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@jakewha on @jessewilson Dynamic Code with Zipline

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Dynamic Code

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SEPT 2022 DEC 2022 MAR 2023 JUNE 2023 SEPT 2023

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CHANGE PRICINGe SEPT 2022 DEC 2022 MAR 2023 JUNE 2023 SEPT 2023

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We Don’t Know The Future • So our apps prepare for many possibilities • Feature flags • Server-driven UI • Loose & Lenient APIs

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Backends are Stuck in the Past • Testing old client versions? So much work • Changing an API? So much work • Testing server-driven UI? So much work SEPT 2021 DEC 2021 MAR 2022 JUNE 2022 SEPT 2022

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The Web Solved This in the ’90s Every user is always on the latest version It’s awesome for customers, engineers, velocity N

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QuickJS • An embeddable JavaScript engine • 65,560 lines of C • 1.2 MiB native library in your APK • Authored by Fabrice Bellard and Charlie Gordon

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JAVASCRIPT SOURCE function sayHello() { return ['Hello', 'JavaScript'] .join(' '); } IN: QuickJS

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JAVASCRIPT SOURCE function sayHello() { return ['Hello', 'JavaScript'] .join(' '); } hello.js:1: function: sayHello mode: strict stack_size: 3 opcodes: push_atom_value "Hello" push_atom_value "JavaScript" array_from 2 get_field2 join push_atom_value " " tail_call_method 1 IN: OUT: QUICKJS BYTECODE QuickJS Compiler

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hello.js:1: function: sayHello mode: strict stack_size: 3 opcodes: push_atom_value "Hello" push_atom_value "JavaScript" array_from 2 get_field2 join push_atom_value " " tail_call_method 1 IN: OUT: QUICKJS BYTECODE "Hello JavaScript" EVALUATION RESULT QuickJS Interpreter

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JAVASCRIPT SOURCE function sayHello() { return ['Hello', 'JavaScript'] .join(' '); } IN: OUT: "Hello JavaScript" EVALUATION RESULT QuickJS

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JNI Bindings for QuickJS • JNI: Java Native Inte ace • Lets you use C and C++ libraries from the JVM or Android!

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@Test fun runJavaScript() { val quickJs = QuickJs.create() assertEquals( "Hello JavaScript", quickJs.evaluate("['Hello', 'JavaScript'].join(' ')"), ) quickJs.close() }

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Kotlin/JS • Run Kotlin in your browser • Or any modern JavaScript engine, like QuickJS

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Kotlin/JS is Kotlin • Syntax: nullability, data classes, named & default parameters, extension functions, annotations, lambdas • Stdlib: strings, collections, transforms, sequences, ranges, regexes, firstNotNullOfOrNull • Tools: IntelliJ, Gradle • Libraries: Compose, Coroutines, Serialization, Okio

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Kotlin/JS is JS • Syntax: dynamic, js("...") • Stdlib: Console.log, JSON.stringify() • Tools: Webpack, Terser • Libraries: either NPM or Kotlin/Multiplatform

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package com.example @JsExport fun sayHello(): String { return listOf("Hello", "Kotlin/JS") .joinToString(separator = " ") } src / jsMain / kotlin / com / example / hello.kt

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@Test fun sayHello() { val quickJs = QuickJs.create() quickJs.loadJsModule("./kotlin-kotlin-stdlib-js-ir.js") quickJs.loadJsModule("./hello-kotlin-js.js") assertEquals( "Hello Kotlin/JS", quickJs.evaluate( "require('./hello-kotlin-js.js').com.example.sayHello()" ) ) quickJs.close() } src / jvmTest / kotlin / com / example / HelloTest.kt

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Inte ace Bridging

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Idea • Running Kotlin/JS in your app is neat, but clumsy • What if it worked like Retrofit?

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API class Zipline { fun bind(name: String, instance: T) fun take(name: String): T ... companion object { fun create(...): Zipline } }

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interface WorldClockService { fun formatTime(location: Location): String }x src / commonMain / kotlin / com / example / WorldClockService.kt

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interface WorldClockService : ZiplineService { fun formatTime(location: Location): String }x src / commonMain / kotlin / com / example / WorldClockService.kt

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fun prepare(zipline: Zipline) { zipline.bind("clock", RealWorldClockService()) } class RealWorldClockService : WorldClockService { override fun formatTime(location: Location): String { ... } } src / jsMain / kotlin / com / example / RealWorldClockService.kt

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src / androidMain / kotlin / com / example / ClockPresenter.kt class ClockPresenter( zipline: Zipline ) { val service = zipline.take("clock") fun displayTime(): String { return service.formatTime(Location(...)) } }

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Implementation • Zipline has a Kotlin compiler plugin • It generates an adapter to implement bridging • It rewrites bind() and take() calls to pass that adapter • Outbound: implements the inte ace & encodes calls as JSON • Inbound: decodes JSON calls and calls the real implementation

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interface WorldClockService : ZiplineService {ab fun formatTime(location: Location): String }x src / commonMain / kotlin / com / example / WorldClockService.kt

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companion object { internal object Adapter : ZiplineServiceAdapter() {yyy interface WorldClockService : ZiplineService { fun formatTime(location: Location): String src / commonMain / kotlin / com / example / WorldClockService.kt

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companion object { internal object Adapter : ZiplineServiceAdapter() {yyy interface WorldClockService : ZiplineService { fun formatTime(location: Location): String src / commonMain / kotlin / com / example / WorldClockService.kt override fun outboundService(handler: Handler) = object : WorldClockService { override fun formatTime(location: Location) =, functionIndex = 0, location) as String }

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companion object { internal object Adapter : ZiplineServiceAdapter() {yyy interface WorldClockService : ZiplineService { fun formatTime(location: Location): String src / commonMain / kotlin / com / example / WorldClockService.kt override val functions = listOf( object : ZiplineFunction( "fun formatTime(location: Location): String", ) { override fun call( service: WorldClockService, args: List<*> ) = service.formatTime(args[0] as Location) },

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Kotlin Serialization • Bridged calls use JSON as an intermediate representation • And kotlinx.serialization to get that JSON

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Fast-enough JSON fun Json.encodeToStringFast( serializer: KSerializer, value: T, ): String { val jsValue = encodeToDynamic(serializer, value) return JSON.stringify(jsValue) }

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Suspension Bridges interface NetworkTimeService : ZiplineService { } suspend fun now( : ) Instant

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Suspension Bridges interface NetworkTimeService : ZiplineService { } fun now( ) Instant callback: SuspendCallback< >

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Pass-by-Reference • How do we encode a SuspendCallback as JSON? • x

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Pass-by-Reference • How do we encode a SuspendCallback as JSON? • By building another bridge!

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Example • To encode: 1. Generate an ID 2. Call bind(id, service) 3. Encode the ID • To decode: 1. Decode the ID 2. Call take(id) 3. Return the service

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Flows interface WorldClockService : ZiplineService { fun formatNow(): Flow }

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Flows Pass-By-Reference • Returning a flow? Pass-by-reference of Flow • Collecting a flow? Pass-by-reference back of FlowCollector • Emitting to a collector? Uses the suspending emit() function, which is implemented as pass-by-reference of SuspendCallback

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Bridging Is Powe ul... • Call Kotlin/JS mostly like a regular function call • Offer data & services to Kotlin JS using the same mechanism • Capable concurrency • You never see the JavaScript • You never see the JSON

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...But There’s Gotchas! • You need to close() everything you take() • Exceptions are wrapped in a ZiplineException • Code versions might be different! • Be mindful of parameter & response data size

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@Test fun sayHello() { val quickJs = QuickJs.create() quickJs.loadJsModule("./kotlin-kotlin-stdlib-js-ir.js") quickJs.loadJsModule("./hello-kotlin-js.js") assertEquals( "Hello Kotlin/JS", quickJs.evaluate( "require('./hello-kotlin-js.js').com.example.sayHello()" ) ) quickJs.close() } src / jvmTest / kotlin / com / example / HelloTest.kt

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@Test fun sayHello() { val quickJs = QuickJs.create() quickJs.loadJsModule("./kotlin-kotlin-stdlib-js-ir.js") quickJs.loadJsModule("./hello-kotlin-js.js") assertEquals( "Hello Kotlin/JS", quickJs.evaluate( "require('./hello-kotlin-js.js').com.example.sayHello()" ) ) quickJs.close() } src / jvmTest / kotlin / com / example / HelloTest.kt YUCK

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Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS ? ? ?

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Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS .js files build Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin

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Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS .js files .js files CDN build Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Your Upload Task

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Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS .js files .js files CDN build Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Your Upload Task Zipline Loader

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.js files build

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compileSync main productionExecutable kotlin atomicfu.js kotlin-stdlib.js kotlinx-serialization.js kotlinx-coroutines-core.js hello-kotlin-js.js zipline.js build

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build / compileSync / main / productionExecutable / kotlin / manifest.zipline.json { "modules": [ "atomicfu.js", "kotlin-stdlib.js", "kotlinx-serialization.js", "kotlinx-coroutines-core.js", "hello-kotlin-js.js", "zipline.js" ] }

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Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS .js files .js files + manifest CDN build Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Your Upload Task Zipline Loader .js files + manifest build Zipline Gradle Plugin

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Remember how QuickJS Works?

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SOURCE function sayHello() { return ['Hello', 'JavaScript'] .join(' '); } hello.js:1: function: sayHello mode: strict stack_size: 3 opcodes: push_atom_value "Hello" push_atom_value "JavaScript" array_from 2 get_field2 join push_atom_value " " tail_call_method 1 BYTECODE "Hello JavaScript" RESULT QuickJS Compiler QuickJS Interpreter

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.js source + manifest .js source + manifest Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS .js files CDN build Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Your Upload Task Zipline Loader build Zipline Gradle Plugin

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bytecode + manifest bytecode + manifest Kotlin/JS Source Code Running in QuickJS .js files CDN build Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Your Upload Task Zipline Loader build Zipline Gradle Plugin

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ZiplineLoader • Takes the URL of a manifest • Returns a running Zipline (QuickJS + bridges)

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Loading Strategy 1. Fetch a manifest 2. Fetch all the bytecode, in parallel 3. Load bytecode into QuickJS as it arrives

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Caching • We don’t update our kotlin stdlib every day • Only download it when it changes! • Same for all modules

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build / compileSync / main / productionExecutable / kotlin / manifest.zipline.json { "modules": { "atomicfu.js": {}, "kotlin-stdlib.js": {}, "kotlinx-serialization.js": {}, "kotlinx-coroutines-core.js": {}, "hello-kotlin-js.js": {}, "zipline.js": {} } }

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build / compileSync / main / productionExecutable / kotlin / manifest.zipline.json { "modules": { "atomicfu.js": { "sha256": "5eb408f3363d431344133ef5" }, "kotlin-stdlib.js": { "sha256": "f3363d431344133ef55eb408" }, "kotlinx-serialization.js": { "sha256": "4133ef55eb408f3363d43134" }, "kotlinx-coroutines-core.js": { "sha256": "d431344133ef55eb408f3363" },

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Embedded Code • Embed the latest bytecode + manifest in the APK • Minimize downloads on most launches • Something to fall back to when running offline

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Flows of Code val ziplineFlow: Flow = ziplineLoader.load( applicationName = "world-clock", manifestUrlFlow = repeatFlow(manifestUrl, 500L), )

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Always Fresh Code • In Development: • Load on save • In Production: • Load cached/embedded code if launched offline • Update to fresh code once connected

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Zipline On iOS

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Multiplatformization • Zipline is a regular Kotlin/Multiplatform library • QuickJS runs natively on iOS, no JNI required!

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Android App Multiplatform Libraries Downloadable Code

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Downloadable Code iOS App Multiplatform Libraries

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httpClient: OkHttpClient, fun ZiplineLoader( dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, manifestVerifier: ManifestVerifier, eventListener: EventListener = EventListener.NONE, nowEpochMs: () -> Long = systemEpochMsClock, ): ZiplineLoader

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urlSession: NSURLSession, fun ZiplineLoader( dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, manifestVerifier: ManifestVerifier, eventListener: EventListener = EventListener.NONE, nowEpochMs: () -> Long = systemEpochMsClock, ): ZiplineLoader

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context: Context, fileSystem: FileSystem, directory: Path, maxSizeInBytes: Long, ): ZiplineCache fun ZiplineCache(

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fileSystem: FileSystem, directory: Path, maxSizeInBytes: Long, ): ZiplineCache fun ZiplineCache(

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Using Zipline + MPP • Shared inte aces and types in commonMain • Implementations in hostMain, or androidMain + iosMain

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java.lang.Exception: unexpected timezone: America/Gotham at captureStack (runtime/coreRuntime.kt:86) at IllegalStateException_init (kotlin-kotlin-stdlib-js-ir.js) at ( at ( at (InboundService.kt:837) at (zipline-root-zipline.js) at at at j.u.concurrent.Executor.runWorker( at j.u.concurrent.Executor$ at Kotlin Line Numbers #1

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java.lang.Exception: unexpected timezone: America/Gotham at captureStack (runtime/coreRuntime.kt:86) at IllegalStateException_init (kotlin-kotlin-stdlib-js-ir.js) at ( at ( at (InboundService.kt:837) at (zipline-root-zipline.js) at at at j.u.concurrent.Executor.runWorker( at j.u.concurrent.Executor$ at Kotlin Line Numbers #1

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Kotlin Line Numbers #1 bytecode files .kt files .js files Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Zipline Gradle Plugin

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Kotlin Line Numbers #1 bytecode files .kt files .js files files Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Zipline Gradle Plugin

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Kotlin Line Numbers #1 bytecode files .kt files .js files files Kotlin/JS Gradle Plugin Zipline Gradle Plugin

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val hprofFile = File("fibonacci.hprof") zipline.quickJs.startCpuSampling(hprofFile).use { // ...use Zipline... } Sampling Profiler #2

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Sampling Profiler #2

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java.lang.Exception: helloService created here, was not closed at EventListener.takeService(LoggingEventListener.kt:36) at Endpoint.take(Endpoint.kt:127) at Zipline.take(Zipline.kt:132) at ServiceLeakingTest.test(ServiceLeakingTest.kt:67) Not closed Detection #3

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Code Signing #4 zipline { ... signingKeys { create("key1") { privateKeyHex.set("ae4737d95df505eac2424000559d0") algorithmId.set(Ed25519) } create("key2") { privateKeyHex.set("6207b6f19c9d7dfa8af31ed5d9789") algorithmId.set(EcdsaP256) } } }

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"modules": { "atomicfu.js": { "sha256": "5eb408f3363d431344133ef5" }, "kotlin-stdlib.js": { "sha256": "f3363d431344133ef55eb408" }, "kotlinx-serialization.js": { "sha256": "4133ef55eb408f3363d43134" }, "kotlinx-coroutines-core.js": { "sha256": "d431344133ef55eb408f3363" }, "hello-kotlin-js.js": { "sha256": "5eb408f3363d431344133ef5" Code Signing #4 {

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"unsigned": { "signatures": { "key1": "0f91508b8451a8ed4eedf723f22613fe", "key2": "ff105ef4a5bc691614c3b8b472808e2b" } }, "modules": { "atomicfu.js": { "sha256": "5eb408f3363d431344133ef5" }, "kotlin-stdlib.js": { "sha256": "f3363d431344133ef55eb408" }, "kotlinx-serialization.js": { "sha256": "4133ef55eb408f3363d43134" Code Signing #4 {

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Code Signing #4 val verifier = ManifestVerifier.Builder() .addEd25519("key1", "6207b6f19c9d7dfa8af3d5d".decodeHex()) .addEcdsaP256("key2", "3041020100301306072a88c".decodeHex()) .build() val ziplineLoader = ZiplineLoader( manifestVerifier = verifier, dispatcher = ..., httpClient = ..., )

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No Eval #5 fun getMessage(): String { return eval( "['Hello', 'JavaScript'].join(' ')" ) as String }

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No Eval #5 fun getMessage(): String { return eval( "['Hello', 'JavaScript'].join(' ')" ) as String } eval is not supported at JavaScript.(test.kt) at Method) at at at

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COOL THINGS 5 Kotlin Line Numbers Sampling Profiler Not Closed Detection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Code Signing No Eval

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Bigger Alternatives Exist JS ecosystem Works best when you go all-in JS ecosystem Strada is a rad idea Flutter ecosystem Go all-in React Native Web Views Flutter

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No Debugging • Zipline doesn’t (yet) have a step-debugger • You have to build for Kotlin/JVM and debug there

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Rules are Rules • Zipline lets you change behavior of already-released apps • Follow Apple’s and Google’s rules

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Powered by JavaScript? • But you never see the JavaScript • We’re gonna experiment with a Kotlin/WASM backend

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Next Steps

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Is This You? • Too much speculative code? • Too many feature flags? • Slow feedback loops? • Backwards-compatibility hell?

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Zipline Status • We’re close to shipping 1.0 • In Cash App this fall!

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Thanks @jakewha on @jessewilson