How to contribute to
try! Swift Tokyo 2018
Yoichi Tagaya
iOS Engineer / Engineering Manager at Mercari, Inc.
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About Me
Author of Swinject
- Dependency Injection framework
- 2k+ GitHub stars
- Mentioned at try! Swift Tokyo 2016
by Veronica Ray
- US Mercari iOS app
- Mercari NOW service (JP)
Yoichi Tagaya
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International conferences I joined in 2017
• try! Swift Tokyo (flu)
• Appdevcon in Amsterdam
• iOSCon in London
• AltConf in San Jose
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What I got at the conferences
• Knowledge and techniques from famous
• Experience of development process/
tools/patterns from attendees.
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Talking with conference attendees is
great to exchange experience!
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Anyone can contribute!
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How to…
1. Find anyone standing alone.
2. Say magical words.
‣ Hello!
‣ How are you?
‣ My name is…
‣ Which talk did you like?
‣ Did you find anything interesting?