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Alphorn Auto Leasing Inc.

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Springfield Duckburg Metropolis

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Monolease A

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Springfield Duckburg Metropolis 1.0 1.1 1.0a

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Springfield Duckburg Metropolis Twin Peaks 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0a

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=> cloud on-premise to

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@hschwentner Mistake: Move to the cloud because some random dude at a conference said so Better: Move to the cloud because that solves an actual problem

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Springfield Duckburg Metropolis Leas- N-dary

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Springfield Duckburg Twin Peaks Metropolis Leas- N-dary

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Springfield Duckburg Twin Peaks Metropolis Leas- N-dary 2.0

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@hschwentner Mistake: Continue working like you always did Better: Change your mindset

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product project to =>

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=> agile waterfall to

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Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Working software over comprehensive documentation Responding to change over following a plan Agile Manifesto

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=> micro- services monolith to

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@hschwentner Mistake: Transform the whole system at once Better: Move in baby steps

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old old old old new new new new “just flip the lever” 1 2 3 4 5 a.k.a. big bang replacement

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old old old new new new new 2 3 4 5 old 1

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Strangler Fig Application

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Strangler Fig Application

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Lesson: is better than Strangler Fig Application Big Bang Replacement

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=> micro- services monolith buy to carve out build new

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Read on in:

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big ball of mud => strategic design to

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@hschwentner Mistake: Cutting the system by technical reasons Better: Cutting the system into bounded contexts

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=> tactical design anemic domain model to value object entity repository impleme- ntation

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behavior data to 1001010011 1110010110 0010011101 calculatePrice() assessRisk() signContract()

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Eric Evans Read on in:

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Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Working software over comprehensive documentation Responding to change over following a plan Agile Manifesto

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doctor waiter to => What are your orders? What is your problem?

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@hschwentner Mistake: Thinking that it’s about software Better: Realizing that it’s about business

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business enabling => technology- centered to

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What's the most impactful thing we can do next?

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Software != End in itself

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customer tells wish for 1 salesperson signs to gives for contract 3 risk manager contract passes on to 4 contract votes checks calculates 5 6 7 calculates to 8 2 car credit rating installment car resale value contract

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@hschwentner Lesson: 1. First understand the business 2. Only then build software

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@hschwentner Lesson: 1. First learn about the problem 2. Only then look for a solution

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@hschwentner What is Software? technical system socio- +

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“Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.” Melvin Conway

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@hschwentner Mistake: Ignoring team organization Better: Respect Conway’s law

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=> micro- services monolith to cross- functional teams

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Alignment technical business-wise organizational technical business-wise organizational

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Read on in:

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Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Working software over comprehensive documentation Responding to change over following a plan Agile Manifesto

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user dev

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@hschwentner Mistake: Misunderstand your users Better: Build a common language

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@hschwentner 🧑💼 👨💻 👨💼 have to understand The single most important fact in software development: Tech people business people. 👩💼 👩💻

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=> direct commu- nication telephone game to user dev user dev

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finance dev user sales PO HR management marketing scrum master UX

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Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Working software over comprehensive documentation Responding to change over following a plan Agile Manifesto

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It’s a full team sport Photo: Bart Derksen/Wikipedia

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@hschwentner Mistake: Thinking “We’re never gonna make it”

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We can do it, too!

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@hschwentner Mistake: Going on the journey alone Better:

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Bibliography Beck, Kent et al. Manifesto for Agile Software Development. 2001. Conway, Melvin E. “How Do Committees Invent?” Datamation 14, no. 5 (April 1968): 28–31. Evans, Eric. Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004. Feathers, Michael C. Working Effectively with Legacy Code. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004. Foote, Brian and Joseph Yoder. “Big Ball of Mud.” PLoP ’97, Monticello, IL, September 1997. Fowler, Martin. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. 2nd ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2019. Fowler, Martin. “Strangler Fig Application.” Bliki, June 29, 2004. Hofer, Stefan and Henning Schwentner. Domain Storytelling: a Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Develop Domain-Driven Software. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2022. Kaur, Ravneet. “Agile Teams—Are They Waiters or Doctors?” LinkedIn. April 1, 2019. Kernighan, Brian W. Software Tools in Pascal. Addison-Wesley, 1981. Newman, Sam. Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2021. Skelton, Matthew and Manuel Pais. Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow. Portland, OR: IT Revolution, 2019. Weinberg, Gerald M. The Secrets of Consulting. New York: Dorset House, 1985.

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Henning Schwentner   @hschwentner ✉ [email protected]