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API Driven Developement Grzegorz Godlewski

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3 Api Driven Developement O czym będzie? ● RESTful API ● Dlaczego warto udostępniać API? ● Konstruowanie ● Udostępnianie

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4 Amazon API Organizacja ● All teams will expose their data and functionality through service interfaces. ● Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces. ● There will be no other form of inter-process communication allowed. The only communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network. ● It doesn’t matter what technology they use. ● All service interfaces, without exception, must be designed from the ground up to be externalizable. No exceptions. Anyone who doesn’t do this will be fired. Thank you; have a nice day!

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5 Struktura systemu

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6 System oparty o API

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7 Wpływ API na system /post/1?commentOffset=100 /post/1?commentPage=2 Blog post Comment 0 Comment 1 Comment 500 Comment 0 Comment 1 Comment 500 Blog post Comment 0 - 49 Blog post Comment 50 - 99 Comment 100 - 149

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8 Richardson Maturity Model Level 0: Swamp of POX

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9 Richardson Maturity Model Level 0: Swamp of POX

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10 Richardson Maturity Model Level 1: Resources

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11 Richardson Maturity Model Level 2: HTTP Verbs - CRUD

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12 Richardson Maturity Model Level 3: HATEOAS - Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

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13 Richardson Maturity Model Level 3: HATEOAS - Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

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14 Reprezentacje XML - JAXB

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15 Reprezentacje JSON - Jackson

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16 Richardson Maturity Model JSON HAL -

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17 Zasoby JAX-RS

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18 Kolejki Wywołanie asynchroniczne

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19 Restlet Budowa

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20 Skalowalność Sesje

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21 Bezpieczeństwo Tokeny

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22 Bezpieczeństwo OAuth 2.0

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23 Bezpieczeństwo OAuth 2.0

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24 REST inne HTTP ● Statusy – 201, 202; 400, 405, 4xx..., 5xx ● Przekierowania – 302, 303, 307; ● Media Types ● Cache – wygasanie, zasoby złożone ● Transakcje

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25 Dokumentacja WADL

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26 Dokumentacja Swagger

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27 Dokumentacja Swagger

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28 Dokumentacja Swagger

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29 Dokumentacja

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30 Inne opcje,,

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31 ● Projektowanie ● RESTful ● Responsive API ● Bezpieczeństwo ● Udostęnienie developerom ● Wersjonowanie, przestarzałe funkcje ● Realny świat, realne API Podsumowanie Na co zwrócić uwagę tworząc API?

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32 [email protected] - born to code Dziękuje za uwagę - born to code