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Software Architecture Fundamentals

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Henrique Silvério Software Engineer @ IM+

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The signature of a mess

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Behavior Vs. Architecture Developer: "Do you want to be able to make changes?" Manager: "Of course! But… functionality is more important than later flexibility…"

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Behavior Vs. Architecture Manager: "Hey! We need to add this 'little button' to the screen!" Developer: "Ok! We gonna need {insert unaffordable high cost here} to make it." Manager:

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Fight for the architecture!

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What is architecture? "The architecture of a software system is the shape given to that system by those who build it." "Low-level details and high-level decisions are part of the whole design." — Robert C. Martin

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Architecture is about intent. So why we came at this:

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Hm! It's a Laravel app! It's a Web app!

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Uh! It's a Ruby on Rails app! It's a Web app!

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Architecture goals "The purpose [...] is facilitate the development, deployment, operation, and maintenance of the software system" "The ultimate goal is to minimize the lifetime cost of the system and to maximize programmer productivity." "The strategy behind that facilitation is to leave as many options open as possible, for as long as possible." — Robert C. Martin

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Keep options open!

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A Use Case Driven Approach

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Use Cases Application specific business rules.

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Design Principles SRP: Single Responsibility Principle OCP: Open-Closed Principle LSP: Liskov Substitution Principle ISP: Interface Segregation Principle DIP: Dependency Inversion Principle

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Dependency Inversion Principle High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions. — "Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices", Robert C. Martin

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Domain Application agnostic business rules.

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The Web is a detail.

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The Database is a detail.

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Show me the code. The BMI Calculator example.

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Standing on the shoulders of Giants

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Thank you! Henrique Silvério