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Syuta Hashimoto openSUSE-ja Kubic with OpenSDS Kuernetes and Software Defined Storage

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Table of Contents ● What is OpenSDS? ● Container and Volumes ● Kubic and Volumes ● OpenSDS Service Catalog ● OpenSDS Packaging

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Self Introduction ● openSUSE-ja member ● openSUSE.Asia Summit global committee ● I introduce Kubic in Japan Hello! Nice to meet you! >

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What is OpenSDS?

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OpenSDS is Abstraction of Storage Kubic openSUSE OpenSDS Dashboad LVM Ceph AWS Azure STORAGE MULTI-CLOUD OpenSDS Open Stack

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BTW, What is Software Defined Storage? System STORAGE No SDS SDS sdc1 Admin ①Create ②Attach System STORAGE sdc1 SDS System System STORAGE sdc1 ②Create ③Attach ①Request

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OpenSDS outline Kubic openSUSE OpenSDS Dashboad LVM Ceph AWS Azure STORAGE MULTI-CLOUD OpenSDS Open Stack Request Create Attach

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STORAGE & MULTI-CLOUD functions LVM Ceph STORAGE OpenSDS ● Create Volume ● Replication ● BackUp AWS Azure MULTI-CLOUD ● Upload & Download ● Migration

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Roadmap RELEASE FUNCTIONS 2017H2 ZEALAND (sample implementation) 2018H1 ARUBA Replication, Block Storage, ・・・ 2018H2 BALI S3 Object, Multi-Cloud, ・・・ 2019H1 CAPRI Data Lifecycle, Telemetry, ・・・ 2019H2 DAITO Data Protection, ・・・

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Container and Volumes

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Mount Host Path & Data Volume Container HOST Container Image Container DATA Data Volume Container

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Kubic and Volumes

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StorageClass Persistent Volume STORAGE StorageClass PersistentVolume Pod Persistent Volume Claim Admin PVC PV PV Categorise Storage Create Dynamic Provisioning Create Pod Volume Pod

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OpenSDS Service Catalog

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Service Catalog Managed Service ClusterServiceBroker ClusterServiceClass ClusterServicePlan Pod Kubic ① Get List ②Create Instance ServiceInstance ServiceBinding

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OpenSDS Service Catalog OpenSDS ClusterServiceBroker Pod Kubic ServiceInstance ServiceBinding PodPreset FlexVolume Match Label

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OpenSDS Packaging

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Packaging Status openSUSE Not Yet Red Hat Not Yet Debian Not Yet Ubuntu Not Yet

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Join Us at

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