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@jbfletch_ Anna McDonald: Twitter: @jbfletch_ <- fully committed to the underscore GitHub: jbfletch

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@jbfletch_ Agenda 1. Elementary analytics 2. Kafka Streams for Analytics 3. Real example

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@jbfletch_ Elementary, my dear attendees… ● Mean ● Median ● Mode ● Skewness ● Kurtosis

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@jbfletch_ Why should I not do advanced Math Stat?

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@jbfletch_ Why should I not do advanced Math Stat? Java

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@jbfletch_ Why should I not do advanced Math Stat? Java ● No elegant support for 2d dynamic arrays ● Lack of support for more advanced DoE test etc.

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@jbfletch_ Why should I not do advanced Math Stat? Java ● No elegant support for 2d dynamic arrays ● Lack of support for more advanced DoE test etc. Pandas, R!

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A Case for Kafka Streams @jbfletch_ I want to run my analysis as soon as all my assumptions are met. I don’t want to wait until a window closes if I have everything I need…

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A Case for Kafka Streams @jbfletch_ INTRODUCING…….

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A Case for Kafka Streams @jbfletch_ INTRODUCING……. Statistical assumption templates! aka SATs

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Example Assumption Templates @jbfletch_ ● Number of Observations == 30

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Example Assumption Templates @jbfletch_ ● Number of Observations == 30 ● Number of Unique States (as in NY) represented == 50

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Example Assumption Templates @jbfletch_ ● Number of Observations == 30 ● Number of Unique States (as in NY) represented == 50 ● Specific combinations for Design of Experiments

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Example Assumption Templates @jbfletch_ ● Number of Observations == 30 ● Number of Unique States (as in NY) represented == 50 ● Specific combinations for Design of Experiments ● Study Group completeness

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Example Assumption Templates @jbfletch_ ● Number of Observations == 30 ● Number of Unique States (as in NY) represented == 50 ● Specific combinations for Design of Experiments ● Study Group completeness ● Number of observations == Given model prediction confidence

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Kafka Streams Overview for Analytics @jbfletch_

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Kafka Streams Dedicated Cluster VS Java Library @jbfletch_

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Kafka Streams @jbfletch_ Kafka Streams DSL (Domain Specific Language) Processor API (PAPI) ?

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Time @MatthiasJSax Stream Time Wall-Clock Time Vs. @jbfletch_

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Time Wall-Clock Time @jbfletch_ ● The actual time based on system time or your watch ● Not fully available in all DSL Methods ● Used when there is no way to drive time by incoming messages

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Time @MatthiasJSax Stream Time @jbfletch_

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Time @MatthiasJSax Stream Time @jbfletch_ ● Per Partition aka Stream Task ● Advances Based on Incoming Messages at a Partition Level

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@jbfletch_ Stream Time 101 this.testTopology.input() .at(1000).add("1",obs1) Stream Time: 1000 Key Value

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@jbfletch_ Stream Time 101 this.testTopology.input() .at(1000).add("1",obs1) .at(1100).add("1",obs2) Stream Time: 1100

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@jbfletch_ Stream Time 101 this.testTopology.input() .at(1000).add("1",obs1) .at(1100).add("1",obs2) .at(1200).add("3",obs3) Stream Time: 1200

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@jbfletch_ Stream Time 101 this.testTopology.input() .at(1000).add("1",obs1) .at(1100).add("1",obs2) .at(1200).add("3",obs3) .at(1300).add("4",obs4) Stream Time: 1300

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@jbfletch_ Stream Time 101 this.testTopology.input() .at(1000).add("1",obs1) .at(1100).add("1",obs2) .at(1200).add("3",obs3) .at(1300).add("4",obs4) .at(1400).add("1",obs5) .at(1500).add("6",obs6) .at(1510).add("10",obs10) .at(1520).add("11",obs11) .at(1530).add("1",obs13) .at(1540).add("4",obs14) .at(1550).add("1",obs15) .at(1560).add("4",obs16) .at(12000).add("7",obs7) .at(12100).add("1",obs8) .at(12200).add("4",obs9); Stream Time: 12200

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@jbfletch_ Windowing!

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@jbfletch_ Windowing Steps 1. Group data

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Group Data ● What do I need to reason about? Ex. Store Location, Shoe Type, Feature ID groupBy @jbfletch_

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@jbfletch_ Windowing Steps 1. Group data 2. Specify the window type

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@jbfletch_ Tumbling Windows

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@jbfletch_ Tumbling Windows ● Non-Overlapping

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@jbfletch_ Tumbling Windows ● Non-Overlapping ● Controlled by a Fixed-Size Window

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@jbfletch_ Tumbling Windows ● Non-Overlapping ● Controlled by a Fixed-Size Window ● Uniquely Identifiable as: Memory Changelog @[start epoch]/[end epoch] @[start epoch]

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@jbfletch_ Hopping Windows

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@jbfletch_ Hopping Windows ● Overlapping

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@jbfletch_ Hopping Windows ● Overlapping ● Fixed Sized

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@jbfletch_ Hopping Windows ● Overlapping ● Fixed Sized ● Controlled by Window Size and Advance

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@jbfletch_ Hopping Windows ● Overlapping ● Fixed Sized ● Controlled by Window Size and Advance ● Uniquely Identifiable as: Memory Changelog @[start epoch]/[end epoch] @[start epoch]

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@jbfletch_ Sliding Windows aka Look Back/Forward

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@jbfletch_ Sliding Windows aka Look Back ● Slides continuously along a timeline

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@jbfletch_ Sliding Windows aka Look Back ● Slides continuously along a timeline ● Fixed Size

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@jbfletch_ Sliding Windows aka Look Back ● Slides continuously along a timeline ● Fixed Size ● Controlled by max time difference between two records of the same key

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@jbfletch_ Sliding Windows aka Look Back ● Slides continuously along a timeline ● Fixed Size ● Controlled by max time difference between two records of the same key ● Uniquely Identifiable as: Memory Changelog @[start epoch]/[end epoch] @[start epoch]

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@jbfletch_ Sliding Windows aka Look Back Key Value Record Time Stream Time A 1 8000 8000 A 2 9200 9200 A 3 12400 12400 Phil 496 13200 13200 Angela Lansbury 96 14500 14500 We'd have the following 5 windows: ● window [3000;8000] contains [1] (created when first record enters the window) ● window [4200;9200] contains [1,2] (created when second record enters the window) ● window [7400;12400] contains [1,2,3] (created when third record enters the window) ● window [8001;13001] contains [2,3] (created when the first record drops out of the window) ● window [9201;14201] contains [3] (created when the second record drops out of the window) Time Difference = 5000

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@jbfletch_ Session Windows

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@jbfletch_ Session Windows ● Non-Overlapping with Gaps

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@jbfletch_ Session Windows ● Non-Overlapping with Gaps ● Unfixed Size!

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@jbfletch_ Session Windows ● Non-Overlapping with Gaps ● Unfixed Size! ● Controlled by defining an inactivity gap for seeing records with a given key

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@jbfletch_ Session Windows ● Non-Overlapping with Gaps ● Unfixed Size! ● Controlled by defining an inactivity gap for seeing records with a given key ● Uniquely Identifiable as: Memory Changelog @[start epoch]/[end epoch] @[start epoch]/[end epoch]

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@jbfletch_ Windowing Steps 1. Group data 2. Specify the window type 3. Aggregate

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@jbfletch_ Aggregate ● Simple Aggregates - Count, Summation, etc.

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@jbfletch_ Aggregate ● Simple Aggregates - Count, Summation, etc. ● Create an array containing all values for further analysis

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@jbfletch_ Aggregate ● Simple Aggregates - Count, Summation, etc. ● Create an array containing all values for further analysis ● Continuous to Discrete Mappings

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! Task: Calculate the following descriptive statistics when and only when you have at least 30 observations for each class of sneaker: ● Count ● Min ● Max ● Mean ● Skewness ● Kurtosis

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! We want fixed size non-overlapping windows so we choose tumbling and define our window size TimeWindows tumblingWindow = TimeWindows.ofSizeWithNoGrace(Duration.ofSeconds(10));

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! We define our input KTable from our baseStream and create our groupBy, windowBy and aggregate TimeWindows tumblingWindow = TimeWindows.ofSizeWithNoGrace(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); KTable, List> observationsByClass = baseStream .groupBy((k,v) -> v.path("sneakerID").asText()) .windowedBy(tumblingWindow) .aggregate(() -> new ArrayList(), (key, value, aggregate) -> { aggregate.add(value.path("peeps").asInt()); return aggregate; } , Materialized., WindowStore>as("classes").withValueSerde(listSerde));

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! We define our input KTable from our baseStream and create our groupBy, windowBy and aggregate TimeWindows tumblingWindow = TimeWindows.ofSizeWithNoGrace(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); KTable, List> observationsByClass = baseStream .groupBy((k,v) -> v.path("sneakerID").asText()) .windowedBy(tumblingWindow) .aggregate(() -> new ArrayList(), (key, value, aggregate) -> { aggregate.add(value.path("peeps").asInt()); return aggregate; } , Materialized., WindowStore>as("classes").withValueSerde(listSerde));

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! We define our input KTable from our baseStream and create our groupBy, windowBy and aggregate TimeWindows tumblingWindow = TimeWindows.ofSizeWithNoGrace(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); KTable, List> observationsByClass = baseStream .groupBy((k,v) -> v.path("sneakerID").asText()) .windowedBy(tumblingWindow) .aggregate(() -> new ArrayList(), (key, value, aggregate) -> { aggregate.add(value.path("peeps").asInt()); return aggregate; } , Materialized., WindowStore>as("classes").withValueSerde(listSerde));

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! observationsByClass .toStream() .filter((k,v) -> v.size() == 30) .map( ((stringWindowed, integers) -> { DescriptiveStatistics stats= new DescriptiveStatistics(); double[] array =; .forEach(obs -> { stats.addValue(obs); }); System.out.println("Number of Values: " + String.valueOf(stats.getN())); System.out.println("Min Value: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMin())); System.out.println("Max Value: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMax())); System.out.println("Mean: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMean())); System.out.println("Skewness: " + String.valueOf(stats.getSkewness())); System.out.println("Kurtosis: " + String.valueOf(stats.getKurtosis())); return KeyValue.pair(stringWindowed, integers); }) ) .print(Printed., List>toSysOut().withLabel("Full Key and Values")); Time to apply our statistical assumption template (SAT)

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! observationsByClass .toStream() .filter((k,v) -> v.size() == 30) .map( ((stringWindowed, integers) -> { DescriptiveStatistics stats= new DescriptiveStatistics(); double[] array =; .forEach(obs -> { stats.addValue(obs); }); System.out.println("Number of Values: " + String.valueOf(stats.getN())); System.out.println("Min Value: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMin())); System.out.println("Max Value: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMax())); System.out.println("Mean: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMean())); System.out.println("Skewness: " + String.valueOf(stats.getSkewness())); System.out.println("Kurtosis: " + String.valueOf(stats.getKurtosis())); return KeyValue.pair(stringWindowed, integers); }) ) .print(Printed., List>toSysOut().withLabel("Full Key and Values")); Create and add the observations in our window to a new stats object

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@jbfletch_ Putting it all Together! observationsByClass .toStream() .filter((k,v) -> v.size() == 30) .map( ((stringWindowed, integers) -> { DescriptiveStatistics stats= new DescriptiveStatistics(); double[] array =; .forEach(obs -> { stats.addValue(obs); }); System.out.println("Number of Values: " + String.valueOf(stats.getN())); System.out.println("Min Value: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMin())); System.out.println("Max Value: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMax())); System.out.println("Mean: " + String.valueOf(stats.getMean())); System.out.println("Skewness: " + String.valueOf(stats.getSkewness())); System.out.println("Kurtosis: " + String.valueOf(stats.getKurtosis())); return KeyValue.pair(stringWindowed, integers); }) ) .print(Printed., List>toSysOut().withLabel("Full Key and Values")); And finally…calculate our required descriptive statistics!

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@jbfletch_ GitHub: