Technical SEO for Publishing Sites
in 2023
Barry Adams
Polemic Digital & SEOforGoogleNews.com
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Advance Warning
“The whole problem with the world is
that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves and wiser
people so full of doubts.”
- Bertrand Russell
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How does Google work?
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Google’s Three Main Processes
Crawling Indexing Ranking
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Technical SEO
Crawling Indexing
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Google’s model
Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index
Rendered HTML
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1. Crawling
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Googlebot since 2011
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Three ‘layers’ of Googlebot?
Crawling Processing
Crawling Index
Crawl Queue
Crawl Queue
Crawl Queue
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Three ‘layers’ of Googlebot
1. Realtime crawler
2. Regular crawler
3. Legacy content crawler
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Realtime Crawler
• Crawls VIPs
➢ Very Important Pages;
Webpages that have a high change frequency and/or are
seen as highly authoritative
News website homepages & key section pages
• Main purpose = discovery of valuable new content;
➢ i.e., news articles
• Rarely re-crawls newly discovered URLs;
➢ New URLs can become VIPs over time
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Regular Crawler
• Google’s main crawler;
➢ Does most of the hard work
➢ Probably the crawler that
also fetches page resources
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Legacy Content Crawler
• Crawls VUPs
➢ Very Unimportant Pages;
URLs that have very little link value and/or are
very rarely updated
➢ Recrawls URLs that serve 4XX errors
-Likely also occasionally checks old redirects
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Key Take-Away:
• Realtime Crawler crawls your article once;
➢It is then passed on to Regular Crawler
➢Regular Crawler will visit the URL several hours later
➢Any changes made after the first crawl are unlikely to be seen until then
➢By then the story is not news anymore – the news cycle has moved on
• Consequence:
➢You usually get one chance to rank in Google’s news ecosystem
➢Get your SEO right before you click ‘Publish’
• Possible Exception: LiveBlogPosting articles
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2. Indexing
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Indexing and Rendering
Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index
Rendered HTML
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Indexing and Rendering
Render Queue Rendering
Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index
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Indexing and Rendering
Rendering takes time, and news doesn’t have time.
Indexing is initially with raw HTML only.
Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index
Render Queue Rendering
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Rendering isn’t the only shortcut…
Google wants publishers to noindex syndicated content.
Because Google sucks at identifying duplicate content.
At least, it can’t de-duplicate quickly.
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Indexing is a multi-layered set of processes
Render Queue Rendering
Crawl Queue Crawling Processing
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Known Indexing Processes
• HTML Lexer;
➢ Tokenises HTML
• Parser;
➢ Extracts content from HTML for indexing
• Canonicaliser;
➢ Determines a URL’s canonical version
• Deduplicator;
➢ Reduces the amount of identical content in the index
• Pageranker;
➢ Calculates link value (FMA PageRank) for each URL
• Many, many more…
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What about the Index itself?
Render Queue Rendering
Crawl Queue Crawling Processing Index
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Three Crawlers… Three Indices?
Realtime crawler
Regular crawler
Legacy content crawler
RAM storage
SSD storage
HDD storage
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Three Layers of Index Storage
1. RAM storage;
➢ Pages that need to be served quickly and frequently
Includes news articles but also popular content
2. SSD storage;
➢ Pages that are regularly served in SERPs but aren’t super popular
3. HDD storage;
➢ Pages that are rarely (if ever) served in SERPs
Key Take-Aways:
1. Make indexing easy for Googlebot;
Put all your critical content in the HTML source
Don’t rely on rendering to load valuable content
2. There’s no such thing as a duplicate content penalty;
However, duplicate content on a single site means the site
is competing with itself… and that’s stupid.
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Technical SEO in 2023
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The Basics - Crawling
1. Efficient Crawling;
➢ Server Response Time
- Aim for 600ms or faster
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The Basics - Crawling
1. Efficient Crawling;
➢ Server Response Time
➢ Clean URLs
- Never use tracking parameters on internal links
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The Basics - Crawling
1. Efficient Crawling;
➢ Server Response Time
➢ Clean URLs
➢ Lightweight pages;
- Page resources consume crawl budget
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The Basics - Crawling
1. Efficient Crawling;
➢ Server Response Time
➢ Clean URLs
➢ Lightweight pages
➢ Pagination;
- Balance between paginated URLs and crawl waste
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The Basics - Crawling
1. Efficient Crawling;
➢ Server Response Time
➢ Clean URLs
➢ Lightweight pages
➢ Pagination
➢ Correct HTTP status codes
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The Basics - Crawling
1. Efficient Crawling;
➢ Server Response Time
➢ Clean URLs
➢ Lightweight pages
➢ Pagination
➢ Correct HTTP status codes
➢ AdsBot can be unruly
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The Basics – Indexing
2. Effortless indexing;
➢ Semantic HTML
- No client-side JS to load content
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The Basics - Indexing
2. Effortless indexing;
➢ Semantic HTML
This is a bad way to code an article headline
This is a properly coded article headline
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The Basics - Indexing
2. Effortless indexing;
➢ Semantic HTML
➢ Clean HTML in
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The Basics - Indexing
2. Effortless indexing;
➢ Semantic HTML
➢ Clean HTML in
➢ Uninterrupted HTML in article
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The Basics - Indexing
2. Effortless indexing;
➢ Semantic HTML
➢ Clean HTML in
➢ Uninterrupted HTML in article
➢ Good structured data;
- NewsArticle for articles
- Person for author pages
- Keep it lean, don’t over-annotate
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Google used to be Deterministic
• Action A leads to ranking B;
➢Relatively simple crawling, indexing, and ranking systems
➢Few websites, low competition
➢Fairly predictable
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Google today is Probabilistic
• Action A increases the probability of ranking B;
➢Massively complicated systems
➢Intensely competitive web
➢All SEO is geared towards maximising probabilities;
- But… 99% probability still means 1% chance of it not happening
Content Pruning v Topic Authority
• Your volume of (good) articles on a topic determines your
topic authority
• Topic authority = good visibility for your stories
• Deleting old content could undermine your topic authority
• Only delete bad content;
➢ Age and low traffic are not enough