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DevOps @petegoo a re a l t h i n g o r j u s t a n o t h e r buzzword bingo triple word score?

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Lowering the risk of change through TOOLS CULTURE a n d John Allspaw and Paul Hammond 2009

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Continuous Improvement Reducing Friction

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Culture Automation Measurement Sharing The Pillars of DevOps John Willis and Damon Edwards

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CULT URE “It all starts with blameless post-mortems” Josh Robb, smart guy “You can see human error as the cause of trouble or you can see it as the symptom of deeper trouble.” Sidney Dekker
 The Field Guide to understanding Human Error

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Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Automated Testing Infrastructure Automation Automation Where do we start?

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Continuous Integration

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Continuous Deployment

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Automated Testing

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Infrastructure Automation

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Metrics “we aren't paid to write code, we're paid to create business value” Coda Hale
 Metrics, metrics everywhere

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Metrics “our code generates business value when it runs, not when we write it” Coda Hale
 Metrics, metrics everywhere

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Metrics “your mental model of how it runs is not equal to reality. 
 Mind the Gap.” Coda Hale
 Metrics, metrics everywhere

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Metrics “measure it in production, not in a test lab or your laptop” Coda Hale
 Metrics, metrics everywhere

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ERROR Tracking and alerting Track the “exceptional” not just exceptions Wake the right people up

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A word about who does devops

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Culture Automation Measurement Sharing The Pillars of DevOps John Willis and Damon Edwards

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