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Evaluation for classification dataitgirls3 Instructor Sunmi Yoon

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Confusion Matrix

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Evaluation Metrics from Confusion Matrix

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Precision(੿޻ب), PPV(Positive Predictive Value) ݽ؛੉ TrueۄҊ ࠙ܨೠ Ѫ ઺ী, पઁ Trueੋ Ѫ੄ ࠺ਯ Recall(੤അਯ), Sensitivity, hit rate पઁ True ઺ী ݽ؛੉ True۽ ࠙ܨೠ ࠺ਯ “Precision݅ न҃ਸ ॳݶ ݽ؛੉ ੋ࢝೧૑Ҋ, Recall݅ न҃ॳݶ ݽ؛੉ ೻ಌ૓׮” ੄ ੄޷ܳ ࢤп೧ࠁࣁਃ.

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Accuracy TP, TNਸ ݽف Ҋ۰ೞח ૑಴. Label ࠛӐഋ੉ बೡ ٸী ࢎਊਸ ઱੄೧ঠ ೤פ׮. F1 Score Precisionҗ Recall੄ ઑചಣӐ Label ࠛӐഋ੉ बೡ ٸী ݽ؛੄ ࢿמਸ ੿ഛೞѱ ಣоೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮. Label ࠛӐഋ੉ बೡ ٸী, Accuracyח ૑಴۽ࢲ न܉ࢿਸ ੏णפ׮. ੉ਬܳ ࢤп ೧ ࠁࣁਃ.

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Slide 8 text ৵ ࢑ࣿಣӐ੉ ইפҊ ઑചಣӐੋо?

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ઑӘ݅ ؊ о ࠇद׮

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Slide 10 text ׮द ੉ Ӓܿਵ۽ جই৬ࢲ, ଘ ফܳ ઺बਵ۽ ࢤп೮਺

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Slide 11 text ׮द ੉ Ӓܿਵ۽ جই৬ࢲ, ੉ߣূ ফب э੉ ࢤпೞݶࢲ ࠇद׮ (૑Әࠗఠ ഁтܾ ࣻ ੓਺)

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN Precision Positive Predictive Value ࠙ܨ Ѿҗ(ݽ؛)ਸ ઺बਵ۽

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN Negative Predictive Value ࠙ܨ Ѿҗ(ݽ؛)ਸ ઺बਵ۽

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN Recall Sensitivity True Positive Rate ੿׹ਸ ઺बਵ۽

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN ੿׹ਸ ઺बਵ۽ False Positive Rate

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN ੿׹ਸ ઺बਵ۽ Specificity True Negative Rate

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN ੿׹ਸ ઺बਵ۽ Fall-out rate False Positive Rate

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Slide 19 text ੉Ѧ ೞ੗Ҋ ೮঻ભ. ੉ߣূ ফب э੉ ࢤпೞݶࢲ ࠇद׮ (૑Әࠗఠ ഁтܾ ࣻ ੓਺)

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN ? TP ઺ब ૑಴ٜ ੿ܻೞ੗ݶ, ?

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੿׹ TRUE FALSE ࠙ܨѾҗ TRUE TP FP FALSE FN TN TN ઺ब ૑಴ٜ ? ੿ܻೞ੗ݶ, ?

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ഁтܻભ? ਗې Ӓ۠Ѣ৘ਃ

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ӝୡח ೮ਵפө ઑӘ݅ ؊ ೧ ࠇद׮.

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Confusion Matrix with Histogram

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Slide 25 text Criterion, Threshold য়ܲଃ Distribution਷ Actual True, ৽ଃ਷ Actual False. Threshold ਤ۽ח ݽف True۽ ৘ஏೞח ݽ؛੉ ੓׮Ҋ о੿೮ਸ ٸ,

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Slide 26 text Thresholdܳ ӓױ੸ਵ۽ ਋ஏ ੉ز दெࠇद׮. যڃ ੌ੉ ੌযաաਃ? Precision: Recall: Specificity: Fall-out:

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Slide 27 text Thresholdܳ ӓױ੸ਵ۽ ਋ஏ ੉ز दெࠇद׮. যڃ ੌ੉ ੌযաաਃ? True positive rate: True negative rate:

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Slide 28 text ੉ߣূ ߈؀۽ ੉ز दெࠇद׮. যڃ ੌ੉ ੌযաաਃ? True positive rate: True negative rate:

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Specificity৬ Sensitivity੄ ҙ҅

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ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve

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рױೞѱח, Sensitivity৬ 1-Specificityܳ п ୷ਵ۽ ೞח 2ରਗ Ӓې೐ AUC (Area Under Curve)

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рױೞѱח, Sensitivity৬ 1-Specificityܳ п ୷ਵ۽ ೞח 2ରਗ Ӓې೐ Actual True৬ Actual False distribution੉ ৮߷ೞѱ эਸ ٸ (feature੄ class ߸߹מ۱ হ਺) ROC curveח 45ب пب ૒ࢶ

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рױೞѱח, Sensitivity৬ 1-Specificityܳ п ୷ਵ۽ ೞח 2ରਗ Ӓې೐ Actual True৬ Actual False distribution੉ Ҁ஖ח ৔৉ হ੉ ৮߷ೞѱ ܻ࠙ ؼ ٸ ROC ழ࠳ (feature੄ class ߸߹ מ۱੉ ৮߷) ROC ழ࠳о ઝ࢚ױী оө਎ࣻ۾ feature੄ class ߸߹ מ۱੉ જ׮Ҋ ೡ ࣻ ੓׮.

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ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve with Machine Learning

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Classifierܳ ݅ٚ׮ח Ѥ, ف ѐ੄ histogramਸ ӒܻҊ Thresholdܳ ੿੄ೞח Ѫ

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Slide 36 text Histogramਸ Ӓ۷׮ח Ѥ ROC ழ࠳ܳ Ӓܾ ࣻ ੓׮ח Ѫ!

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Slide 37 text ROC ழ࠳ܳ Ӓܾ ࣻ ੓׮ח Ѥ ৈ۞ ROC ழ࠳ р ࠺Үܳ ా೧ જ਷ ࢿמ੄ ݽ؛ਸ ଺ইյ ࣻ ੓׮ח Ѫ!

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AUCо ௼׮ = ݽ؛੉ ҅࢑ೠ probabilityܳ ߄ఔਵ۽ Ӓܽ histogramٜ੉ ੜ ܻ࠙غয ੓׮. = ݽ؛੉ Threshold(Decision BoundaryۄҊب ೠ׮)ী ؏ ޹хೞ׮. = উ੿੸ੋ ৘ஏਸ ೠ׮.

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ݽ؛ ࢶఖী ROC ழ࠳ܳ ഝਊೠ׮ = Decision Boundaryী ࢚ҙহ੉ ؊ જ਷ ݽ؛ਸ ଺ח׮. = ganziо դ׮.

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૒੽ Ӓ۰ࠇद׮. ؘ੉ఠ: titanic ݽ؛ - sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression - sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression - sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier - sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier ١ whatever you want ౲ - Tree ҅ৌ੄ ݽ؛੄ ҃਋ model੄ predict_proba() ݫࣗ٘ܳ ࢎਊೞݶ ഛܫ ҅࢑੉ ؾ פ׮. - ୊਺ীח Thresholdܳ a ݅ఀ ੉ز೧оݴ Sensitivity, Specificityܳ ҅࢑೧ ઝ಴ܳ ҳೞ ࣁਃ. - যڌѱ ೞݶ Thresholdܳ ੜ ੉زदఃݶࢲ ROC ઝ಴ܳ ନਸ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ? - ઝ಴ٜਸ ಣݶ࢚ী ନযࠁࣁਃ.

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sklearn.metrics.roc_curve ܳ ഝਊ ೧ ࠇद׮. ؘ੉ఠ: titanic ݽ؛ - sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression - sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression - sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier - sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier ١ whatever you want ؊ աইоࢲ, - sklearnਸ ੉ਊ೧ AUCب ҅࢑ ೧ࠇद׮. - ৈ۞ ݽ؛ٜ੄ ࢿמਸ ࠺Ү ೧ ࠇद׮. - DecisionTreeClassifierܳ ࢎਊ೮؊ۄب, ࢎਊೠ featureо ׮ܰ׮ݶ ӒѤ ׮ܲ ݽ؛ੑפ ׮. - ఋ੉ఋץ ݈Ҋ, ׮ܲ classification ޙઁীب ഝਊ೧ ࠁࣁਃ.

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