' } }

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// simple i18n implementation let i18n = function(strings, ...values) { let result = ''; let len = strings.length - 1; for (let i = 0; i < len; i +=1) { result += strs[currentLang][strings[i]] + values[i]; } return result; };

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// simple i18n implementation currentLang = 'es-ar'; let name = 'Jaydson'; let conf = 'JSConf'; let result = i18n `Hello ${name}, welcome to ${conf}`; console.log(result); // Hola Jaydson, bienvenido a JSConf

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// Octal and Binary Literals // ECMAScript 6 var value1 = 0o71; // 57 in decimal var value2 = 0b101; // 5 in decimal Credits: Nicholas Zakas, Understanding ES6

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// isFinite() and isNaN() console.log(isFinite("25")); // true console.log(Number.isFinite("25")); // false console.log(isNaN("NaN")); // true console.log(Number.isNaN("NaN")); // false Credits: Nicholas Zakas, Understanding ES6

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Math.acosh(x) Math.asinh(x) Math.atanh(x) Math.cbrt(x) Math.clz32(x) Math.cosh(x) Math.expm1(x) Math.fround(x) Math.log1p(x) Math.log10(x) Math.log2(x) Math.sign(x) Math.sinh(x) Math.tanh(x) Math.trunc(x) Math.hypot(...values) Math.imul(x, y)

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// Array.from(obj, mapFn) let lis = document.querySelectorAll('.speaker h2'); console.log(Array.from(lis, s => s.innerHTML));

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// Object literal shorthand function foo(bar, baz) { return { x: true, bar: bar, baz: baz }; } function conf(name) { return { country: 'AR', name: name }; }

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// Object literal shorthand function foo(bar, baz) { return { x: true, bar, baz }; } function conf(name) { return { country: 'AR', name }; }

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// Destructuring assignment (array pattern) var m = 11, d = 29, y = 2014; let [m, d, y] = [11, 29, 2014];

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// Destructuring assignment (object pattern) function today() { return { d: 29, m: 11, y: 2014 }; } let { m: month, y: year } = today(); // month = 11, year = 2014

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Main Features

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// Block scope /* Let */ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let j = i * i; console.log(j); // Works } console.log(j); // Fail

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Arrow Functions =>

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- This binding - Not newable - No arguments object - Always anonymous

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// Single parameter arrow fn let plusOne = x => x + 1; console.log( plusOne(5) ); // 6

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// Single parameter arrow fn let plusOne = x => x + 1; console.log( plusOne(5) ); // 6 Function

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// Single parameter arrow fn let plusOne = x => x + 1; console.log( plusOne(5) ); // 6 Param name

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// Single parameter arrow fn let plusOne = x => x + 1; console.log( plusOne(5) ); // 6 return

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// n parameters arrow fn let sum = (n1, n2) => n1 + n2; console.log( sum(2,2) ); // 4

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// Parameterless Arrow fn let conf = () => "JSConfAR"; console.log( conf() ); // JSConfAR

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// Arrow fn with a body let doSomething = (x, y) => { // logic return true; }

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// Classical ‘this’ issue var foo = { init: function () { setTimeout(function () { this.log(); }, 1000); }, log: function () { console.log('foooo'); } } foo.init(); //TypeError: this.log is not a function

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// Fixing ‘this’ issue ES5 way var foo = { init : function () { setTimeout((function () { this.log(); }).bind(this), 1000); }, log : function () { console.log('foooo'); } } foo.init(); // foooo

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// Fixing ‘this’ issue ES6 way let foo = { init : function () { setTimeout( () => this.log(), 1000 ); }, log : function () { console.log('foooo'); } }; foo.init(); // foooo

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class Animal { constructor(name) { = name; } breathe () { console.log( `${} is breathing` ); } }

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class Dog extends Animal { constructor(name) { super(name); } bark() { console.log(`Woof! ${} is barking`); } }

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class Cat extends Animal { constructor(name) { super(name); } meow() { console.log(`Meow! ${} is meowing`); } }

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// Creating modules // baz.js let baz = 'baz'; export default baz; // app.js import baz from “baz”;

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// Creating modules // print.js let print = function (what) { return `print module - ${what}`; } export default print;

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// Creating modules // foo.js import baz from "./baz"; console.log('From module baz >>> ', baz); let foo = 'foo'; export default foo; export let bar = 'bar'; // foo.js import { bar } from “foo”;

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// Using modules // app.js import print from "./modules/print"; import foo, { bar } from "./modules/foo"; console.log( print('it works') ); // print module - it works console.log( print('wow') ); // print module - wow console.log( foo ); // foo console.log( bar ); // bar

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ES6 support today 70% 60% 60% 55% 55% 35% 25%

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June 2015

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