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Christopher MANEU Principal Cloud Advocate – Microsoft @cmaneu |

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Hi, I’m Christopher @cmaneu 1 User ~10M Users >1 Bn Users

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Video from

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Customer experience is more holistic than product management Even the best products can leave you with a bad experience Image from

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How to listen to users? How to close the (development) loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda

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How to listen to users? How to close the (development) loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda

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How to listen to your users?

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@cmaneu Develop an empathy mindset

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Work Chronicles | Comics about Work (@_workchronicles) / Twitter

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Work Chronicles | Comics about Work (@_workchronicles) / Twitter

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Work Chronicles | Comics about Work (@_workchronicles) / Twitter

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Culture of Feedback Split substance and emotional load Backed by management

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Advocacy teams… The Subtle Art of Being A Developer Advocate - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

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Advocacy teams… and Experience Crews Experience Crew — unFIX The Subtle Art of Being A Developer Advocate - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

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Different ways to collect feedback User-initiated DevTeam-initiated Easy setup Complex setup Session capture Clarity Email feedback GitHub Micro-feedback InApp feedback Influencer program Forums Dedicated platforms Advocacy program XP Crews

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Different ways to collect feedback User-initiated DevTeam-initiated Easy setup Complex setup Session capture Clarity Email feedback GitHub Micro-feedback InApp feedback Influencer program Forums Dedicated platforms Advocacy program XP Crews

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@cmaneu In-app Feedback

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@cmaneu In-app Feedback

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@cmaneu In-app Feedback { "feedback.v": "1", "feedback.ts": "1451399541", "feedback.type": "Provide a suggestion", "feedback.title": "Support the developers", "feedback.body": "Hey,\r\nThis is a great Windows 10 app. I love it !\r\nKudos to the devs 👸🏿🎋 ", "app.version": "", "app.lang": "us", "dev.p": "windowsuniversal", "": "Windows.Mobile", "dev.arch": "Arm", "dev.brand": "NOKIA", "dev.model": "RM-937_eu_france_219", "dev.display": "432x768", "dev.osver": "10.0.10586.29", "": "Mobile", "": "Deezer/ (WindowsUniversal; 10.0.10586.29; Mobile; us; RM- 937_eu_france_219)", "user.hasal": "True", "": “XXXXXXXXXX", "": "FR", "user.dal": "True", "user.ot": "None" feedback.json

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@cmaneu In-app Feedback

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@cmaneu Micro-feedback

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@cmaneu Microfeedback

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@cmaneu Microfeedback

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@cmaneu Microfeedback > Followup

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@cmaneu Scaling Microfeedback Any PM should be able to add a feedback piece in a service without days of development. Microfeedback.jsx

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@cmaneu User community programs Uservoice-like platforms for features ideas and priorization Discourse-like forums for trends & co-building with the community

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Process: When to do user listening? From ideation to continuous improvment

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How to listen to your users? Empathy Culture of feedback Dedicated roles Leveraging existing roles App reviews Tracked links/docs In-app feedback Micro-feedback Emails GitHub Specialized platforms Dynamics Customer Voice

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How to listen to users? How to close the (development) loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda

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Triaging the feedback Origin Internal Insiders Production Commercial ticket Area Accessibility Client Docs Dl & Install Performance Privacy Security I18n / l12n Feature / product Actionnable feedback & Bug Ratio

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Make the feedback actionanble  What success look like?  What metric can you put in place  Gather the necessary context  Tie it back to your objectives

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Make room for feedback within your roadmaps Story points budget & golden tickets Releases notes slots S23 S24 S25 Focus sprint

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Surface feedback in development backlog

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Surface feedback in development backlog

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No content

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No content

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Surface feedback within the company

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Surface feedback within the company

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Surface feedback to your users Roadmap des mises à jour de Microsoft 365

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How to listen to users? How to close the (development) loop? How to do it while preserving their rights? Agenda

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Privacy is about user centric choices. We can’t be serious about customer listening without being serious about privacy. More effective privacy choices = fewer privacy problems Why talk about privacy?

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Chris principles for user feedback data 1. Segregate feedback data from PII DuckDuckGo + My OSS project 2. Give choices to users Edge Feedback + DuckDuckgo 3. Create “progressive data collection” paths Windows / Insider program 4. Be transparent Edge

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What is a PII (Personally Identifiable Information)  Name, Email  (GDPR) Any online identifier

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Clarity “No-cookie” + PII redaction The “No-cookie” experience will not link pages recording together You can decide the content you’re masking Masking content | Microsoft Learn Clarity Cookie Consent | Microsoft Learn

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DuckDuckGo Tracking domain

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Give choices to the user

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Create progressive data collection paths

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Be transparent Who is the data processor & data collector? What type of data is collected and for what purpose? Where it’s stored and for how long? Edge feedback viewer Windows diagnostic viewer

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Be relentless

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Be relentless

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@cmaneu Doctolib médecin

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Thank you Follow me @cmaneu