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@stopsatgreen Web Components: where we are now, and what next? Responsive Day Out 19/06/15

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@stopsatgreen Peter Gasston

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@stopsatgreen For the designers.

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@stopsatgreen Web Components have been around for a while.

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@stopsatgreen In a trough on the hype cycle.

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@stopsatgreen Everybody’s in… but that means trouble.

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@stopsatgreen Web Components enable us to create widgets. CSS JS Widget Widget Widget

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@stopsatgreen Composable, reusable, encapsulated. CSS JS Widget Widget Widget

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@stopsatgreen We run things, things don’t run we, don’t take nothing from nobody.

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@stopsatgreen React, BEM, etc. are ways of doing this using the technologies of today.

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@stopsatgreen The Extensible Web Manifesto. Logo

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@stopsatgreen Web Components are: Templates, HTML Imports, Custom Elements, Shadow DOM.

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@stopsatgreen Templates. Reusable fragments of inert HTML.

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@stopsatgreen … …

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@stopsatgreen Templates. OK to use, with fallback for IE/Edge.

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@stopsatgreen HTML Imports. Include HTML documents in an HTML document.

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@stopsatgreen // file.js export foo; // page.js import foo from "file.js";

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@stopsatgreen HTML Imports. Will probably be replaced by ES6 modules.

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@stopsatgreen Shadow DOM. Hide complex markup inside an element.

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@stopsatgreen root = el.createShadowRoot({ mode: 'open' });
 root.innerHTML = '

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@stopsatgreen Shadow DOM is very hard to polyfill.

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@stopsatgreen Shadow DOM. Lots still to be defined.

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@stopsatgreen Custom Elements. Meaningful markup with bespoke properties.

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@stopsatgreen document.registerElement('fun-times');

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@stopsatgreen = HTMLElement = HTMLUnknownElement document.registerElement('fun-times'); = fun-times

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@stopsatgreen fTs = document.querySelector('fun-times');
 fTs.hooray(); p = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); p.hooray = function() {…}; document.registerElement('fun-times',
 { prototype: p });

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@stopsatgreen // ES6 approach (not final) class fTs extends HTMLElement {…} document.registerElement('fun-times', fTs); ES6 offers a better way to do this.

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@stopsatgreen Custom Elements. Approach is sound, some details to finalise.

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@stopsatgreen is A major sticking point.

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@stopsatgreen p = Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype); document.registerElement('fun-times', { prototype: p, extends: 'button' });

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@stopsatgreen is isn’t (probably)

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@stopsatgreen In summary: welcome to the trough of disillusionment.

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@stopsatgreen A tour of the sausage factory.

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@stopsatgreen This is our big opportunity. We need to get this right.

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@stopsatgreen A11y, usability, SEO, etc, become our responsibility.

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@stopsatgreen Sturgeon’s Revelation: 90% of everything is crap.

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@stopsatgreen The Gold Standard.

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@stopsatgreen Loading, DOM Presence, Content, Interaction, API, Styling, Performance, Localisation, Factoring, Development.

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@stopsatgreen Unix philosophy: every component does one job.

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@stopsatgreen Learn a library first, then vanilla.

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@stopsatgreen Everybody’s in. but that means trouble. …

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@stopsatgreen Cheers.

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@stopsatgreen Reading list: • • • • web-components-catch.pdf • • … and many, many more.