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Elixir Stefan Wintermeyer @wintermeyer

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Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM).

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defmodule ModuleName do def hello do IO.puts "Hello World" end end

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IEx Elixir’s interactive shell

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Why would I want to learn Elixir? Why invest the time and effort? I’m happy with Ruby and OO.

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Three Main Reasons Spoiler Alert: Concurrency is not one of them.

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1. Speed Elixir runs circles around Ruby and Python.

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2. Stability Speed is nothing without stability.

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3. Hot-Code Upgrades Zero Downtime!

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Some Code Examples

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Assigning Values to Variables

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iex(1)> a = 1 1 iex(2)>

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iex(1)> a = 1 1 iex(2)> a = 2 2 iex(3)>

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iex(1)> a = 1 1 iex(2)> a = 2 2 iex(3)> ^a = 3 ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 3

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iex(1)> {a, b, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(2)>

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iex(1)> {a, b, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(2)> a 10 iex(3)>

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Pattern Matching

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iex(1)> {a, b, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(2)>

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iex(1)> {a, b, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(2)> {a, 20, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(3)>

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iex(1)> {a, b, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(2)> {a, 20, c} = {10, 20, 30} {10, 20, 30} iex(3)> {a, 1, c} = {10, 20, 30} ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {10, 20, 30}

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If you want to get your feed wet with Elixir I recommend two projects.

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If you like hardware try

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If you like the web try

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Phoenix Framework Productive. Reliable. Fast. Phoenix != Rails

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mix blog Y cd blog vim config/dev.exs brew install postgres brew services start postgres createuser -W --createdb blog demo mix ecto.create mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts subject body vim web/router.ex resources "/posts", PostController mix ecto.migrate mix phoenix.server Blog Example

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Thank you! @wintermeyer