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The future of i18n (ϘΫ͕ߟ͑Δi18nͷະདྷ) 2018.09.07 builderscon tokyo 2018 @kazupon

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Who are You?

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kazupon CTO Vue.js Core Team Vue.js japan user group organizer @kazu_pon kazupon

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Ticket sales, Coming soon ...

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Background • I've experienced a lot of different i18n what happened. • String encoding • Multi Languages • and more …. • I've developed, maintained as OSS developer. App or Service vue-i18n

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Come into one's mind for the future of i18n ... Welcome Feedback!

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Today about talking

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Agenda • The first half • About i18n • Current of i18n • Problems of i18n • The second half • Next generation i18n

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Today about not to talk • Design and Process of software development for globalization • Process of localization • See the book!

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About i18n

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i18n l10n

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What is i18n? • Internationalization
 • Generalize products in the format that doesn't depend on specific language, region and culture i nternationalizatio n 18 letters i18n

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What is l10n? • Localization
 • Specialize products in the format that depend on specific language, region and culture l ocalizatio n 10 letters l10n

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i18n <-> l10n i18n + l10n = g11n (globalization) 11 letters Base ja en fr l10n i18n g11n

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FYI: Numeronym • A numeronym is a number-based word. l10n i18n g11n World Wide Web Consortium w3c a11y k8s d11n

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Joke: How to call i18n? i18n (͍͍΍Μ: iiyann)

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By the way, Do you support i18n at your app ?

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Are you Serious?

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Importance of i18n • hard to support software maintainance after release … • Leak easily, when software has became large scale. • Need to re-design the UI layouts. • Database, and other systems are also affected …

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• And also hard to localization … • The translator fix the source code.
 -> Really? It’s impossible … • Even if i18n had been fixed with translator, there is the possibility of breaking app ... Importance of i18n Breaking …

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If cannot support i18n… • Can not keep usability of product … What’s mean?

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NG Case

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Current of i18n

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Platform • Built-in i18n and provide for application • Windows / Mac OS / Linux (*nix) • iOS / Android • Web

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Development Environment • Built-in i18n to Programming languages • ex: datetime, string encoding • Built-in i18n to Application Framework • ex: Ruby on Rails

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Contents of i18n

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Display of resource

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App Resource interpolation i18n lib Resource Catalog configure en_US.json ja_JP.json read select interpolate

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Format of Resource Catalog • .pot, .po (gettext) • JSON • YAML • .strings (macOS / iOS) • XML base (Android, Java, .NET) • And more …

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Resource Catalog Structure • Flat key pairs • Hierarchical

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Message Formatting • ICU (International Components for Unicode) Message Format

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ICU • Plural

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ICU • Date & Time

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ICU • Number

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Built-in programming languages • Support in most programming languages • e.g. Ruby • DateTime class • Time class • Date class

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Character Code

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Character encoding • Unicode have almost becoming defaults. • Web:
 ex, html
 • programming languages:
 ex, python (v3)

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Collation • Database
 e.g. MySQL

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Collation • ECMAScript i18n API

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Skin tone Reference from: “WG2 N4599 Skin tone modifier symbols” Unicode Consortium,

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Web Fonts

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Google Fonts

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It’s almost standardized • character encoding: ISO/IEC 10646 • datetime: ISO8601 • language tags: BCP 47 (IETF) • countries/states/subdivisions : ISO3166 • phone number: E.164 • currency: ISO4217 • and more …

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Enhanced with external libs • Phone Number
 libphonenumber (C/C++): • Countries
 i18n-iso-countries(Node.js): • DateTime
 spacetime (JavaScript): • and more …

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UI libraries

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Date Picker

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Emoji Picker

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g11n is easy to start! due to i18n fruitful environments.

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However …

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Hard to perfect …

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Problems of i18n

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Languages • One country have multi languages (e.g. india) • Dialect (e.g. bt-pt) • Middle name (e.g. es) • Honorifix • and more …

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Feature of product • Law • Tax (payment, order) • Accounts (tax, audit) • GDPR • Culture • Foods (tastes, … etc) • and more …

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UI • LTR (most) • RTL (arabia, …etc) • Vertical line (japanese, … etc)

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Database • Collation • Attribute of records dependent on country or culture • e.g. Middle name • Contents management for languages • and more …

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• I/F Miss-match of i18n per library • Resource catalog management Server Client / Server Client i18n lib i18n lib e.g. API or BFF model Resource catalog (errors, etc) Resource catalog (client specific) Client i18n lib Resource catalog (client specific)

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Client / Server • UI placeholder and contents management Reference: kaizen platform engineer blog

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Edge case of project • Grouping of Prefectures and Countries
 (no standardization)

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Edge case of project • Convert csv to shift_jis from utf-8 • e.g. Excel

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Edge case of project • Convert to ISO8601 from un-standardized datetime string

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i18n fatigue …

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By the way, What state of l10n?

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Translation • Translation have improved dramatically with machine learning! Reference:
 Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation

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Translation process • Out-sourcing model • Crowd-sourcing model Translator Software Company Translation Company Software Company Translator Software Company Translator Software Company Translator Translator … out-sourcing crowd-sourcing … Translator

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i18n-able content service

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Support i18n integration • Import / Export resource catalog Localization Services .po .json .resx … Import Export

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Support i18n integration • API Reference: vue.js: from internationalization (i18n) to localization (l10n) and back again

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We need the NEW i18n environments !

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Q & A

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Next generation i18n

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What kind of i18n do we want?

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I thought in App dev position • I don't want to worry about key naming of resource catalog … • I don't want to worry about resource catalog management … • I don't want to effort pseudo localization test … • I don't want to worry about choice of i18n library …

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I want to focus on App development !!

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Next generation i18n

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✨DX✨ (Developer Experience)

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Need to provide DX to developer!

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However, How can do you provide DX?

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So, I think that some factors are necessary

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Required factors for DX • Usability • Maintainability • Testability • Extendability • Integrity

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Usability • i18n takes time and effort … • Need to be the simply and easily to use it

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Maintainability • Just like UI, frequently occur the specification changing. • e.g. add/change/delete the resource

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Testability • Hard to i18n test … • e.g. Test per language • e.g. Setup language environment

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Extendability • need to support edge-case of i18n • e.g. String encoding: • utf-8 -> shift-jis • e.g. Decision Shortcut key: • en: enter • ja: shift + enter

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Integrity • Need to integrate l10n tools or services • e.g. continuous localization

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So, how should such i18n be provided with these factors?

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I thought about it!

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• SaaS for i18n • i18n framework

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SaaS for i18n? • Provide some SaaS of development environments! Need the i18n as a Service! source code management ci code coverage platform environment error tracking

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i18n framework? Resource Catalog Message Formarting Custom X CLI Testing tools UI supporting tools

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Ideally, Saas is best!

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However, We’re not an entrepreneur, but a developer.

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I talk about i18n framework after this!

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i18n framework • Requirement • Resolve the current problems • Provide 5 factors

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What kind of framework do we provide?

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By the way, regarding to framework …

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We have the image of full-stack!

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Is i18n framework the best full-stack framework?

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No, I think so not best.

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Because … • We don’t need all the things! • High learning cost… Resource Catalog Message Formarting Custom X CLI Testing tool UI supporting tool

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I think i18n framework should be like progressive framework.

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What’s Progressive Framework? From the below slide:

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Advocate Evan You Vue.js creator

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“In development, framework must resolve the inherent complexity of application.”

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“However, framework have instrumental complexity.”

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“Framework complexity is the price that we pay in handling application complexity.”

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Insufficient metaphor

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Overkill metaphor

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“Need to select the right framework.”

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However, In Business, requests are constantly changing …

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Progressive Framework

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“Framework that can solve problems in respond to progressive request changes of applications.” install libs and tools when need to resolve

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We are usually doing it … What is different?

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•Define problem regions and provide resolve ways. •Support the least official libs and tools possible.

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In Vue.js …

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Vue.js Core Vue Router Vuex Vue CLI If necessary, use progressively libs and tools

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Also in i18n …

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Just like it, I believe we can compose.

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Problem regions • i18n Core • String encoding • Date & Time • and more … • Resource interpolating • Message syntax format (ICU or other?) • Interpolating system

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Problem regions • Resource catalog system • Resource structure • Resource bundling • Resource format • Resource management • CLI

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Problem regions • Large scale supporting system • UI layouting tool • Test utilities • Integration supprting • … and more!

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i18n Core Resource Catalog System Resource Management Resource Interpolation Large Scale Supporting System

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Resource Catalog System Resource Management Resource Interpolation Large Scale Supporting System ? ? ? ? ? i18n Core

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Cases • small-case: e.g. client only • i18n Core • Resource interpolation • Resource catalog system • large-case: e.g. client / server • Above + … • Resource management • Large scale supporting system

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Plugin System • Enhance the features available • Add the methods or functions i18n Core i18n plugin-x (ISO3166) App (EC Service) i18n plugin-1 (E.164)

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What’s WebAssembly? • WebAssembly (abbreviated WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. • WASM is designed as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/ Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications. Reference From top of website

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This is it!

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WASM implementation i18n Core & Plugins WASM VM WASM VM WASM VM Load Load Run Run module

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CLI • Resource Catalog Management tool • Resource Interpolate optimization • and more … i18n add zh i18n extract ja.json, fr.json i18n convert en.csv en.json i18n compile …

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Editor • Provide the extension of editor • Like the IntelliSense of VSCode Easy resource key inputing !

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UI layout • Like the Storybook? (NOTE: My image) Reference From `I18n Toolbox Storybook Add-on`

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Test utilities • Pesodu Localization? Reference From `Pseudo Localization @ Netflix`

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• Support continuous localization App Hook API for l10n service i18n Core Localization Service hook Call Notify Translate Translator

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TBD of i18n framework

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TBD • WASM is still MVP… • NONE-JavaScript environments don't support … • The Implementation of plugin system is difficult … • How to distribution i18n framework • Library implemented with WebAssembly
 (Should we use existing package manager?)

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TBD • Should we need to re-implement the bellow? • date & time • String encoding • and more …

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Conclusions • About i18n • Current of i18n • Problems of i18n • Next generation i18n

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Q & A

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Welcome feedback & patron!

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Thank You!