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Slide 1 text | July 9th 2020 | Titouan Galopin Setting up quality processes with Symfony Using the experience of the framework in your applications

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2 Titouan Galopin Product Manager SymfonyInsight

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Agenda 1. Let’s talk about quality 2. OOP principles 3. Symfony processes 4. Using SymfonyInsight to monitor quality 3

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4 1. Let’s talk about quality

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5 What defines good code?

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6 The ability to handle change

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7 Good code is able to handle change Code change over time Change in the execution environment

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8 How do you write code able the handle change?

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9 Handling change = Being able to update the code efficiently to apply a change

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10 Handling change = Having as less code as possible to update to apply a change

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11 That’s where OOP is great

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12 OOP helps you to create independent components inside your architecture, thus improving your code’s ability to handle change

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13 By designing a good architecture, you will be able to update a class without changing the others

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14 2. OOP principles

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15 Ability to handle change Without OOP principles Difficult Updating the implementation Difficult Adding new features Difficult Removing features

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16 Object Composition

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17 In computer science, object composition (or encapsulation) is a way to combine simple objects or data types into more complex ones. —

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18 interface PersisterInterface { /* ... */ } interface MailerInterface { /* ... */ } class RegistrationManager { private $persister; private $mailer; public function __construct( PersisterInterface $persister, MailerInterface $mailer ) { $this->persister = $persister; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function register() {/* ... */} }

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19 Mailer Persister RegistrationManager Swiftmailer Twig Doctrine

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20 Mailer Persister RegistrationManager Swiftmailer Twig Doctrine Contracts (interfaces) to express the need, not the implementation

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21 SymfonyInsight monitors the usage of Symfony services to ensure you are using the proper contract

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22 Dependency Injection

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23 Dependency Injection is where components are given their dependencies through their constructors, methods, or directly into fields. Those components do not get their dependencies themselves, or instantiate them directly. —

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24 A dependency injection container is an object that enables to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed and configured in an application. —

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25 SymfonyInsight helps you use Dependency Injection correctly

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26 Object composition and Dependency Injection help you create modular architectures

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27 interface MailerInterface { /* ... */ } class RegistrationManager { private $persister; private $mailer; public function __construct( PersisterInterface $persister, MailerInterface $mailer ) { $this->persister = $persister; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function register() {/* ... */} }

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28 interface MailerInterface { /* ... */ } class RegistrationManager { private $persister; private $mailer; public function __construct( PersisterInterface $persister, MailerInterface $mailer ) { $this->persister = $persister; $this->mailer = $mailer; } public function register() {/* ... */} } Updating the code of the Mailer will not require you to change the RegistrationManager (if you keep the interface)

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29 Ability to handle change Without OOP principles With OOP principles Difficult Easy Updating the implementation Difficult Difficult (requires interface change) Adding new features Difficult Difficult (requires interface change) Removing features

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30 3. Symfony processes

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31 How to ease interface changes over time?

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32 Semantic versioning

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33 Version 5.1.8

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34 Version 5.1.8 ● Increase the Major number when... ○ making incompatible API changes (interface updated)

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35 Version 5.1.8 ● Increase the Major number when... ○ making incompatible API changes (interface updated) ● Increase the Minor number when... ○ adding features (interface added)

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36 Version 5.1.8 ● Increase the Major number when... ○ making incompatible API changes (interface updated) ● Increase the Minor number when... ○ adding features (interface added) ● Increase the Patch number when... ○ fixing bugs (no interface change)

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37 Semantic versioning groups breaking changes together making them easier to apply

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38 Humans are better at focusing than remembering In your applications, try to group breaking changes together in time (a single PR)

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39 Deprecations

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40 Symfony releases are predictable 1 minor every 6 months 2 major every 2 years

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41 Predictability is great to plan when you are going to need to upgrade

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42 But it also means major versions contains 2 years of breaking changes at once => more complex upgrade path

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43 Deprecations = Messages in minor versions about features that are going to be removed in the next major

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44 /** * @deprecated since Symfony 4.3, use * "Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event" instead. */ class Event { }

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45 Find usages of deprecated features in your applications with SymfonyInsight

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46 Sometimes, refactorings are too large to be done at once In your applications, use deprecations to keep legacy code running and allow tools to help you remove its usages over time

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47 Ability to handle change Without OOP principles With OOP principles Difficult Easy Updating the implementation Difficult Difficult (requires interface change) Adding new features Difficult Difficult (requires interface change) Removing features With Symfony processes Easy Easier Easier

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48 4. Using SymfonyInsight to monitor quality

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SymfonyInsight is a static and dynamic code analyzer

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SymfonyInsight is a static and dynamic code analyzer Analyse the code without executing it

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SymfonyInsight is a static and dynamic code analyzer Analyse the code without executing it Run the code to better understand it

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It analyzes your code on each commit to help you maintain a high quality and upgrade your dependencies more easily

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SymfonyInsight has 3 mains aims Providing suggestions, validating your quality Monitoring quality and velocity Creating upgrade plans

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