Slide 31
Slide 31 text
MODERN HUMAN @modhuman
Design for
a visual snapshot
prove way-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
ns, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
08). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
omoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
d criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
etch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
titled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
ser preferences_
latives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
ecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
eries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
scribed in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
yder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
zheimer’s, as ‘there is often an imbalance between activities forfeited
the effects of Alzheimer’s, and new activities established in their wake’
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
ng, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
(2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
untered throughout the research process were documented in
h led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
r Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
or their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
w to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
ace. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
dementia means that he needs to wander around
ly. If the home has only one room where residents
cted to sit around - then that is immediately
off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
aims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
se of nature, gar-
one Foundation,
ual environment
e documented in
search; a booklet
and dislike when
play as important
esponse to many
zheimer’s forum
for her husband:
e layout
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
WINDOWS (±2sqm)
improve way-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
dens, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
2008). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
promoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
and criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
sketch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
entitled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
User preferences_
Relatives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
selecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
a role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
queries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
described in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Snyder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visua
sketches used to visually document the research process.
improve way-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
dens, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
2008). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
promoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
and criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
sketch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
entitled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
User preferences_
Relatives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
selecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
a role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
queries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
described in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Snyder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Alzheimer’s, as ‘there is often an imbalance between activities forfeited
to the effects of Alzheimer’s, and new activities established in their wake’
which may in itself reduce quality of life. The assumption that those in care
homes are no longer capable of doing normal, everyday things can lead to lack
of meaningful activity and leave people despondent and discouraged, with one
person commenting “I have some depression sometimes but I don’t think it
needs to be analysed. I attribute it to doing the same thing over and over and
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examp
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as thera
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
ding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
d animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
pf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
g, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
ountered throughout the research process were documented in
ich led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
e with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
e for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
re received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
ow to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
ail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
lace. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
f dementia means that he needs to wander around
ntly. If the home has only one room where residents
pected to sit around - then that is immediately
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples o
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_J
y-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
eeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
encountered throughout the research process were documented in
, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
ign for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
e care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
ut how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
hen I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
he place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
m of dementia means that he needs to wander around
nstantly. If the home has only one room where residents
expected to sit around - then that is immediately
ssed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
00) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
peutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
cribes the benefits of a sensual environment
ing and smelling. Design recommendations
out the research process were documented in
the first products of this research; a booklet
isual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
now exactly what they like and dislike when
nes. The building seems to play as important
selection of a facility. In response to many
are home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
used for choosing a facility for her husband:
establishment, I look at the layout
ar in mind that Ken’s particular
s that he needs to wander around
as only one room where residents
und - then that is immediately
heimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
dens, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
2008). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
promoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
and criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
sketch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
entitled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
User preferences_
Relatives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
selecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
a role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
queries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
described in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Snyder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Alzheimer’s, as ‘there is often an imbalance between activities forfeited
to the effects of Alzheimer’s, and new activities established in their wake’
which may in itself reduce quality of life. The assumption that those in care
homes are no longer capable of doing normal, everyday things can lead to lack
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design fo
sketches used to visually document th
se of nature, gar-
one Foundation,
ual environment
e documented in
search; a booklet
and dislike when
lay as important
esponse to many
zheimer’s forum
for her husband:
e layout
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
of nature, gar-
ne Foundation,
l environment
documented in
rch; a booklet
d dislike when
y as important
onse to many
eimer’s forum
r her husband:
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
improve way-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
dens, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
2008). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
promoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
and criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
sketch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
entitled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
User preferences_
Relatives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
selecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
a role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
queries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
described in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Snyder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Alzheimer’s, as ‘there is often an imbalance between activities forfeited
to the effects of Alzheimer’s, and new activities established in their wake’
which may in itself reduce quality of life. The assumption that those in care
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examp
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as thera
improve way-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
dens, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
2008). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
promoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
and criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
sketch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
entitled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
User preferences_
Relatives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
selecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
a role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
queries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
described in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Snyder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Alzheimer’s, as ‘there is often an imbalance between activities forfeited
to the effects of Alzheimer’s, and new activities established in their wake’
which may in itself reduce quality of life. The assumption that those in care
homes are no longer capable of doing normal, everyday things can lead to lack
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_
improve way-finding, or produce positive emotions and the use of nature, gar-
dens, plants, and animals as therapeutic milieu (The Hearthstone Foundation,
2008). Anne Kapf (2008) also describes the benefits of a sensual environment
promoting seeing, hearing, touching and smelling. Design recommendations
and criteria encountered throughout the research process were documented in
sketch form, which led to one of the first products of this research; a booklet
entitled ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ (Figure 1).
User preferences_
Relatives of those with dementia know exactly what they like and dislike when
selecting a home for their loved ones. The building seems to play as important
a role as the care received in the selection of a facility. In response to many
queries about how to choose a care home, a lady in one Alzheimer’s forum
described in detail the process she used for choosing a facility for her husband:
“When I go to any care establishment, I look at the layout
of the place. I have to bear in mind that Ken’s particular
form of dementia means that he needs to wander around
constantly. If the home has only one room where residents
are expected to sit around - then that is immediately
crossed off my list” (Alzheimer’s Talking Point, 2008).
Snyder (2000) claims that meaningful activity is crucial for those with
Alzheimer’s, as ‘there is often an imbalance between activities forfeited
to the effects of Alzheimer’s, and new activities established in their wake’
which may in itself reduce quality of life. The assumption that those in care
Figure 1_Cover image of ‘Design for Dementia- A visual snapshot’ showing examples of thumbnail
sketches used to visually document the research process.
Revista AUS 9 _Design as therapy_Jenny Willatt_