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ON SIMPLICITY Futurice WWWeeklies July 3, 2015 @ohanhi

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–Richard Feldman at MLOC.js 2015 FAMILIARITY GROWS OVER TIME ...but complexity is forever

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COMPLEXITY • Things to know by heart - language, framework • Things to remember - project • Things to handle when _______

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SIMPLICITY • Less cognitive load • Less things to go wrong • Focus

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CODE QUALITY • Code style • Modularity, separation of concerns • Tests • Code reviews • Quick hacks

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–Brendan Eich at O'Reilly Fluent 2014 JavaScript is like a chainsaw you have in place of a hand

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–Chris Wilson, Mutability is a kind of Chekhov’s gun, it will go off by the third act simply because it is there.

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WHAT WE DO • Forbid language features - ESLint etc. • Agree on code style - JSCS etc. • Add functional and reactive abstractions - lodash, RxJS… • Switch out the language - Coffee, Clojure, JSX… • Add static types - AtScript, TypeScript, Flow… • Add immutable structures - Immutable.js, mori…

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→ Transpile to ES5

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FUNCTIONAL REACTIVE PROGRAMMING • Use immutable structures and global state • Describe what to do in pure functions • Subscribe to streams of input • Handle input safely

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–Jeremy Ashkenas, “Rise of the Transpilers” “Someone is going to unify these three different syntaxes and write a language that just addresses the web-platform directly and it’s going to be insanely popular”

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• Immutability • Static Types & Records • Functional • Reactive - Signals • Minimal syntax • Compiles to ES5

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–Richard Feldman at MLOC.js I keep having this experience where I make a major breaking refactor, recompile, fix all the compiler errors...and when I bring up Dreamwriter, everything still works! No regressions! This experience makes refactoring SO much fun!

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RESOURCES Richard Feldman - Shipping a Production Web App in Elm Chris Wilson - Elm for the Frontend, Right Now - /examples

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–André Medeiros Ignore the popularity of a solution. Stay close to the Science.

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