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Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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Have you ever
 used Symfony? 1.x? 2.x? 3.x? 4.x?

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What is Symfony 4? A new developer experience On a rock solid foundation From micro-style to monolith

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4 in action…

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$ symfony new demo # Want to try Symfony 4.3 (dev version)? $ symfony new demo --version=dev-master

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symfony/skeleton "require": { "php": "^7.1.3", "ext-ctype": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "symfony/console": "*", "symfony/dotenv": "*", "symfony/flex": "^1.1", "symfony/framework-bundle": "*", "symfony/yaml": "*" },

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$ symfony new demo --version=dev-master --debug Demo

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$ symfony new demo --version=dev-master --debug Demo

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$ symfony new demo --version=dev-master --debug Demo "scripts": { "auto-scripts": { "cache:clear": "symfony-cmd", "assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd" }, "post-install-cmd": [ "@auto-scripts" ], "post-update-cmd": [ "@auto-scripts" ] },

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$ symfony new demo --version=dev-master --debug Demo

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$ tree -I vendor $ find . -type f | wc -l Symfony 4 is lightweight Only 16 files vs 31 SE 3300 total vs 8867 SE -65%

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New directory structure • Less depth, easier to navigate • Non-PHP files in their own directories (assets/, templates/) • Decoupled from Symfony (assets/, src/, templates/, public/)

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 symfony/framework-bundle/4.2 Demo

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Recipes repositories Curated recipes by Symfony core team Open to all contributions 370+ recipes

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$ composer show | wc -l Demo Only 25 deps vs 38 + 50 = 88 SE

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Symfony 2+/3+ Monolog Bundle SwiftMailer Bundle Polyfill Util Polyfill PHP 7.0 Polyfill PHP 5.6 Polyfill Mbstring Polyfill Intl ICU Polyfill APCu PHPUnit Bridge Debug Bundle Framework Bundle Security Bundle Twig Bundle WebProfiler Bundle WebServer Bundle Doctrine Bridge Monolog Bridge Twig Bridge Monolog Doctrine (11) SecurityChecker Generator Bundle ParamHandler FrameworkExtra Bundle Distribution Bundle Asset BrowserKit Cache ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector Debug DependencyInjection DomCrawler Dotenv EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem Finder Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel Inflector Intl Ldap OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Serializer Stopwatch Templating Translation Validator VarDumper WebLink Workflow Yaml 4 bridges 15 librairies 11 bundles 42 components SwiftMailer

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Symfony 4+ Polyfill Mbstring Framework Bundle Cache Config Debug DependencyInjection Dotenv EventDispatcher Filesystem Finder HttpFoundation HttpKernel Routing Yaml 0 bridges 1 library 1 bundle 13 components Flex

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$ symfony server:start -d $ symfony server:log Demo

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$ ./bin/console Demo 15 commands vs 57 SE

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$ git init $ git add . $ git commit -a -m"init" Demo

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$ composer req maker Demo

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Aliases • Shortcuts for common packages (log, behat, phpunit, …) • Optimized for Symfony Components (no need to use the symfony/ prefix, just workflow, dom-crawler, …) • Opinionated choices (admin, api, orm, mailer, test, …)

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Packs • Bundle several dependencies into a consistent set (debug, profiler, api, test, …) $ composer req debug

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Discover Aliases and Packs

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$ composer req maker $ git diff config/bundles.php Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console list make Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console make:controller Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ composer req annot Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console make:controller DefaultController Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ vim src/Controller/DefaultController.php Symfony Maker Bundle src/ is about YOUR code

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Symfony 4 helps you
 grow your app
 with ease

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$ composer req twig Adding Twig

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Never define
 your service again*

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Adding a Twig Extension Where do I store the Twig extension class? Which file do I need to change to register it? Which tag do I need to use? How do I declare a tag in YAML? Which interface/class do I need to implement/ extend? It’s too complex. What about doing it the dirty way and do it in the controller instead? hmm, ok

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$ ./bin/console make:twig-extension Adding a Twig Extension Add your logic in the generated class… DONE!

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Full Automation works for… • Twig extensions • Event listeners • Doctrine repositories • Commands • Voters • Registration form system • …

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Beyond “Hello World” • Defining some models via Doctrine • Adding an API for my model • Managing data with an admin

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$ composer req orm admin api Full stack really quick

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$ composer req orm admin api Full stack really quick

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$ ./bin/console make:entity Product --api-resource Full stack really quick

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$ vim config/packages/easy_admin.yaml Full stack really quick

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$ vim .env DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/ data.db" $ ./bin/console doctrine:database:create $ ./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force Full stack really quick

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It works! One line config change One annotation added

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No content

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Typical features to the next level

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I want to send emails
 from my controller

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$ composer req symfony/mailer Symfony Maker Bundle use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; public function index(MailerInterface $mailer) { $mailer->send( (new Email()) ->from('') ->to('') ->subject('Some subject') ->text('Some text...') ); MAILER_DSN=smtp://localhost

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I want to send rich emails
 from my controller

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Symfony Maker Bundle use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; public function index(MailerInterface $mailer) { $mailer->send( (new TemplatedEmail()) ->from('') ->to('') ->subject('Some subject') ->htmlTemplate('@emails/welcome.html.twig') ->context([ 'city' => 'Tunis' ]) ); MAILER_DSN=smtp://localhost

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller

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$ composer req twig/inky-extension Symfony Maker Bundle MAILER_DSN=smtp://localhost {% apply inky|inline_css(source("@zurb/stylesheets/main.css")) %}

Symfony Connect

Forgot Your Password?

It happens. Click the link below to reset it.

Reset Password

unsubscribe here.

{% endapply %}

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API

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$ composer req symfony/mailgun-mailer MAILER_DSN=http://key:domain@mailgun Symfony Maker Bundle Amazon SES Google Gmail Mandrill Mailgun Postmark Sendgrid

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API

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$ composer req messenger framework: messenger: transports: email: "doctrine://default" routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: email $ ./bin/console messenger:consume Symfony Maker Bundle

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API
 asynchronously with AMQP

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$ composer req messenger framework: messenger: transports: email: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f/messages" routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: email $ ./bin/console messenger:consume Symfony Maker Bundle

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Symfony 4 recap • Auto-configuration for any Composer package • A Maker bundle to simplify creating files • No boilerplate code, just business logic • Controllers and commands as services • From micro to monolith • Meta-packages doing a lot for you out of the box Productivity boost! Better DX

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Featureful and the most downloaded

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The most advanced API solution

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The most advanced e-commerce solution

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Many admin-gen solutions

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The foundation of the PHP ecosystem

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$ composer require symfony/console Truly independent components (new Console\Application('echo', '1.0.0')) ->register('echo') ->addArgument('foo', Console\Input\InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The directory') ->addOption('bar', null, Console\Input\InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED) ->setCode(function(Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Console\Output\OutputInterface $output) { // output arguments and options }) ->getApplication() ->setDefaultCommand('echo', true) // Single command application ->run();

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• CssSelector • Debug • Dotenv • Finder • Mailer • Mime • sMessenger • Polyfill : APCu, ctype, iconv, intl, mbstring, PHP, … • Process • VarDumper • VarExporter • Yaml • … Truly independent components

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Predictable releases and support •Every month: a patch release •Every 6 month: a minor release •Every 2 years: a major release •On the go: security releases

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Predictable releases and support Release end of support +8 months +14 months +36 months +48 months end of security support end of security support end of support Standard Releases (3.3, 4.0) LTS Releases (2.8, 3.4)

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Predictable releases and support 3.4 LTS 4.2 Stable

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Stability and predictability • Strict semantic versioning • Deprecation/BC policy • Responsible security issue management

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The fastest framework around x2 x3 x4

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Scale from micro to monolith 13 files 15 dependencies start with … and grow as you see fit via automation

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Community oriented • Code of conduct • Enforced by the CARE team • Respectful Review Comments Diversity initiative

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Thank you!