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Vladimir Agafonkin High Performance Data Visualizations in JavaScript November 2013

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data visualization

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not static anymore

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responding to user actions clicking, hovering, scrolling, touch gestures, etc.

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navigating through data

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demand for real-time interactivity is increasing

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responsibility for processing data is shifting from the server to the browser

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lots of data + lots of rendering = big performance problem

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pure JS fast rendering, DOM slow

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rule #1 the less stuff we render the better

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data processing rendering

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data processing rendering

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data reduction

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loading data once ! searching data lots of times

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search index

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tree data structures •binary heap •binary search tree •range tree •k-d tree •quadtree •R-tree

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points – quadtree

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rectangles – R-tree

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var tree = rbush(); ! tree.insert([5, 10, 15, 25, obj]); ! ... ![7, 7, 12, 12]);

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greedy rendering

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•avoids rendering many objects in the same spot •free index for instant mouse/touch interaction greedy rendering

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collision detection

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Crossfilter (many dimensions)

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geometric clipping

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polyline clipping Cohen-Sutherland algorithm

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polygon clipping Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm

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polyline simplification

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distance-based simplification

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Douglas-Peucker simplification

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clustering grouping objects which are close to each other

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hierarchical clustering once for all zoom levels

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data loading and processing

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UI JS browser freezes on heavy calculations UI

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Web Workers

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pure JS fast ! rendering, DOM slow

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Worker •isolated DOM-less environment, freaking fast •runs in its own thread, doesn’t lock the UI •sends and receives messages

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Web Workers you’ve been using it all wrong

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! ... worker.postMessage(HUGE_DATA_ARRAY); ... loading and sending to Worker

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UI Worker JS browser freezes on data loading and sending data loading UI

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importScripts('data.js'); ! ... ! onmessage = function (e) { var result = searchData(; ! postMessage(result); } Loading in Worker

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UI Worker JS browser freezes when receiving data from Worker data loading UI UI

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var array = new Float16Array(len); ... ! var buffer = array.buffer; ! postMessage(buffer, [buffer]); ! // buffer stops being available transferable objects (all browsers except IE)

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UI Worker JS browser doesn't freeze, data is sent as ArrayBuffer data loading UI UI

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function addNumbers(a, b) { 'use asm'; ! a = a | 0; // int b = +b; // double ! return +(a + b); // double } asm.js

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asm.js •useful for computational bottlenecks •supported in FF only •backwards compatibility! •V8 optimizes without annotations

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V8: lets make it as fast as asm.js but without the need for special syntax

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rendering backends SVG, Canvas, WebGL

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SVG •fast native events for interactivity •easy to update separate objects •easy to animate •slows down the browser (with a large number of objects)

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Canvas •doesn't affect browser performance after rendering •you can draw something once and copy •pixel data can be manipulated or generated in a Worker

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Canvas •expensive to redraw with each update •hard to implement interactivity

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WebGL •main way to visualize in 3D •very fast in 2D if you need to draw lots of sprites •performance gain vs Canvas-2D is questionable in other cases •much more difficult to use; limitations •no support in iOS and IE9-10, difficult in IE11

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low number of objects: use SVG ! lots of stuff to draw: use Canvas

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Canvas Performance

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redraw partially

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use several Canvas layers

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draw once to an offscreen canvas and copy

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function drawStar(ctx, x, y) { ... } ! drawStar(ctx, 10, 20); drawStar(ctx, 50, 70); ...

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function drawStar() { ... return canvas; } ! var star = drawStar(); ! ctx.drawImage(star, 10, 20); ctx.drawImage(star, 50, 70); ...

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minimize stroke/fill

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function drawLine(x1, x2, y1, y2) { ! ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; ! ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ! ctx.stroke(); } ! drawLine(10, 20, 30, 40); drawLine(200, 10, 0, 50); drawLine(30, 40, 70, 0);

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function drawLine(x1, x2, y1, y2) { ! ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); } ! ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; ! drawLine(10, 20, 30, 40); drawLine(200, 10, 0, 50); drawLine(30, 40, 70, 0); ! ctx.stroke();

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generate or manipulate raw pixel data in a Worker

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var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data; ! worker.postMessage(data.buffer, [data.buffer]); ! ... ! worker.onmessage = function (e) { var imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, height); !; ! ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } Canvas + Worker

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var pixels = new Uint8ClampedArray( width * height); ! function drawPixel(x, y, r, g, b, a) { var i = 4 * (256 * y + x); ! pixels[i] = r; pixels[i + 1] = g; pixels[i + 2] = b; pixels[i + 3] = a; } ! ... ! postMessage(pixels.buffer, [pixels.buffer]); drawing pixels in a Worker

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var pixels = new Uint8ClampedArray(data); ! for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { var i = 4 * (256 * y + x); ! pixels[i] = 2 * pixels[i]; pixels[i + 1] = 2 * pixels[i + 1]; pixels[i + 2] = 2 * pixels[i + 2]; } } ! ... ! postMessage(pixels.buffer, [pixels.buffer]); processing pixels in a Worker

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dynamic hill shading

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still too much for the browsers? resorting to the server

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Cavnas lookup table

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UTFGrid •65535 symbols •each symbol is 4х4 pixels •1-3 KB per 256х256 tile in average

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Thanks! Questions? Vladimir Agafonkin