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“Modern” agile CSAT Lunch & Learn, 15.11.2018 @islomar

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What is “agile”?

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Scrum (1986?) “The New New Product development game” (Hirokata Takeuchi, 1986) OOPSLA 1995: presented by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber The Scrum guide (November 2017): ● It’s a FRAMEWORK (not a methodology, not a method) ● Only mentions “software” as one of several contexts (“for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products”) ● Values, team, events, artifacts, DoD. ● Push system Best book ever about Scrum: “The people’s Scrum”

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eXtreme Programming (2000)

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Agile manifesto (2001)

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… and more... ● Crystal (Alistair Cockburn) ● FDD (Feature-Driven Development)

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What is “agile” for me? 1. People first a. Antimatter principle (Bob Marshall): “Attend to folk’s needs” 2. Risk management a. “Inspect and adapt”... so fast as possible.

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Spotify Engineering Culture (2014) Spotify Engineering Culture (Henrik Kniberg 2014) “However, a few years later, we found out that some of the standard Scrum practices were actually getting on the way, so we decided to make all this optional”

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“Modern” agile real case ● 15 years old company (Telecommunications sector) ● Company with VERY positive EBITDA ● “Huge” codebase (33 µservices, 80 customers, ~2.500 containers in Prod) ● 25 people in the whole company ● Engineering team: 6-8 people ●

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Agile Scru m Kanban Lean NoEstimate s XP SW crafters

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Mission, Vision, Values... Values come first… … then the principles… … and THEN the practices IO Vision 2018 (Operations Tribe): based in Google re:Work ● Core Values, Purpose, Vision, Strategy, Goals

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● Avoid silos ● Avoid bottlenecks

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● The product is a consequence of the team. ● The goal is not to create a product, but to create a team who can handle the/any product

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Communication is KEY ● Talks, workshops and sessions to improve our communication skills: ○ Feedback ○ Non Violent Communication ○ Writing ● Feedback given every month (besides retrospectives): ○ everybody gives feedback to everybody in an open and transparent way ○ Simple Spreadsheet, matrix based on our values and other topics (e.g. business- orientation) ● Retrospectives: ~ 1 - 1.5 hours ● Investing in time for synchronizing and communicating is the

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Pair/mob programming BY DEFAULT Cowboy/cowgirl mode

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TDD/BDD/ATDD for the win!! ● TDD/BDD by default. ● It's not (only) about testing, but about FOCUS and KISS. ● Simplicity, flow, quick feedback... ● Though not always was done. Some exceptions: ○ Spikes ○ Legacy code where it was not so easy to understand things

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Aiming for Technical excellence ● 4 rules of simple design (test, reveal intent, DRY, less is more) ● Clean code, refactoring, scout rule. ● SOLID principles, Object calisthenics, DRY, KISS, DAMP, etc. ● Design patterns ● Hexagonal/onion/clean architecture ● TDD/BDD (“Interaction-Driven Design”) ● Continuous learning culture: ○ talks, meetups, conferences, coding dojos, books, videos, etc. ○ 20% of our time (every Friday) ● DELIBERATE PRACTICE: ○ You won’t improve much as a SW Eng. just coding at work N hours/day

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No need for on-call (seriously)

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Distributed team “One in remote, all in remote”

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Your own space ● Whiteboards around ● Monitor with dashboards ● No need to worry about bothering other squads ● Communication

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“Radical” transparency ● One of our values as a team: taken VERY seriously ● Feedback: open, everybody to everybody ● No private conversations to “convince” someone or “win allies” for anything ● Or not so radical: not open salaries :-(

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Branching strategies 1. No Version Control System (VCs) at all: floppy disks. 2. CVS 3. SubVersion a. Creating a branch was highly costly 4. Git a. Feature branching: b. GitFlow i. Master, Develop, Feature, Release and Hotfix branches

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Why do people do Pull Requests? ● For feeling safer ○ Peer review: Someone else can take a look to it and detect problems ● For rising the code quality (e.g. design solution) ● For sharing/spreading knowledge ● For getting the control: ○ "Safe" way to accept contributions from other people/teams

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Problems with Pull Requests ● It completely breaks the flow ○ You are NOT doing Continuous Integration, let alone Continuous Delivery/Deployment ○ You better wait for that PR to be merged before creating a new one… or fight with Git ● It’s too late: ○ Someone already worked several hours (days?) on it. Waste. ● You don’t have the context of the person for every decision made ● Review hundreds of lines and tenth of files… are you kidding? ● Merge race...

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Trunk-based development for the win!! ● Pushing to Master. Yep. Mean it when saying “Continuous Integration”. ● It's not about PR vs TBD... ● ...but about PR vs TDD + Pair programming + TBD ● If you don't trust your code enough… then you know where to focus ● Still branching: ○ Spike, too much uncertainty: ■ Done 3-4 times in 2 years ■ After the spike, start from scratch with the new knowledge in master

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Some other important practices (not only) for TBD ● Canary releases ○ ○ First, deployed only to some representative environment ● Feature toggles (a.k.a “feature flags”) ○ ● Parallel changes ○ ○ Feature toggle ○ Branch by abstraction ○ Postel’s law: “Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others” ○ Strangler Application ○ Anti-Corruption Layer

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When do pull requests make sense? ● Distributed team with very different time zones ○ Not really possible to do pair programming ● For some exceptional reason, someone worked on their own (though we usually made code reviews in local instead of PR)

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#NoLabels ● No QA, Architect, Technical Lead, Tech Owner nor any other distinction ● Role !== Position ● The only “label” (not officially): one person more focused on product (~PM) ● Engineering FLAT team: “specialized generalist”, T-shape ● No boss, no project manager, no Scrum Master, no Agile Coach…

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Collective ownership of the PRODUCT

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Lean-Kanban style ● Visualize EVERYTHING in a Trello board ○ E.g. also the action from the retros. ● Limit WIP ○ Little’s law ■ Throughput time = flow units in process x cycle time ■ Cycle time: average time between 2 slow units ● Avoid waste ● Lead time, Cycle time, Cumulative flow, throughput ○ Disclaimer: we didn’t measure it… we didn’t “need” it ● Flow efficiency vs Resource efficiency ● Pull, not push (Sprint)

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Estimations ● Man-days (sorry) ● Ideal man-days ● Ideal man-days weighted (technology, complexity, etc.) ● Story points ● T-shirt sizes ● Yesterday’s weather ● Monte Carlo simulation ● Throw dice

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Alternative to estimates

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#NoEstimates Most of the time, estimations are not REALLY needed (usually because someone else asks for it). In 2 years, we “estimated”... 2, 3 times? Alternative? ● Split in small chunks. Really small. What’s the most simple thing that we can build next, so that we can learn and deliver some value? ● Talk a lot. Clarify very well expectations, uncertainties, etc. ● Prioritize continuously. ● Limit WIP

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Some more things... ● Some tools like “Story mapping” can help ● If you really “need” to measure something… go Lean: ○ count “stories” ○ Cumulative flow ○ Lead time ○ Cycle time

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MVP… SERIOUSLY ● From both the business and technical point of view ● Evolutionary design. ○ Example with new product persistence: first InMemoryRepository, then File, then Postgres. ○ A monolith is OK at the beginning… and probably for a (very) long time :-)

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First, make it work … then, make it right … then, make it fast … then, scale it

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How to determine salaries without a boss? ● No open salaries :-( ● ● Poker chips: 661338e8 ● Self setting salaries: ○ ○ ● No long term solution. Short term: formula for raising more those with lower salaries.

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Offboarding 3799

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Things to be improved ● No Continuous Deployment, "only" Continuous Delivery ● Lost of service for 10 seconds in the website (no Blue-Green deployment) ● Not enough rotation in pairing ● Not all the company was “so agile” ● Missing architecture documentation ● Missing company-wide retrospectives

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Main key points (I) ● KISS / MVP: think about the business/customer... ● Technical excellence AS IF YOU MEAN IT: e.g. TDD, SOLID, clean code… ● Pair/mob programming by default ● Trunk-based development by default ● Continuous Delivery/Deployment ●

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Main key points (II) ● Investing lots of time communicating and synchronizing ○ No silos ○ It really pays off in the long term ● Radical transparency ● LONG TERM VISION: probably you need to slow down temporarily… to keep a good long term sustainable pace (without suffering)

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Resources ● NoEstimates ○ ○ ○ #NoEstimates (Allen Holub) ○ The State of NoEstimates (Woody Zuill)

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Resources ● Trunk-based development ○ ○ Escape merge hell: why I prefer TBD over feature branching and GitFlow ○ feature-branching/ ○ ○

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Resources ● ● ● ● ● The speed vs quality fallacy discussion ● 7 minutes, 26 seconds, and the Fundamental Theorem of Agile Software Development (JBrains)

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Books for mastering your craft (I)

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Books for mastering your craft (II)

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Books for mastering your craft (III)

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Thanks for the feedback!!

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