Beat Signer - Department of Computer Science -
[email protected] 24
February 9, 2021
Seminar Topics ...
11.AR/VR Authoring
▪ Creating Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications: Current Practices,
Challenges, and Opportunities, Narges Ashtari, Andrea Bunt, Joanna
Lynn McGrenere, Michael Nebeling, Parmit K. Chilana, Proceedings of
CHI 2020, International Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems, Honolulu, USA, April 2020. [Ashtar2020.pdf]
12.Context-aware Applications
▪ CAPturAR: An Augmented Reality Tool for Authoring Human-Involved
Context-Aware Applications, Tianyi Wang, Xun Qian, Fengming He,
Xiyun Hu, Ke Huo, Yuanzhi Cao, Karthik Ramani, Proceedings of UIST
2020, ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology,
Virtual Event, USA, October 2020. [Wang2020.pdf]