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20150716 - JSON Schema 速習会 Introduction to JSON Schema Masayuki IZUMI - @izumin5210

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Ƅ Rekimoto Lab. at the University of Tokyo (2008-2015: Akashi-NCT) Ɠ Enginner at Wantedly, Inc. (2014.9-2015.2: Dmetlabel, Inc.)

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pry(main)> izumin.skill_ratio Ruby JavaScript Android Design

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pry(main)> izumin.skill_ratio Ruby JavaScript Android Design

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「JSON Schema ?」 さいきんよく見かけるけど,一体何者?

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Q: What does it do? JSON Schema ってなにすんの? A: It describes your JSON data format[1] . JSON のフォーマット記述するやつやで. [1] 20150716 - JSON Schema 速習会

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What is JSON Schema ? 20150716 - JSON Schema 速習会 * Defines structure of JSON data - JSON Schema Core * Provides structual validation - JSON Schema Validation * Defines hyper{text,media} related things - JSON Hyper Schema

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$ git clone $ cd jsonschema-study # branch 名はお好みでどうぞ $ git checkout -b hands-on refs/tags/entrypoint # path 不要な人は省略してください $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle $ RACK_ENV=mock bundle exec rackup -p 5000 $ open http://localhost:5000/api/users とりあえず触ってみましょう

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/api/users [ { "created_at": "2015...", "id": 1, "name": "Masayuki IZUMI", "updated_at": "2015..." } ] namespace '/api' do get '/users' do json [] end end /api/users app.rb

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/api/users [ { "created_at": "2015...", "id": 1, "name": "Masayuki IZUMI", "updated_at": "2015..." } ] namespace '/api' do get '/users' do json [] end end /api/users app.rb

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/api/users [ { "created_at": "2015...", "id": 1, "name": "Masayuki IZUMI", "updated_at": "2015..." } ] namespace '/api' do get '/users' do json [] end end /api/users app.rb [2]

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No content

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document $ open http://localhost:5000/doc

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[2] document $ open http://localhost:5000/doc

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自分で書いてみる $ bundle exec prmd init -y post > doc/schemata/post.yml [3]

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基本構造 title: User description: User object definitions: # 属性等の定義 links: # API の定義(厳密にはチョットチガウ) properties: # 属性の定義(defeinitions への参照が多い)

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基本構造 - definitions title: User description: User object definitions: email: description: email address type: string format: email # 以下略

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基本構造 - properties title: User description: User object definitions: # 中略 properties: email: "$ref": "/schemata/user#/definitions/email" # 以下略

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title: User description: User object definitions: # 中略 properties: email: "$ref": "/schemata/user#/definitions/email" # 以下略 基本構造 - properties "$ref": "#/foo/bar" JSON Reference[4] #/foo/bar JSON Pointer[5] [4] [5]

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基本構造 - links title: User description: User object definitions: # 中略 links: - description: Info for existing user. href: "/api/users/{(%2Fschemata%2Fuser%23definitions%2Fid)}" method: GET rel: self title: Info # 以下略

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基本構造 - links title: User description: User object definitions: # 中略 links: - description: Info for existing user. href: "/api/users/{(%2Fschemata%2Fuser%23definitions%2Fid)}" method: GET rel: self title: Info # 以下略

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基本構造 - links title: User description: User object definitions: # 中略 links: - description: Info for existing user. href: "/api/users/{(%2Fschemata%2Fuser%23definitions%2Fid)}" method: GET rel: self title: Info # 以下略 "/foo/bar/{(%23baz)}" URI Template[6] [6]

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基本構造 - links # 略 links: - description: Create a new user. href: "/api/users" method: POST rel: self schema: properties: # 属性の定義 type: - object title: Create # 以下略

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基本構造 - links # 略 links: - description: Create a new user. href: "/api/users" method: POST rel: self schema: properties: # 属性の定義 type: - object title: Create # 以下略

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基本構造 - links # 略 links: - description: Create a new user. href: "/api/users" method: POST rel: self schema: properties: # 属性の定義 type: - object title: Create # 以下略

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結合 $ bundle exec prmd combine \ --meta doc/meta.yml \ doc/schemata > doc/schemata/post.yml