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X-Mas Pubquiz Web-Engineering Edition

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Rules • team up in groups of 4-6 • select a team name • get your answer sheets • no smartphones • no cheating at all

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Rules • write the answers down • don't share them with other teams • sheets are collected after each round • solutions and scores afterwards • lightning talks in-between

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Find your teams

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Round 1 Know that lib?

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Round 1 Know that lib? • >50 mio downloads • >8000 stars on github • ~5 years old • v1.0.49 league/flysystem monolog/monolog ocramius/proxy-manager doctrine/annotations 1.1

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Round 1 Know that lib? drupal/drupal 1.2 laravel/framework symfony/standard-edition shopware/shopware

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Round 1 Know that lib? zendframework/zend-cache 1.3 doctrine/cache symfony/cache johnny/cache

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Round 1 Know that lib? • >12.500 star on github • >6.700 forks on github • 30 releases • 943 contributor phalcon/cphalcon yiisoft/yii2 cakephp/cakephp codeigniter/framework 1.4

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Round 1 Know that lib? doctrine/orm 1.5 illuminate/database propel/propel1 pear/db

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Round 1 Know that lib? monolog/monolog 1.6 ramsey/uuid twig/twig composer/composer jaem3l/auto-tune-loader • composer plugin • generates tunes by • file length • checksum

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Round 1 Finalize your answers & return your sheets

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Round 2 Guess the output …

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Round 2 Guess the output … 0 2.1 "" Runtime Exception NaN Javascript What is the result of `[] + []` ?

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Round 2 Guess the output … 1 2 3 2.2 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 2

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Round 2 Guess the output … string 2.3 cast ->> ::text

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Round 2 Guess the output … 6 4 23 2.4 6 8 42 6 8 50 6 4 31

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Round 2 Guess the output … 11 2.5 13 12 14

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Round 2 Guess the output … flux 2.6 boo floo phew bar bay foo baz

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Round 2 Guess the output … 11 2.6 13 12 14

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Round 2 Finalize your answers & return your sheets

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Round 3 NPM Package Bar at Weserstraße OR

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Round 3 NPM Package or Bar at Weserstraße 3.1 Receptus

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Round 3 NPM Package or Bar at Weserstraße 3.2 Pom Pom

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Round 3 NPM Package or Bar at Weserstraße 3.3 Victory Bar

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Round 3 NPM Package or Bar at Weserstraße 3.4 dots

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Round 3 NPM Package or Bar at Weserstraße 3.5 SilverFuture

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Round 3 NPM Package or Bar at Weserstraße 3.6 Soulcat

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Round 3 Finalize your answers & return your sheets

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Round 4 Commit message Samuel L. Jackson quote OR

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Round 4 Commit message or Samuel L. Jackson quote 4.1 English motherf*cker do you speak it

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Round 4 Commit message or Samuel L. Jackson quote 4.2 I hate this hacker crap!

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Round 4 Commit message or Samuel L. Jackson quote 4.3 No seriously f*ck you

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Round 4 Commit message or Samuel L. Jackson quote 4.4 Is crashing part of the game, huh?!

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Round 4 Commit message or Samuel L. Jackson quote 4.5 Well, the world is in a shit state

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Round 4 Commit message or Samuel L. Jackson quote 4.6 Given that it's a stupid-ass decision, i've elected to ignore it

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Round 4 Finalize your answers & return your sheets

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Round 5 Know that movie?

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Round 5 Know that movie? 5.1

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Round 5 Know that movie? 5.2

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Round 5 Know that movie? 5.3

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Round 5 Know that movie? 5.4

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Round 5 Know that movie? 5.5

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Round 5 Finalize your answers & return your sheets

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Round 6 What's that PHP function?

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Round 6 What's that PHP function? count_chars 6.1 chrchr parse_chars strchr

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Round 6 What's that PHP function? condense 6.2 pack compact compress

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Round 6 What's that PHP function? htmlentities 6.3 html_entity_encode htmlspecialchars html_entity_decode

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Round 6 What's that PHP function? setenv 6.4 putenv set_env put_env

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Round 6 What's that PHP function? eregi_replace 6.5 mb_eregi_replace mb_ereg_replace preg_replace

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Round 6 What's that PHP function? sunrise 6.6 date_daylight date_dawn date_sunrise

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Round 6 Finalize your answers & return your sheets

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