Data + Diversity: Celebrating
W.E.B. Du Bois through
Data Visualization
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“I can hardly realize they
are all my people; that
this great assembly of youth
and intelligence are representatives
of a race which twenty
years ago was in bondage.”
W.E.B. Du Bois at Fisk, circa 1885
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In 1900, it began with them…
Thomas J. Calloway Du Bois in Paris
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…and Atlanta Universty
Atlanta University Debating Team, c. 1900 Women seated on steps at Atlanta University c. 1900
Color Palette
black brown tan gold pink red green blue purple
#000000 #654321 #d2b48c #ffd700 #ffc0cb #dc143c #00aa00 #4682b4 #7e6583
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In 2021, it began with them
Allen Hillery (@AlDataVizGuy) Sekou Tyler (@sqlsekou)
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Pen, Ink, Watercolor, Paper, Expos
Scripting, Digital Fonts, PDF, Internet
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Now: Modern Megaphone
Your Message
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Red, Black, and Green
10: Apr 8
1: Feb 5 2: Feb 12 3: Feb 19
4: Feb 26 5: Mar 4 6: Mar 11
7: Mar 18 8: Mar 25 9: Apr 1
Du Bois